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Ohio State 92, Memphis 76 (Final)

99Tiger;793376; said:
Don't take it as any kind of slight against the Buckeyes, but the Aggies scared me more. It's only in reference to their style of defense being the oen thing that truly gives Memphis fits. Memphis could very well lose today, I'm not trying to imply that we can't...but when I saw that we were in a bracket with A&M, I said a few things that most message boards won't let you post. :)

Dorsey...I can promise you that Oden won't toss him around. Oden may weigh more, but Dorsey is nothing but muscle.

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Make way for the Buckeyes!
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Great game Buckeyes.

I thought the game would come down to outside shooting, and it would have, had it not been for NO inside defense.

Dorsey made a mistake to wake GO up like that, but he's pretty much a seventh option on O. The squadooch he laid on the scoreboard hurt us a lot less than his stupid fouls and three boards.

All that said, we were in it right til the end.

You guys played a great game. Good luck in the final four.

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