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Game Thread Ohio State 43, Youngstown St. 0 (Aug. 30)

DaddyBigBucks;1243108; said:
Not surprising that they mistook Hines for Flash. They've had problems with the "same number" thing before. It wouldn't be too hard to include an offense/defense check in their error flagging scripts. Knowing ESPN, they probably don't have error flagging scripts though.

Yeah... Thanks for pointing that out. I decided to leave what they reported as is...

I just wanted to get the numbers up. I thought about cross-checking but then I'd rightly have to do that for everybody else and their numbers.
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Saw the replay again and Robo was definitely favoring his right shoulder. Didn't lift his arm, and turned to avoid contact with it while being congratulated on the score.

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buckeyes_rock;1243111; said:
I agree, but I'd like to see TB get really comfortble back there before we walk into SC. Tough call though because you don't want to reveal too much or get anyone hurt in that process.

I think we'll see JT ramp it up a bit more next week, with less time for the backups, in preparation for a tough 60 minutes at SC.
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