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Ohio State 85, Tennessee 84 (final)

OSU_Buckguy;786850; said:
oden and lofton are not the keys to the game. as each team has shown, if one is limited, others will step up.

by the way, there is no need to put the definite article in italics and quotations marks.

My point exactly, I think both of them will have great games. It all depends on who plays better as a team in general though in my opinion.
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Vols lay it on line, slip by Cavaliers
Lofton?s free throws help set up rematch with Ohio State
Monday, March 19, 2007
Tim May
Virginia?s Sean Singletary pulls up for a shot against Tennessee?s Dane Bradshaw.
Chris Lofton had a score to settle. The last time the Tennessee guard was shooting crucial free throws on the Ohio State playing floor, he missed.
Yesterday, on the same floor, with a trip to the Sweet 16 on the line, he made six straight.

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Matta working overtime in this tale of two teams
Monday, March 19, 2007

Two Ohio State basketball teams, masquerading as one, are heading to San Antonio this week.
There are the Buckeyes with Greg Oden, and the OSU squad without him.
The team with Oden plays a slower, half-court offense and can rely on the huge freshman center to own the lane when it packs its defense into a 2-3 zone.
Without Oden, the Buckeyes play more of a full-court style on offense and defense.

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Tennessee gets chance to redeem itself against OSU
Monday, March 19, 2007

Tennessee knew the noise, having heard the same sound 64 days earlier in the same cold-as-a-corpse city.
The first time it hurt. This time it haunted.
Xavier led Ohio State by three points late in regulation Saturday afternoon in Lexington, Ky., when Tennessee turned off the TV and left its locker room for the practice floor of Nationwide Arena. On the way to the court, a cheer erupted from the concourse.
"Oh my gosh," Vols guard Jordan Howell said yesterday, recalling the moment. "Again."

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Sweet 16 tickets
Monday, March 19, 2007

An allotment of 1,250 tickets for Ohio State?s game and the other two games in the NCAA South Regional in San Antonio go on sale at 8 a.m. today to Ohio State students, faculty and staff, Value City Arena suite and seat-license holders, season ticket-holders and the general public.

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?Misfit? Vols team gives its coach a birthday gift
Monday, March 19, 2007
Tim May

Tennessee coach Bruce Pearl had big plans for his 47 th birthday celebration last night. A little dinner, a little cake and a lot of time spent watching videotape.
Pearl?s players had already presented him with his primary gift: a 77-74 win over Virginia that propelled the Volunteers into a South Regional semifinal against
on Thursday night.

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game 1 with UT:

oden 24 points 15 boards (limited right hand)
butler 2 points
lewis 5 points (3 coming on the last shot)
cook 4 points

i certainly feel lewis and butler will get more than 7 total points in this game...conley is the key for osu..and childress and chism for UT..if those 2 guys can pull oden out and hit the 3...tough for osu....the bucks must play
all out perimeter defense in this game...

also like the sporting news said..i would love to see conley, butler, lewis, cook and lighty/hunter out there to change the pace up..we are too slow and plodding sometimes on offense...
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I'm hoping that the Bucks had a collective bad hair day on Saturday. Frankly, until the final nine seconds, when Miller did not have his team foul and force OSU to beat him with two foul shots and a three point deficit, I thought he outcoached Matta. Having Cage move to the outside and forcing Oden to move out to guard him was smart.

I like this team, but they're young. They haven't had but about 6 weeks to work together. They're going to need some breaks to make it to the final four.
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I like our match-ups in this game and I feel like we will play well on Thursday, especially Oden. I also think you can't take away much from the first game between these two teams because I feel like this will be a much different game. I see tOSU getting Oden involved early but I also see us looking to play outside in. UT can get up and down the court but the key to the game will be how we handle their press.....first game we struggled but we have improved in the turnover department as the season has gone on. Simply put, I like our chances if we play our style of basketball and do not get caught up in their helter skelter style offense.
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I think UT poses a huge challenge to us. They have 4-5 guys who can light it up from three point range, and our perimeter defense has struggled at times this year. What's worse, Lofton can step back and create his own shot as well as anyone in college basketball, which makes me think that he'll get his points no matter how tightly we guard him (and if he drives and we foul him, forget about it--he's also a phenomenal free throw shooter, as he showed yesterday). I also think that UT's full court press poses a problem for us, as we struggled with it a lot last time. Hopefully, Matta and the boys will work on that a lot this week.

Ultimately, I think this game comes down to how the refs call the game. The Xavier game proved that if the refs allow football to be played, then Oden can be neutralized by much smaller defenders.
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