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Game Thread Ohio State 6, Penn State 13 (Oct. 25)

joefoshow;1306714; said:
Does anybody agree with me that at the end of the game Todd should have been put in because he has abetter arm. T.P. was under throwing every single ball.

I posed this question last night in real time. Given how well Todd played against PSU last year, I wondered if it wouldn't be worth a shot. That said, I don't think you can look past what Pryor did on that last drive up in Camp Randall, so it seems to me he'd earned a shot to get it done down the stretch.

joefoshow;1306714; said:
Todd i think as a captain has better leadership.

I'm going to have to go ahead and very definitively disagree with you on that one. There's off-field leadership and then there's on-field leadership. Todd clearly has one; given when I've seen over the past year or so, I'm not so sure about the other. . . .
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Dryden;1306707; said:
5) Officiating - This one goes both ways. I think the officials did a fine job letting the players play and getting out of the way. They didn't call holding on either team, which I usually prefer, and OSU was the beneficiary a couple of times as well. The bizarre ball spots went both ways for both teams (long or short), and I saw at least two 'flinches' by the O-Line, one on Boone and one on Browning in the game, and they weren't called either. The only really bad call, IMHO, was the 2nd PI on D-Wash.

Agree and disagree on this....yes OSU got away with a few things, Browning on some holds.....but there were some obvious obvious holds on PSU that did not get called and the plays resulted in some nice gains.

Comparison of penalties shows OSU 4-48 and PSU 0-0. No team is above a penalty all game. 3 of OSU's penalties resulted in first downs for PSU.

Obviously rose colored glasses, but the bad spot on the run by Beanie for a first down led to the play that TP fumbled on. As Herbie said in a game like this inches mean everything. The officials are responsible to maintain the integrity of the game. I think they rely to much on replay and in my book replay if a fricking joke.....
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I think todd can lead both on and off, He obviously has the respect from his teammates or he wouldn't be a captain. T.P. won the Wisconsin game with more time and he didn't have to win the game threw the air like he was going to have to do this game. Todd has a better arm which is why I would have put him in.
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joefoshow;1306727; said:
I think todd can lead both on and off, He obviously has the respect from his teammates or he wouldn't be a captain. T.P. won the Wisconsin game with more time and he didn't have to win the game threw the air like he was going to have to do this game. Todd has a better arm which is why I would have put him in.

I think you missed the part where Beanie was held to 55 yards on 22 carries. Hey, but if you think we can have Todd stand in the pocket and throw all day vs. this PSU DL, then you are entitled to your opinion.
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joefoshow;1306727; said:
Todd has a better arm which is why I would have put him in.

What do you base this on? TP can throw the ball just as far as Todd from what I have seen and they both have shown a tendency to throw jump balls. If we are going on arm strength as our deciding factor then I would have put Bauserman in.

If you want to argue experience, ability to read defenses, etc. then that is a different discussion.
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Tressel trying to beat another top ranked team via the FG. Ho hum. Pryor will take the heat for the fumble that turned the tides, but he wouldn't have been in that position if Tressel could call a game like a legit 21st century coordinator.

How many big games does he have to lose before he swallows his pride and hires a real offensive mind? We're up to 4 straight, but who is counting?
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joefoshow;1306714; said:
Does anybody agree with me that at the end of the game Todd should have been put in because he has abetter arm. T.P. was under throwing every single ball. Todd i think as a captain has better leadership.

No no no no no no no!

Look, we've decided to rebuild this year, TP gets the experience this year, I know it wasn't expected to be that, but we can't yo-yo back and forth between quarterbacks. Let the kid build some confidence, and let's just win the last 3 games and hope for a Rose Bowl Birth.

I, for one, will be rooting for Penn State to make it to the NC game and cheering on my bucks for the rest of the season, with Pryor at quarterback.

I saw some great sights last night that give me a lot of hope for us for coming years, and still hope for a BCS bowl this year. So no, we're not going backwards, we are going forward.
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OCBucksFan;1306743; said:
No no no no no no no!

Look, we've decided to rebuild this year, TP gets the experience this year, I know it wasn't expected to be that, but we can't yo-yo back and forth between quarterbacks. Let the kid build some confidence, and let's just win the last 3 games and hope for a Rose Bowl Birth.

I, for one, will be rooting for Penn State to make it to the NC game and cheering on my bucks for the rest of the season, with Pryor at quarterback.

I saw some great sights last night that give me a lot of hope for us for coming years, and still hope for a BCS bowl this year. So no, we're not going backwards, we are going forward.

I agree...no
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O Nasty;1306741; said:
Tressel trying to beat another top ranked team via the FG. Ho hum. Pryor will take the heat for the fumble that turned the tides, but he wouldn't have been in that position if Tressel could call a game like a legit 21st century coordinator.

How many big games does he have to lose before he swallows his pride and hires a real offensive mind? We're up to 4 straight, but who is counting?

:lol: 21st Century? Like the space age, futuristic Spread HD that got held to 13 FUCKING points last night? Get a grip.
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