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Game Thread Ohio State 37, Penn State 17 (final)

Jaxbuck;974454; said:
Yep....right up there with the wave, the "hey!" song and car key shaking. Then again you are talking about a fanbase that is essentially the Members Only jacket of CFB's wardrobe so its kind of fitting actually.
Haha! I was outnumbered several to one at a sports bar for a nighttime Buckeye-Northwestern game. And they employed that stupid key shaking as if it would help their mildcats! At least until it was obvious the Bucks were going to roll--then they left.
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Lee Corso just compared Boeckman to Tom Brady on College Gameday Final. I concede Brady's greatness, but I'm also a Hater. It's leaving me kinda confused as to what to think about that comparison.

FWIW, Boeckman is turning out to be a FAR better college QB than Brady ever was. :lol: Good job with that one, scUM.
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jwinslow;974456; said:
Come on now, no one steals Zombie Nation like them, given their additional "We Are [Team Name]" stolen chant they add to the end.

yeah I'm sorry but if you find yourself surrounded by other guys with no shirts on and you are all singing techno songs out loud....I'm not saying that neccessarliy makes you gay but you may want to take a few moments and reflect on the opportunity.
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UpNorthBuckeye;974452; said:
MondayAM and 'Bus Native, you should both be in bed...

No,, just BuckeyeMark stayed up past his bedtime.. got cranky. go back a few pages.

[/QUOTE]Earlier this week I said it's time to lose Mo W in the offense, and I also wondered where Ray Small had gone to. Any answers there?[/QUOTE]

Ray had another big bomb(I thought he had a big one last week)
And thanks to a great night for the O line Mo contributed well. Beanie looks unstoppable, simply ridiculous.

Either PSU just blows, or our offense kicked it up big time. :osu:
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The thing is we don't need Ray to be the playmaker... We know/knew It was Beanie who would make or break this offense. With Beanie running as hard as he has it's taken so much pressure off boeckman to perform. I love this offense and maybe even more than last years offense. I like this years offense more because they are much more methodical and demorilizing than last years. This years team is physically bigger than last years! The oline is basically the same but is just more veteran and are even bigger than last years. The tight ends are truely a part of the offense and we go 2 tight ends often and both of them are glorified Offensive Tackles (especially Ballard). We have bigger Tailbacks, bigger fullbacks, and even bigger recievers.

THis years offense is about playing physical, time of possession, picking up small chunks of yards, and being EFFICIENT! I love seeing the 6-8 yards we rip off on runs, and then seeing the Playaction pass overtop.

We can hit them quick, we have the threats to take it all the way, but we chose to grind it out.

Funny quote off a commercial ... "who are you calling a cooty quenn you link licker" I dunno if its the beer or is that actually funny?
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Ohio State will fall @Michigan....Mark May is just holding out hope so he looks like a genious

The way I look at it is this... A) We want to prove ourselves in the NC and B) Hart gave us all the motivation we need by saying they WILL beat us.
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bukIpower;974486; said:
Ohio State will fall @Michigan....Mark May is just holding out hope so he looks like a genious

I think its safe to tell him that ship sailed a while back. Picking a game or two right won't bring it back to port either.
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absolutely great win! by far the best in the season. no complaints from me... i'm feeling very relieved and can't get the grin off my face.

we went into one of the most hostile places in CF and shot out the lights. there couldn't have been a better prep game to get us ready to go up to the cathouse and bring down the tsun. "test" game or not, the way the team came through that environment was just HUGE.

reps to all the buck fans going in there and supporting JT and the crew!

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UpNorthBuckeye;974458; said:
MondayAM if you recorded it, man I would love to see it.

I went HD finally and I wanna see the snot coming out of the PSU noses...

Give me time... But while we are on the subject of the Broadcast, how about ABC/espn missing plays during cut aways, missing the line up for psu, and a camera completely blocking the super bad robo catch.
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