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Game Thread Ohio State 43, Youngstown St. 0 (Aug. 30)

Not too worried about the offense not looking sharp. Lots of freshman play, switching things around, personnel-wise. We clearly have this team out-classed. JT will not allow this thing to run full bore. It's a good chance to get everyone out there in front of the crowd and settle everyone in a bit.
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1st half stats (espn):

1st Downs: 1 / 12
3rd down efficiency: 0-4 / 2-7
4th down efficiency: 0-0 / 1-1
Total Yards: 27 / 273
Passing: 19 / 146
Comp-Att: 3-6 / 11-17
Yards per pass: 3.2 / 8.6
Rushing: 8 / 127
Rushing Attempts: 11 / 22
Yards per rush: 0.7 / 5.8
Penalties: 2-10 / 3-28
Turnovers: 1 / 0
Fumbles lost: 1 / 0
Interceptions thrown: 0 / 0
Possession: 10:13 / 19:17
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OregonBuckeye;1243078; said:
Incredible throw but if he tries to stick it in there against safeties like the ones USC has, it's going the other way. I hope Todd is just working the rust off.

I have to agree, even TB needs to get over a few jitters. The second have may see TP and JB working it. I like the TP pitch option to Saine. What happened to Dane?
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Steve19;1243083; said:
Not too worried about the offense not looking sharp. Lots of freshman play, switching things around, personnel-wise. We clearly have this team out-classed. JT will not allow this thing to run full bore. It's a good chance to get everyone out there in front of the crowd and settle everyone in a bit.
Exactly. I think we'll see the first team offense on the field for one more drive just for a bit more game work then they'll be done for the day.
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1st Half Rushing (ESPN)...

Beanie: 10 carries for 91 yds.
Saine: 4 carries for 20 yds.
Pryor: 4 carries for 6 yds.
Herron: 2 carries for 6 yds.
Hines: 1 carry for 3 yds.
Boeckman: 1 carry for 1 yd.
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