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Game Thread Ohio State 37, Penn State 17 (final)

bukIpower;974459; said:
Couple things in this game....

1. The tight ends have very good hands and Ballard is quickly becoming a big time weapon. He's a future NFL draftee for sure. With his blocking (such a dominant blocker) and his size he's a true threat. He reminds me of Olson from Miami.

Quiet killers on the bucks include

Ballard, Pretorius, and now Coleman. I would say Heywood, but the media is noticing him already.
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The tight ends are so overlooked by even us buckeyes! For example many times this year in the game previews we often give the other teams the edge in the TE category!

It's understandable though because the tight ends dont' do anything flashy in our offense. What they do do though is lay devistating blocks, and catch passes for first down. They won't rip off 20+ yard receptions very often but they are exceptional players. Way to go Ballard/Nichol
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MondayAMGenius;974493; said:
Give me time... But while we are on the subject of the Broadcast, how about ABC/espn missing plays during cut aways, missing the line up for psu, and a camera completely blocking the super bad robo catch.

Was that the catch that was overturned because the refs weren't sure that he had mentally comprehended that the ball was securely in his hands before he hit the ground. In the inzone no less despite the original spot of the ball.
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good night

I said earlier tonight, I believe Tress is a work in progress too. He never had NFL caliber players at Youngstown. His agressive play calling is overtaking his rep for being conservative. It's the team yes, but I think he's coming into his own as a brilliant play caller and not just a brilliant game manager.

It's a great time to be a buckeye. Win or lose, how many programs are better than ours? (include hoops)
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ScarletStorms;974520; said:
Was that the catch that was overturned because the refs weren't sure that he had mentally comprehended that the ball was securely in his hands before he hit the ground. In the inzone no less despite the original spot of the ball.
MAG was speaking of the TD catch. It's actually featured in the highlight summary I just saw on espn's website.
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Per CFNews.com. :lol:

Whoopty doo. What does it all mean, Basil? ... Is Penn State really that good? Of course Happy Valley on a Saturday night in White Out conditions makes it tough for anyone, but this is a fringe top 25 team that Ohio State beat up. But that's what a number one team is supposed to do. Todd Boeckman was magnificent, and it helped that he got plenty of time against the fearsome Penn State pass rush. Marcus Freeman, outside of the Penn State touchdown run, was dominant with 14 tackles, two tackles for loss, and a forced fumble. This was big, but beating a hot Wisconsin at home is going to be just as tough.
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I was surprised reading that assessment. CFN has been pretty bullish on the Buckeyes, even after last weeks game. This week's performance was just as dominant, without the big mistakes, and took place on the road. They're not disrespecting what the Buckeyes did, but the summary is somewhat dismissive I think.
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jlb1705;974536; said:
I was surprised reading that assessment. CFN has been pretty bullish on the Buckeyes, even after last weeks game. This week's performance was just as dominant, without the big mistakes, and took place on the road. They're not disrespecting what the Buckeyes did, but the summary is somewhat dismissive I think.

It depends on who actually wrote it.

One of the guys at CFN isn't a believer (Zemek I think), while the others are trending towards the Buckeyes.

No biggie, I WANT people to continue to doubt.
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Well, at least the person who wrote it got it up in a timely manner this week. The last few weeks they haven't posted anything on the Buckeyes until the next day - not very good for an outfit that really only has a news cycle once a week.
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