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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

Fact of the matter is that when one looks at the program on and off the field, we’ve not had a better man in charge since Woody. And that’s saying a lot.

I’ll suffer a couple losses here and there, even a couple blow outs, to have what we have. There is exactly one program in the country that has, over recent and long term history, had the kind of consistency that tOSU has had. They just happen to have the best coach in the game right now. We’ve got pretty damn close... and I’ll take what we’ve got over what they’ve got when it comes to the state of the entire program.


After growing up with Cooper, I'm quite happy with Tressel and Urban.
Most importantly... 12-2 against that team up north. I'll take that for the rest of my life, thanks.
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As someone who poignantly remembers the 80's and 90's under Earl and Cooper....this right here.

OSU fans should have very high expectations but there is a balance with proper perspective.
Right there with ya Jax. Having also experienced the underwhelming seasons and inexplicable losses during those eras, I can only say that I can't believe how spoiled our fanbase has become since 2002.
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As someone who poignantly remembers the 80's and 90's under Earl and Cooper....this right here.

OSU fans should have very high expectations but there is a balance with proper perspective.


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Some thoughts now that the dust has settled ...

First, let's worry about Sparty next Saturday and not Iowa in 2020, shall we.

Yep. So far, Tressel is the far superior coach. Urban has been way more fun to follow in sound bytes and recruiting, but not in results. I point my finger directly at myself in saying be careful what you wish for.
They played one game against each other and Tressel got clocked by Meyer 41-14 when the Buckeyes were heavy favorites. Why, overconfident/undisciplined/unmotivated/phoned it in. hmm, sound familiiar?

Looking at parts of Miami/VT game last nite reminded me of anyone/Bueller/anyone? 2002 Ohio State. Speaking of a team who couldn't pass the eye test lol squeaking by just about every opponent and then playing an overconfident U in the title game. I digress. How ironic if by some miracle the U gets by ND and then Clemson in the ACC championship game as they appear to be a team which is improving weekly. hmm, again sound familiar?

And speaking of irony, the Buckeyes getting clocked yesterday will reflect badly on the Sooners' SOS. And if the Buckeyes continue to under-perform may keep Oklahoma out of the playoffs.

24 - 12, at Michigan, 1969. I still fume over that one.
IIRC it was 24-12 at half and Woody forgo the rushing game in the second half in favor of Kern seeming to pass on every down. Again, sound familiar. But that was a game of destiny as both Bo and their star running back, Billy Taylor were from Barberton, Ohio including about half of their starters and after Woody clocked TTUN in '68 Bo had his team highly motivated/prepared for payback. Indeed Bo seemed to anticipate Woody's every move, shocking!

Not a die hard fan anymore mainly because of Woody losing games he had no business losing. Again, sound familiar. In other words I would have died in the mid '70s lol.

Was gonna put much of this post in the BCS thread(s), but that thread may become a ghost town, if it hasn't already.

And speaking of Saban's unmatched record, if not for the final td by Clemson last year on a play which Clemson could have been called for an illegal pick IIRC, 'bama would currently be working on a (35) game winning streak.

And they lost two regular season games in 2014/2015 to ole Miss by (6) pts. and one in 2015 to the Buckeyes by 7 in the semi's with a terrible qb.


Folks, there's only one Nick Saban ~ deal with it!

And it's interesting re: Alabama's 2018 recruiting class which is currently not at the top like always. Who's to say his recruits aren't better than say the top 5. Indeed, who are these experts who rate the players. The same fools who picked Ohio State to roll over Iowa yesterday. Indeed, how many of these 4/5 stars never come close to being in the NFL.

that is all ...
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great post. I agree

It is what it is. This sucks about a mile of donkey wang but this team was never a legit NC contender nor does it have a Heisman candidate.

Still control their own destiny for the B1G East division, the B1G title and a nice Bowl game.

Only thing I'll say about the actual playing is that somebody better figure out how to cover a TE/H-back or both teams from that state up north can boat race this team.

WTF is a legit national title contender? Was 2002 a legit national title contender? They certainly weren't on paper, but that's why they play the games. This team has all the talent it needs to win it all. They're missing some key ingredients like heart, determination, focus, and drive.
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God I have to tell you guys I feel fantastic now... I was a nut case this year. Checking every OSU website for every update, listening to all the media on the radio and of course breaking my house last week against Penn State. I'm a passionate buckeye fan but this year takes the cake. Now that it's over in terms of the playoffs I can finally just get back to what is typical and normal.

Sure I'll still keep tabs and listen to 97.1 but now I can watch games without yelling and freaking out. I can just have fun and it feels great. Something about this team always felt forced and I feel like I was trying to will them to a win when I'd watch this year as dumb as that sounds.

I'll never do this again... I'll never get so amped up that literally it becomes not enjoyable to watch the games. Until this year I've never done that but finally I feel like the lie is over. We are a great team and IMO the most storied program in football but unfortunately we aren't the best right now. Which is fine because there's nothing like trying to get to the top. We were there once and we will be there again I believe soon.

Go bucks!
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The more I think about this season, the less confident I get moving forward.

We've played 3 above average teams this year and we got blown out twice and took a miraculous comeback to win the other.

We have 2 (potentially 3 if we make it to CCG) more above average teams coming. scUM I feel confident on because, well, we always win. But MSU? A team with a very good defense, a smart QB who is playing with confidence right now and limits turnovers and an established ground game? Sounds a lot like Iowa.
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Yep. So far, Tressel is the far superior coach. Urban has been way more fun to follow in sound bytes and recruiting, but not in results. I point my finger directly at myself in saying be careful what you wish for.
Funny, I don't recall use losing four games in one season under Meyer (as did Tressel in 2004), let alone five (as did Tressel in 2001).
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