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Game Thread Ohio State 6, Penn State 13 (Oct. 25)

Growing pains

I think it's clear that Tress has decided to invest in Pryor, and IMO, this is going to pay huge dividends before his career is over. I think most of us knew that there was going to be a game where he would make some mistakes. That said, I thought he developed a bit last night, both in terms of hopefully learning from those mistakes, but also as a passer. He made some pretty good reads and throws. placement is still an issue, and will be for a while I think, but all in all, these mistakes are something i'm prepared to accept in the long run. This is small consolation to the seniors, obviously, and you have to feel for them. Big picture wise, this is not the worst loss we've suffered, and though it cost us a B10 championship, it presents an opportunity for this team to improve, and will reveal charachter moving forward.

I feel as though we've really been spoiled, the last few years in particular, and maybe don't always recognize the level of play that we've seen, with the obvious exception being the UF, LSU, and USC games.

I'm very excited about the future of this team and watching them improve. Our defense played an incredible game, and we did some good things offensively as well, we simply couldn't put it all together.

Sorry if all of this has already been mentioned, but while i'm dissapointed, I'm positive about where this team is going.
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OSU lost and it sucks but, at least JOE PA got one against us and I really hope they win it out and bitchsmack an SEC school for the TITLE, GO BIG TEN.

not sure if it was posted but, it was cool having Lebron and some other CAV'S on the ohio state sideline. Recruiting ,,,:biggrin:
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Don't discredit your team for playing their hearts out last night. They knocked out our QB and matched up well with our OL. Clark obviously weren't comfortable in the pocket even during the snaps where our OL were holding up well. Mistakes happen and TP only started 7 games not to mention he's a true freshman. I know no one is happy with a loss but OSU won more than your fair share against PSU. You can criticize your team all you want but how many times did a pro team like USC went to the NC game or won the NC this decade? I hope PSU get to the NC game and OSU make it to the BCS bowl and both will win. Pryor already crucified himself after playing a heck of a game. Good thing you guys didn't have anyone like Morelli (he tends to complete more passes to dbs than our wr in these games) then you'd really have someone to criticize.
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One of the best games I've ever watched. It just seems like the Lions are always ready to fight their hearts out.

Just a couple thoughts - Yes, putting Pryor in now is going to pay off huge dividends, but I'm left wondering... Can Tressel and Daniels help this guy pass?

I don't see the arm strength that was so hyped coming out of high school. Troy had a problem with putting too much heat on the ball - this really is not the case with Pryor. And I believe it's easier to tell a guy to ease up than to just expect a guy to throw harder.

He's a freshman, and I've rarely seen freshmen pass at the college level (except for Stafford - and that guy's an animal), so I'm not sure how much improvement he can make in two years here.

But he did some things exceptionally well. His escapability is second to none. The right side of the line broke down REPEATEDLY, so much that we put a TE and a RB out there on pass blocking just to help out a certain tackle who was... having a tough time.

His speed is there, and it's obvious, but he doesnt commit to running the ball soon enough - I can't decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

I mean overall, the defense has to get an A+ for the night.

If Pryor is a year older, can make a few more reads, and can put more zip on the ball, we absolutely win this game. But I guess this is the essence of a rebuilding year.

I'm sorry my thoughts are scattered.
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Oneshot;1306793; said:
I don't see the arm strength that was so hyped coming out of high school. Troy had a problem with putting too much heat on the ball - this really is not the case with Pryor. And I believe it's easier to tell a guy to ease up than to just expect a guy to throw harder.
I thought TP showed off his arm strength in the first two games, so much so that he was probably throwing too hard when he needed to demonstrate a little more touch. It appears to me he's overcompensating the other way now. I think it's probably asking too much of a true frosh to expect him to know when to throw 100mph bullets and when to throw the moon balls, especially when he did not have the benefit of spring ball since he did not enroll early.

Eventually he'll figure it out. His reads right now are a bigger liability than his arm and his touch.
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joefoshow;1306714; said:
Does anybody agree with me that at the end of the game Todd should have been put in because he has abetter arm. T.P. was under throwing every single ball. Todd i think as a captain has better leadership.
Absolutely not. Todd gives up on plays too early. He panics and hunches down like a dog in the road about to get hit by a car.
Plus you can;t expect any QB to come in the game in that situation with a minute left and lead a team down the field on a 80 yard drive.
That's shades of Tressel putting Troy Smith in with a minute left against Texas.
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Tresselbeliever;1306699; said:
I respect your opinion but don't you think it would make more sense if Pryor didn't complete 16 out of 25 passes (64%) for 226 yards? Are we asking Pryor to be the best QB in college football right now? If not, then we got to pin the lack of rushing entirely on the OL.

I call that taking what the defense gives you. They stacked the LOS and sold out to stop Beanie. 16 of 25 for 226 yards is decent, don't get me wrong. But PSU decided they were going to challenge Pryor to beat them with his arm, they were right to do so, and it worked. Pryor had that good statline, but it didn't include a single TD from him (or anybody else for that matter). But maybe 16 of 25 for 226 yards was the next step for him in getting opponents to account for his arm, and that would be a good thing even if it didn't bring a win last night.

It has to be tough for Beanie to get a crease when it's 5 or 6 teammates there to block 8 opponents on every 1st and 2nd down. If anybody wants to assert that the OL isn't holding up their end, you won't catch me disagreeing. I just don't think that's the entire story.

joefoshow;1306714; said:
Does anybody agree with me that at the end of the game Todd should have been put in because he has abetter arm. T.P. was under throwing every single ball. Todd i think as a captain has better leadership.

I disagree with that completely. The decision has been made, and you have to stick with it. If that means taking a few lumps along the way, then so be it. If you go back to Boeckman you risk undoing any progress that is being made now for the future of Pryor and the way the rest of this team plays with him.
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A couple notes about Pryor as a passer: he's 75 for 115 (65%) for 879 yards, 6 TDs and 3 INTs. His 3 INTs were a Hail Mary to end a half (Troy), a jump ball to a RB that surrendered inside position to the DB and did not have the instincts to contest the ball (Saine, Wisconsin), and a desperation heave into the end zone in a game his team was trailing by 7 with :30 to play, to the very same receiver that scolded him a couple weeks earlier for holding the ball and not putting it out there and trusting his receivers.

From the replay behind the line on the last play, it appeared to me that Hartline broke to the corner first, and Sargeant's back was turned when TP unleashed the pass. Who knows? If Sargeant doesn't turn his head around and chase that down, maybe the outcome is different. I thought it was a good play by a senior DB.
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I'm impressed with Pryor's accuracy, generally. Once he gets his technique improved he will be a complete QB. A feet problem it seems.
If TP sets his feet and gets a non-duck, maybe Hartline contests the pass.
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Taosman;1306840; said:
I'm impressed with Pryor's accuracy, generally. Once he gets his technique improved he will be a complete QB. A feet problem it seems.
If TP sets his feet and gets a non-duck, maybe Hartline contests the pass.

Footwork is probably the most underrated asset in just about any sport.

Pryor will have his ups and downs but consider Redshirt frosh Vince Young would just try to scramble given a glimmer of an opening.
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