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Ohio State 85, Tennessee 84 (final)

One thing I think we have in our favor is the 2-3 zone we have used the past 10 games that has really been effective, we didn't use this against UT if I remember correctly, we have the quickness on the perimeter to control their outside guys in my opinion. Oden will get his shots, he will have to hit more than this past weekend or we could be in for a battle.

Lofton will get his points, we held him to 21 in the first meeting but it was the rest of UT's shooters to get going that was the difference in the game. Remember that we were up by double digits midway through the second half of the first game but had some untimely turnovers and silly turnovers that got them back in the game.....we handle their pressure, we win.
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Article published Monday, March 19, 2007
Tennessee expecting an improved OSU team


COLUMBUS - Tennessee coach Bruce Pearl said he was just guessing, but he suspects "that Ohio State has gotten a lot better than we have" since the two teams met earlier this season.

That might be encouraging to OSU fans, considering the Buckeyes edged the Vols by just 68-66 in mid-January at nearby Value City Arena. And that was with Greg Oden amassing 24 points, 15 rebounds, and three blocked shots for the Buckeyes.

Yesterday, Tennessee defeated Virginia 77-74 at Nationwide Arena to advance to the NCAA tournament's Sweet Sixteen, where it will meet top-ranked and top-seeded Ohio State Thursday in San Antonio.

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buckeyeinfla;786949; said:
we are too slow and plodding sometimes on offense...
Methodical offense is not a bad thing, if you can execute a method which creates good shots. OSU can, should, and will pick up the tempo at times. But they also have to be able to work a deliberate half-court offense that creates mismatches and good shots. Partially contested perimeter jump shots, or Oden working one-against-two on the low post don't qualify. This is an area where they're still finding their groove, and they're going to need to find it to advance much further.
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XtennesseeX;786849; said:
:biggrin: Thanks for the notice. We have the same problem at UTenn.

We have Texas, a University that was established 89 years after ours, calling themselves the real UT, which by the way is totally false. :biggrin:
Yes, but your uniforms are much more orange than theirs are. :biggrin:
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If the game was during the day we'd have a party and watch it on a several foot wide screen (I think 8 feet)...as it is I'll definitely be sleep deprived :(

Working on campus is great this time of year, shame I won't get to abuse it this go around
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