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Game Thread Ohio State 37, Penn State 17 (final)

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Jaxbuck;974435; said:
Agreed they do an excellent job of it but I hate PSU and will not miss a chance to give them as much flack as possible. :wink2:

Nice crowd, next time bring a team is how I see it.

Gotta admit after the last time we went there I was having white out nightmares. Since then all of the "____ - outs" have been a bad imitation and overdone. It's the new 'wave'.
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MondayAM and 'Bus Native, you should both be in bed...

was at a wedding tonight and missed most of the game but it sounds like a good one. Yes yes yes this was a quality win... on top of all the other points made, the Bucks were going for the new B10 record of consecutive conference wins and now have it.

PSU is normally a tough game for us. In the NC year I believe it took a Gamble pick 6 to win 14-9 or something.

So I was surely worried that JoePoopiePants would work some kind of magic and the Nits would make their season by beating tOSU.

It also sounds like the offense did its part to win the game, instead of doing the "just don't lose the game" cha cha all night.

Earlier this week I said it's time to lose Mo W in the offense, and I also wondered where Ray Small had gone to. Any answers there?

Gotta read the play by play

Go Bucks!!! Just win, Baby!
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Nobody had dominated PSU like that this year, let alone at the Beave. And I thought the Bucks were more determined and fired up all game long than they have been all season. (That's saying quite a lot, too, because they've been pumped up in most their games.) The tight ends were looking for Nittanies to trample. How often do you see a Penn State team get physically beaten like this in Happy Valley?

I'm quite pleased with the precision and balance of that Buckeye offense. They have clearly improved every week. Undisputed #1 for now. Actually some folks out there will be doubters, but there's much less dispute now. I'm not celebrating a trip to the NC like they are on buckeyemark's happy wagon. Really enjoying this season.

Hopefully the (insert color) outs are done forever.
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MondayAMGenius;974446; said:
Gotta admit after the last time we went there I was having white out nightmares. Since then all of the "____ - outs" have been a bad imitation and overdone. It's the new 'wave'.

Yep....right up there with the wave, the "hey!" song and car key shaking. Then again you are talking about a fanbase that is essentially the Members Only jacket of CFB's wardrobe so its kind of fitting actually.
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When I watched the long pass to Small, I saw the TE (Ballard or Nichol, I'm unsure) take a step back and then get down in his stance. There was no subsequent motion prior to the snap. Then, he stayed in to block for Todd's pass.

Does anybody know why the coaches chose to do this? Why not stay on the line? If you're going to move back, why not motion across to the other side?

Thanks. :oh::io:
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schwab;974428; said:
Better update that sig Jax...:biggrin:

Jaxbuck;974454; said:
Yep....right up there with the wave, the "hey!" song and car key shaking. Then again you are talking about a fanbase that is essentially the Members Only jacket of CFB's wardrobe so its kind of fitting actually.
Come on now, no one steals Zombie Nation like them, given their additional "We Are [Team Name]" stolen chant they add to the end.
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Couple things in this game....

1. The tight ends have very good hands and Ballard is quickly becoming a big time weapon. He's a future NFL draftee for sure. With his blocking (such a dominant blocker) and his size he's a true threat. He reminds me of Olson from Miami.

2. Beanie is getting stronger and stronger as we close out this season.

3. The o-line right now is mauling people. The lack of pressure teams get, and the way we run block is awesome.

4. Was it me or did it seem like our D-lineman were laying down? What I mean is this... It seemed like our d-lineman were falling down an awful lot. I don't know if it was chop blocks, slipping on a the turf, or getting plowed over but the dline has got to hold their ground better. This won't be the last time we see the stretch play (michigan, and thats a better running game).

5. Boeckman is playing out of his world this year, and like Corso said on Gameday final jus not he's an also NFL'er

The pass defense had 1 slip up (TE reception for 30 yards on opening drive) but overall great game on the pass defense, and we got good pressure on Anthony as well. While I"m stoked bout this win at the same time there's still so much we can improve on. If the would've played like we thought they would this game maybe might've been 37-3 or something like that. I'll take the win though and I'm jus happy we won but I can't help but feel a little scarred that they ran for a pretty good clip on us.
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Jaxbuck;974454; said:
Yep....right up there with the wave, the "hey!" song and car key shaking. Then again you are talking about a fanbase that is essentially the Members Only jacket of CFB's wardrobe so its kind of fitting actually.

and the holding up 4 fingers at the end of the 3rd quarter or sayings like "trickeration" or teams with Red as a primary color calling their fans the "Sea of Red" or.........
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UpNorthBuckeye;974452; said:
MondayAM and 'Bus Native, you should both be in bed...

was at a wedding tonight and missed most of the game but it sounds like a good one. Yes yes yes this was a quality win... on top of all the other points made, the Bucks were going for the new B10 record of consecutive conference wins and now have it.

PSU is normally a tough game for us. In the NC year I believe it took a Gamble pick 6 to win 14-9 or something.

So I was surely worried that JoePoopiePants would work some kind of magic and the Nits would make their season by beating tOSU.

It also sounds like the offense did its part to win the game, instead of doing the "just don't lose the game" cha cha all night.

Earlier this week I said it's time to lose Mo W in the offense, and I also wondered where Ray Small had gone to. Any answers there?

Gotta read the play by play

Go Bucks!!! Just win, Baby!

Ray Small player his part but he is not going to be the star of the offense that Ginn was and that a lot of us expected. Not this year anyway.

M Wells played his best game of his career today in my opinion. Broke at least one tackle for a gain that I remember. I think that one alone qualifies this as his career day. But seriously, he hit the hole better than I have ever seen him, though a lot of his yardage was basically handed to him by the O line.
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