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Game Thread Ohio State 43, Youngstown St. 0 (Aug. 30)

OregonBuckeye;1243045; said:
Mighty generous of the offense to keep stalling in YSU territory to get the FG kickers some work.

Boeckman didn't look good on that drive.


Seriously looking forward to "Observations from C Deck"

I want to know if the receivers are failing to get open vs. FCS competition, or if Todd is just not seeing the field like he should.
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Jake;1243031; said:
Wanna field goal, we can kick it. :ohwell:

I was being facetious because we're not finishing drives but it has been remarkable how well our FG kicking has been under Tressel. I have to admit I'm to the point now where I'm shocked when we actually miss one.

Great kick on that 51 yarder from the left hash.

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Jake;1243050; said:
I was being facetious because we're not finishing drives but it has been remarkable how well our FG kicking has been under Tressel. I have to admit I'm to the point now where I'm shocked when we actually miss one.

Great kick on that 51 yarder from the left hash.


Yep. JT is a special teams fanatic.
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