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Game Thread Ohio State 37, Penn State 17 (final)

I had a conference and board committee meeting in Memphis all day and just got back. The last part of the day involved a trip to Graceland.

I have to say something very positive about the SEC fans who were working there. When I started asking about the score they gave me regular updates. Incredible kindness. And I was sitting with a Penn State and TSUN professor in the meeting.

Elvis has not left the building.:biggrin::oh:
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...this was obviously the feeling before the game, and PSU was 18-1 in their last 19 at home. This was supposed to be a big test, the Bucks can't help they were so dominant. :biggrin:[/quote]

All I have to say to the knuckleheads (they know who they are) attempting to downgrade this win by Ohio State (Because, as you said, they looked DOMINANT) is to remember the 2000 season going up against a seemingly "average" Minnesota team.

I don't care how average or good someone is, if the other team is converting 90% of their 3rd downs (as OSU was close to doing most of the game), you're going to lose. Part of it might be your team, but quite a bit of it was OHio State doing what they HAD TO DO TO WIN.
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buckeyemark;974354; said:
Playing at night has nothing to do with it. Sure penn State is a tough place today, but again, they are average AT BEST. The tests will come in the next three weeks. If you think PSU is a good team, you don't know anything about football. I suppose you think the Bengals are good too.

This just can't be serious...

BuckeyeMike80;974360; said:


Anyway, this was a big win. Quite a few "experts" were calling this the first landmine of the year.

Ohio State ALWAYS seems to struggle in Happy Valley.

And I'm not entirely sure what not knowing anything about football has anything to do with it. I mean hell they gave Craig James a friggin Color analyst job.....

And I'm ALSO not entirely sure what the Bengals have to do with anything either......

The bolded part is the main point, no matter how good PSU is in your expert opinion, Mark. Just look at the last 2 years against PSU, 1-1, two tough games, and tOSU was obviously the more talented team.
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Steve19;974363; said:
I had a conference and board committee meeting in Memphis all day and just got back. The last part of the day involved a trip to Graceland.

I have to say something very positive about the SEC fans who were working there. When I started asking about the score they gave me regular updates. Incredible kindness. And I was sitting with a Penn State and TSUN professor in the meeting.

Elvis has not left the building.:biggrin::oh:


If you get a chance, watch the UGA - Florida game if you can. Very very good game on both sides and some things I've never seen before happened.
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buckeyemark;974334; said:
Are you listening to the same Mussburger that I am? He is always hating on us. He loves Michigan.

If you mean he occasionally says nice things about scUM ... then yes. But also says nice things about Ohio State. If you want a broadcaster that has their head stuck up skunkbear butt, I'd suggest Greasy Griese. That guy is almost as bad as watching Ntre Ame on NBC.
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Well I'm in the parking lot outside beaver stadium (and traffic is going to keep me here) and I had an awesome time seeing the Bucks for the first time. TB was impressive making not only deep passes but passes in between coverage. Penns first drive left me a little nervous but the rest of the game was great for the scarlet and gray. Go buckeyes!
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buckeyemark;974366; said:
No doubt, good win for the bucks. My only point is that we shouldn't get too excited over a win against a team that will probably finish in the 7-5 range. Wisconsin, Illinois, and Michigan will provide us with our big tests.

And if they beat Wisconsin, it'll be the same story you're crying now and how Illinois and scUM are the real class.
After Illinois it'll be about how they lost to scUM and Missouri and aren't that good... bla bla bla bla bla bla

I understand this is how the media spins things -- but do we have to take this same mindless bs on our own message boards?

We steamrolled PSU tonight. The rest of our games will all be tough competitors too... but tonight proved this team has what it takes to be ranked where they are.
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buckeyemark;974354; said:
Playing at night has nothing to do with it. Sure penn State is a tough place today, but again, they are average AT BEST. The tests will come in the next three weeks. If you think PSU is a good team, you don't know anything about football. I suppose you think the Bengals are good too.

Well its sure nice to have an expert here to enlighten all our dumbasses.

Explain to me how Wisconsin is such a step up from PSU when PSU killed Wisconsin, my feeble mind can't grasp that one. While your at it tell me how Wisky is setting us up by having PJ Hill hurt, his backup unable to travel for road games and a defense that has been torched repeatedly all year long. I'm confused on how one thinks thats a winning formula but again, we don't know anything about football and your an expert, so I await my education.
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