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Ohio State 85, Tennessee 84 (final)

HabaneroBuck;786666; said:
If there was a link in this thread to a photo of a topless Pat Summitt...you really wouldn't click on it, grad?
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Welcome to BP, vols... always nice to have some well-tempered outsiders to add to the discussions.
sickemsmokey10;786648; said:
hey guys. I can't wait for the game. I think it's gonna be a great one, but I have one question, should our guys were our football teams shoulder pads incase Oden tries to push them out of bounds:tongue2:
I've yet to see a team play Oden where he didn't need some.
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I didnt think that XU played well against Oden because they were more physical with him, I thhink it was because they were able to bring him to the outside with their big guys (Duncan and Doleman) who can shoot the three.
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OmahaBeef;786763; said:
I didnt think that XU played well against Oden because they were more physical with him, I thhink it was because they were able to bring him to the outside with their big guys (Duncan and Doleman) who can shoot the three.

..and Cage. I think you hit the nail on the head. I think Chism is a key - 6'9" and can hit the 3. If Oden is forced to play outside on him, that could be a tough matchup. Also, Howell did not play in our first game, I'm not sure how much of a factor his added depth will be. UT is playing really well right now, but Oden is more effective offensively now(he could barely use his right hand at that point) - that could pose a real problem for the Vols. Should be a good one. GO BUCKS!

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Buckeyes, Vols set for rematch

Ohio State won the regular-season meeting.

By Mark Gokavi
Staff Writer

Monday, March 19, 2007
No. 1-ranked Ohio State basketball team has come full circle with Tennessee.
The Buckeyes (32-3) advanced Saturday to Thursday's NCAA tournament South Regional semifinal after a 78-71 overtime victory over Xavier. Fifth-seeded Tennessee (24-10) made it Sunday with a 77-74 win over Virginia.

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Morning Journal

Seniors stepping up for Buckeyes when it counts
JASON LLOYD, Morning Journal Writer


Regardless of how Thabulous the recruiting class has been this year, Ron Lewis and Jamar Butler proved one thing very important over the weekend.

The seniors still lead them.

Butler did it Thursday in the opening round of the NCAA tournament. While Greg Oden was admitting to butterflies in his stomach, Butler was 5-of-6 on 3-pointers, giving the Buckeyes the early cushion they needed against Central Connecticut State to allow the first-year players to relax and adapt to the tournament setting.

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It's a state of madness

Lofton's free throws help give Tennessee three Sweet 16 teams

Staff Writer

COLUMBUS, Ohio ? One clutch miss in the Buckeye State was enough for Chris Lofton. He wasn't about to miss again.
And for that matter, Tennessee's basketball team wasn't about to miss out on a chance for history.
Lofton calmly sank six straight free throws in the final 18.7 seconds, purging the ghosts of his miss against Ohio State earlier this season and purging decades of ghosts for the Vols in the NCAA Tournament.

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UT offense missing, but defense stellar

Staff Writers

COLUMBUS, Ohio ? On Friday, Tennessee re-wrote a few offensive records thanks to its 121-point explosion against Long Beach State in the first round.
The Vols are headed to the Sweet 16, though, thanks to their defense.
They held Virginia to just eight field goals Sunday in the second half in their 77-74 win. The Cavaliers shot 37.5 percent from the field for the game. The only team to shoot worse against Tennessee during the Southeastern Conference season was Vanderbilt in the Vols' 84-57 rout in February.

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OSU Tickets

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - It's on to the Sweet 16 for the Ohio State basketball team and its fans. Tickets for the Buckeyes' next game Thursday night go on sale at eight Monday morning at the Schottenstein Center on O-S-U's campus in Columbus or by calling 1-800-GO BUCKS. Ohio State has 12-hundred-50 tickets to sell for the two semifinals and the finals of the South Regional in San Antonio. The package costs 135 dollars and fans can purchase up to four seats.
The tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.
Thursday night's semifinals feature Texas A-and-M against Memphis, followed by Ohio State versus Tennessee. The winners meet Saturday with a spot in the Final Four in Atlanta on the line.

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I don't think it matters whether or not Tennessee stops Greg Oden. In my mind he will score 20+ points, and have 10+ rebounds once again. With that said, I don't think Ohio State can stop Chris Lofton who had 23 points last meeting as well. So I think it will all come down to who plays better as a "Team".

Anyways Good Luck to "The" Ohio State Buckeyes.

Go Vols!!
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