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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

We're getting blown out, and deserve it.

Outcoached, outhustled, outplayed, outeverythinged.

Honestly, at this point, it needs to be a blow out. It's gone on long enough with this staff thinking it can have this kind of play be acceptable and win conference titles and NCs. This is what happens when you're careless with the football, take bad angles, commit boneheaded penalties, and generally look unfocused.

And it pisses me off cause this is the 3rd year in a row in which OSU has excellent talent, but mediocre coaching in critical games.

And fuck FUCKS SAKE, DELETE AND BURN THAT FUCKING CAR COMMERICAL FUCK. 5 seconds into that commercial I wanted to put screw drivers into my ears.
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Honestly, at this point, it needs to be a blow out. It's gone on long enough with this staff thinking it can have this kind of play be acceptable and win conference titles and NCs. This is what happens when you're careless with the football, take bad angles, commit boneheaded penalties, and generally look unfocused.

And it pisses me off cause this is the 3rd year in a row in which OSU has excellent talent, but mediocre coaching in critical games.

And fuck FUCKS SAKE, DELETE AND BURN THAT FUCKING CAR COMMERICAL FUCK. 5 seconds into that commercial I wanted to put screw drivers into my ears.

I thought we learned our blowout lesson from Clemson.
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