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Game Thread Ohio State 43, Youngstown St. 0 (Aug. 30)

Go Bucks!

I'm watching 6 games right now so here are some things of note around country:

Georgia...number 1 team in the country, struggling a bit with Georgia Southern, 10-0...but it took them a bit to score (scratch that 17-0)

Florida...took them until 11:38 left in the SECOND quarter to score against hawaii...granted hawaii hasn't scored

Pitt...started out with a 14-0 lead, it's now tied

Northwestern struggle to begin but they are now up 9-3 against the 'cuse

Surprised Wisconsin hasn't put Akron away, jumped out to a lead but Akron has come back some. 17-10

Finally, Va Tech and East Carolina game is close, 14-7 tech
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Steve19;1243083; said:
Not too worried about the offense not looking sharp. Lots of freshman play, switching things around, personnel-wise. We clearly have this team out-classed. JT will not allow this thing to run full bore. It's a good chance to get everyone out there in front of the crowd and settle everyone in a bit.

Right. This is like a preseason NFL game. Folks need to resist the urge to overreact to anything we see today...with the exception of a monumental upset, of course.
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Steve19;1243083; said:
Not too worried about the offense not looking sharp. Lots of freshman play, switching things around, personnel-wise. We clearly have this team out-classed. JT will not allow this thing to run full bore. It's a good chance to get everyone out there in front of the crowd and settle everyone in a bit.

I agree and you have to treat these first couple of games as more of preseason. You are getting the starters time to work out the kinks and gel and getting a chance to see what the backups and new players can do.
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shetuck;1243099; said:
1st half receiving (ESPN)...

Brian Hartline: 2 for 59
Brian Robiskie: 3 for 41
Brandon Saine: 1 for 14
Rory Nicol: 1 for 14
Jermale Hines: 1 for 9
Jake Ballard: 1 for 9
Ray Small: 1 for 9
Chris Wells: 2 for 5

Not surprising that they mistook Hines for Flash. They've had problems with the "same number" thing before. It wouldn't be too hard to include an offense/defense check in their error flagging scripts. Knowing ESPN, they probably don't have error flagging scripts though.
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pokey;1243085; said:
The QB gets too much credit and too much blame. If our receivers can't get separation against YSU, I'm starting to think that Boeckman is not all of the problem.

We've already establish a "problem" one half into the season?

I know it was a long offseason, but c'mon pokey...
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Jake;1243098; said:
Right. This is like a preseason NFL game. Folks need to resist the urge to overreact to anything we see today...with the exception of a monumental upset, of course.

I agree, but I'd like to see TB get really comfortble back there before we walk into SC. Tough call though because you don't want to reveal too much or get anyone hurt in that process.
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