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Game Thread Ohio State 6, Penn State 13 (Oct. 25)

dre22era;1306477; said:
...And in response to previous comments of people responding to me.
yes when you return 22 starters and lose again prime time on the national stage The Season is indeed over...

There are still 3 games to play, so by definition the season is not over if you are a True Loyal Buckeye Fan.

But if the season is over for you because you can't handle the team not living up to your expectations, WHY IN THE BLUE FUCK ARE YOU STILL HERE?
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DaddyBigBucks;1306496; said:
There are still 3 games to play, so by definition the season is not over if you are a True Loyal Buckeye Fan.

But if the season is over for you because you can't handle the team not living up to your expectations, WHY IN THE BLUE [censored] ARE YOU STILL HERE?
I agree ..once a fan always a fan....I was a Reds fan growing up and when I moved to Illlinois and became a Cubs fan ..no matter what they do or don't do Im still a Cubs fan Living with only Illini fans I'm left to defend tOSU every loss..the Illini fans here can't figure out why JL is on the cover of every magazine. He's good but not a game changer(Im left to point to the pick he had on Colt McCoy as a sophmore), they say tOSU has the no.1 recruiting class and should be the best team every year. , ..Now for the good ..they respect and appreciate the integrity of JT, they love Thad Matta, they love our marching band, and like it when we beat scum. Just like life a season is filled with ups and downs I'm down a little today but nothing that revenge over Illinois and a stomping of scum won't cure!
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I keep thinking that Joe Pa took a page out of Tressel's philosophy and out Tresselballed us....

  1. No turnovers
  2. No penalties (ok 1 that didn't count)
  3. Solid defense
  4. Field position
  5. The offense took what the defense gave and did nothing fancy
  6. Took advantage of our turnover
  7. Won the game....
The only thing they probably didn't grade high in was special teams with the missed FG and the kickoff returns by Flash.....
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The only thing I'm confused about is how the O-line can look so good on pass pro (Pryor really did have lots of time to throw, unlike Clark) and yet so ineffectual in run blocking. :confused:

Otherwise, I'm disappointed but not embarrassed or upset. We lost to a better team overall.

Terrelle Pryor continues on his learning curve, and he'll get us back in the NC game, no question in my mind at all.
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OregonBuckeye;1306476; said:

That's the perception, and I can't totally disagree with it. The one good thing to come out of last night was our fans who were still harboring "NC" hopes this year will finally let them go. They were gone after the USC debacle - there was no way we were getting voted in - but some refused to believe it.

We need to perform well in the bowl game, and if PSU gets the NC shot we better hope they win it. If they get blown out, it'll only hurt us, too.
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DaddyBigBucks;1306495; said:
Was this a typo? We actually need PSU to win out for us to make it to a BCS bowl.

If they win out and we win out, the Rose Bowl would select us to replace Penn State.

PSU will certainly not lose more than one game. If they do lose one game, even though we would be co-bigten champs, the Rose Bowl would have their big ten rep and no one else will take us this year.

10 slots
6 BCS conference champs
1 notre dame
1 non-bcs conf. team
2 at large

With only 2 at large bids this year (probably), if the Rose Bowl is already full, everyone else will pick either an SEC or Big 12 team IMO.

Why are you assuming ND makes it to a BSC Bowl? Seems like quite a stretch to make such an assumption this year as they are likely to be 8-4 at the end of the year (9-3 at best). That spot will most likely go to us if we and USC win out because we are still better than any second place team in the ACC, Big East, or PAC 10 in that scenario. (Plus, we are worth more money to the bowl game due to our fan base.)

Not that they are the definitive authority by any means, but CBS is currently projecting we end up in a BSC bowl after last night's loss.

College Football Bowls - CBSSports.com
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1926Buckeyes;1306205; said:
Fine, I agree with the dissapointment, but to say this is nearly the same PSU team is bullshit straight and simple.

THis is a very very good PSU team and I'm not sure why some don't realize that. I don't know why you think there is no excuse for losing to such a good team at home. Just because OSU had a good streak going doesn't mean shit.

Go check out the game preview on this very site. PSU had 15 returning starters on offense and defense. That's a lot of returners, but I'll agree there was some turnover. Check out this Athalon article on PSU's 2008 squad. There was a lot of carry over for PSU from last season to this season.

But lets actually get down to the comparison between this year's PSU team and last year's. There's obviously the swap at QB, and one cannot overstate what an improvement Clark has been to Anthony "Head Case" Morelli. And Royster has probably outperformed Hunt from last season (though I was always impressed by Hunt's athleticism). The WRs are the same. The OL is the same. The DEs are the same (though Maybin has gotten playing time and played very well this season). And now here's something you're overlooking if you think this is a totally different PSU team than last season: yea, they look completely different at DT, but only because their starters were dismissed (Taylor and Baker) and their next most seasoned/talented player (Still) blew out his knee before the season started. In other words, while PSU looks different at DT this season, it's only because their best players at the position became unavailable and they reluctantly had to replace them with others they didn't consider as talented or capable. We see this at LB, too, where a great LB graduated to the draft (Connor) and their stud was lost for the season (Lee). So yea, they are different at LB, but do you honestly believe they're better there than they were last season? The PSU secondary is the same except Justin King is gone, and we could argue all day about whether that is good or bad for PSU, but the fact is he was drafted, incredibly fast, started every year he was at PSU, and would have been a starter had he elected to return this season.

So, in sum, this was largely the same PSU team that we manhandled last season, at night, under the lights, in their own stadium, during a "white out." In fact, they're starting players at LB and DT that they never dreamed they'd have to go to and didn't consider nearly as capable as the guys they'd planned on relying on. The big change is at RB (where they were fairly strong last year anyway) and QB, where the improvement has been drastic. All things considered, I can't understand how you can't see that this is, on paper, largely the same team that we crushed last season. In my mind, given what we returned, there's no way we shouldn't have been able to handle these guys, and, ten weeks ago, every one of us fully expected to do just that. The disparity in performance between the PSU game last season and the PSU game this season highlights what I see as regression at just about every spot on the field, especially when one considers this game was played at our place, under the lights, in front of a sea of scarlet.

utgrad73;1306277; said:
The season is not lost. This team has had a few up and downs but they will endure. I disagree with this post completely.

I hope you aren't somehow twisting my post to imply I said this season was "lost." I would never say a season is "lost" until we've played scUM and lost. But come on, man. What is it you disagree with? You don't think we've regressed along the DL? Along the OL? At WR? Our backfield hasn't been a disappointment, albeit in large part due to injury? It isn't a disappointment that our 5th year starting QB that had previously been referred to as an NFL-caliber talent is currently sitting on the bench because he was unable to face a pass rush? I give TB all the credit in the world for the way he's handled this situation, but it's a disappointment it ever came to him being replaced. Do you think any of the guys who elected to come back, aside from Jenkins, have improved their draft stock with their on-field play? Are you not shocked that the special teams play has probably gotten even worse than it was last season? If you "disagree with my post completely," please feel free to get specific and set me straight. I still love my Buckeyes, but you've got to be looking at this season with some pretty heavily tinted scarlet and grey glasses to not be able to acknowledge things have been disappointing this season.
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DaddyBigBucks;1306496; said:
There are still 3 games to play, so by definition the season is not over if you are a True Loyal Buckeye Fan.

But if the season is over for you because you can't handle the team not living up to your expectations, WHY IN THE BLUE [censored] ARE YOU STILL HERE?
lol that does not mean in any sense that im done with them.
iim just saying no big 10 title no national championship and now a mean less game against Michigan and whe we had a stacked team.
time to move on from this and prepare for next season
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Bill Lucas;1306491; said:
Thanks for bringing up the pass interference penalties. I counted three plays last night (including the two pass interferences) where the Ohio State DBs had EASY interceptions if they'd looked back for the ball when the receiver looked back.
yeh I almost broke my remote after the 2nd call. lol
waking up this morning I still feel good about our chances of making it to the rose bowl and expectations for next season.
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dre22era;1306582; said:
lol that does not mean in any sense that im done with them.
iim just saying no big 10 title no national championship and now a mean less game against Michigan and whe we had a stacked team.
time to move on from this and prepare for next season
Is there such a thing as a meaningless game against michigan?

I think not.
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Best Buckeye;1306591; said:
Is there such a thing as a meaningless game against michigan?

I think not.
i know its hard to swallow but in my opinion this game will be nothing but a celebration. celebrating the fact that we Owned Michigan this decade and that this is the 1st time in a long time that this will be Michigan's last game of the season. No Bowl Game. More like gala. Michigan don't stand a chance. and lets not even think about losing this game.
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You don't think we've regressed along the DL?

What games are u watching. If u don't think that unit is getting better your crazy. They are young and some guys were learning new positions and getting flop around. From DE to DT and from DT to DE. Get off the cliff. U were living in the preseason hype. Truth is we had problems coming in to this year.
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dre22era;1306600; said:
i know its hard to swallow but in my opinion this game will be nothing but a celebration. celebrating the fact that we Owned Michigan this decade and that this is the 1st time in a long time that this will be Michigan's last game of the season. No Bowl Game. More like gala. Michigan don't stand a chance. and lets not even think about losing this game.
How do you feel about the chance our kids have to win a pair of gold pants, is that meaningless? Or the chance to extend the streak of beating them ? Is that meaningless ?

Or maybe just plain having the chance to beat them, I hardly think the game is meaningless to our players, or to the michigan players who will go 4 years without beating us? Is it meaningless to them?
And by the way It surre as hell isn't meaningless to me .

I call Bull[censored] . :tongue2:
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