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Game Thread Ohio State 37, Penn State 17 (final)

They took care of business today. I'm glad to see that this team is able to go on the road, in a rowdy environment, and still stay sharp. While there are bigger fish out there than Penn State, this game was very good in the sense that tOSU can put away a good team on the road, and play their own game when they want.
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This was a good test. That was a very good team we played, despite their record and inconsistencies and they came to play. They really impressed me. That was harder than Wisky or Illinois will be.

Im glad though that members of our own board can find a way to downgrade this win. It will be that much easier for ESPN to do it. I love playing from the no respect angle. When ESPN starts giving us love then Ill worry.

In other news, It seems as though Mississippi State has entered the race for the National Championship. Their win over their herculian SEC, sorry for being redundant, rival Kentucky legitimizes them as just another of the 11 teams from the conference that are capable of knocking anyone in the country off. Mississippi is the lone team that has not stepped up to the stellar play of the conference. This win only proves once again what a war the battle for the SEC crown is. If the polls cannot recognize these losses for what they are and place a 3 loss team in the National Championship we can at least suffice with the game that we all know will feature the best teams in the nation, the SEC championship.
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My analysis was lost in the crossfire

This was a good test. That was a very good team we played, despite their record and inconsistencies and they came to play. They really impressed me. That was harder than Wisky or Illinois will be.

Im glad though that members of our own board can find a way to downgrade this win. It will be that much easier for ESPN to do it. I love playing from the no respect angle. When ESPN starts giving us love then Ill worry.

In other news, It seems as though Mississippi State has entered the race for the National Championship. Their win over their herculian SEC, sorry for being redundant, rival Kentucky legitimizes them as just another of the 11 teams from the conference that are capable of knocking anyone in the country off. Mississippi is the lone team that has not stepped up to the stellar play of the conference. This win only proves once again what a war the battle for the SEC crown is. If the polls cannot recognize these losses for what they are and place a 3 loss team in the National Championship we can at least suffice with the game that we all know will feature the best teams in the nation, the SEC championship.
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jwinslow;974431; said:
Seriously... the student section is impressive, but there was very little white in the rest of the stadium. It was primarily navy/blue or scarlet.

Agreed they do an excellent job of it but I hate PSU and will not miss a chance to give them as much flack as possible. :wink2:

Nice crowd, next time bring a team is how I see it.
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