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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

generaladm;1180286; said:
I would put the PAC-10 just ahead of the ACC. Apart from USC and Oregon St., there are no defenses worth spit. Prime example, Reggie Bush looked like a golden god in the P10. Why? Because everyone who could tackle or understood the concept of containing a running back was on his team. When he faced defenses from other conferences, he was not nearly as effective. I would have loved to see him play against the 2005 Silver Bullets. Hawk would have eaten him. And now his jerseys sell more than any other non-factor player in the league. I would rank 'em 1. SEC 2. Big Ten/Big 12 (tie) 4. Big East 5. PAC 10 6. ACC.

Reggie Bush isn't one of the top college players of all time just because the pac 10 generally does suck..Sorry
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powerlifter;1180721; said:
Reggie Bush isn't one of the top college players of all time just because the pac 10 generally does suck..Sorry

Of course not. But it didn't hurt! I have never been impressed with Bush. Yes, he is a very good athlete. I do think he is overrated. If I had a nickel for everytime I saw him run to the outside and watch the LB that was supposed to have contain run straight at him in a panic, only to fall down on Bush's first move, well, I'd have a lot of nickels. There's your 25 yd rush right there. With a player as fast and agile as Bush, the D needs to employ the "umbrella" contain, like teams started to use against Teddy Ginn. Once a waterbug like Bush gets into the open field, you'd better hope your DBs can get an angle. Can you imagine if Teddy had played on those USC teams? They could have direct snapped to him on every play. Now that Bush is in the NFL, and not the fastest player on the field anymore, his output has come back to earth. I think the Texans were smart to pass on him. I would definitely rather have Maroney at RB. At least the Trojans got their money's worth. :wink2:
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BuckeyeGanoosh;1180716; said:
It's interesting the in BCS era how much more concern goes into conference strength since SOS is half the argument. I really don't remember having such an argument around conferences as a whole, it was more or less individual teams discussed in superiority to one another.

Does history wipe it, and I'm too young to remember? Or is this something that the BCS era has really sparked?

I think the BCS system has made more of the conference vs. conference question. Before the BCS, conference bragging rights were settled in bowl games that had conference ties. Big Ten/PAC-10, SEC/Big 12, etc. Now the big bowls are determined by the percieved top 10 teams. The question of conference strenghth comes before setting the bowl matchups. I know I pay a lot more attention to other conferences than I used to.

Just out of curiosity, are those fightin' words because you're pro or anti Neil Diamond? I knew it was Feynman all along.
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Back to the game.
Some of the lustre has come off Tressel nationally, but we have historically played well and been ready during the season. So. I look for the team to play very well, but lose a tight one at SC. :( This will make the media types and Buckeye bashers happy, but it's a long, crazy season ahead and who really knows how it will end?
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Taosman;1180790; said:
Back to the game.
Some of the lustre has come off Tressel nationally, but we have historically played well and been ready during the season. So. I look for the team to play very well, but lose a tight one at SC. :( This will make the media types and Buckeye bashers happy, but it's a long, crazy season ahead and who really knows how it will end?

"historically played well and been ready"? :slappy:
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There is no way that OSU plays well and loses. I just cant see it. They're going to have to shoot themselves in the feet at least twice. Then USC might have a chance to keep OSU from controlling the clock with Beanie and their staunch run d.
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BuckeyeGanoosh;1181218; said:
There is no way that OSU plays well and loses. I just cant see it. They're going to have to shoot themselves in the feet at least twice. Then USC might have a chance to keep OSU from controlling the clock with Beanie and their staunch run d.

by shoot themselves in the feet at least twice, do you mean both feet once, one foot twice, or both feet twice? this distinction is crucial to the continuing analysis of this game
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BuckeyeGanoosh;1181218; said:
There is no way that OSU plays well and loses. I just cant see it. They're going to have to shoot themselves in the feet at least twice. Then USC might have a chance to keep OSU from controlling the clock with Beanie and their staunch run d.

I agree

Boeckman is being ridiculed after having a good season for a first year starter

you would think that Sanchez is a seasoned vetran by the way Boeckman is talked about......... Sanchez has never seen a defense like Ohio State's in a live game but everyone is asking themselves if Boeckman is going to screw up. Wouldint a better question be how will Sanchez react to the best defense he has ever played against in a real game?

another point....

the loss of Sedrick Ellis is going to hurt USC's defense more than the USC fans want to believe it will, your linebackers are only as good as your defensive line and USC will be coming into this game with a young defensive line going up against one of the better offensive lines in college football
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buckeyemania11;1181248; said:
I agree

Boeckman is being ridiculed after having a good season for a first year starter

you would think that Sanchez is a seasoned vetran by the way Boeckman is talked about......... Sanchez has never seen a defense like Ohio State's in a live game but everyone is asking themselves if Boeckman is going to screw up. Wouldint a better question be how will Sanchez react to the best defense he has ever played against in a real game?

another point....

the loss of Sedrick Ellis is going to hurt USC's defense more than the USC fans want to believe it will, your linebackers are only as good as your defensive line and USC will be coming into this game with a young defensive line going up against one of the better offensive lines in college football

Good point. I think Sanchez's inexperience will be a huge factor in the game. If VG had come back, I would be calling for a blowout. Hopefully Cam, Wilson, and Thad G can get to him early and often to shake him up. I'll go ahead and predict that JL gets a pick.
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generaladm;1181259; said:
If VG had come back, I would be calling for a blowout.

Let's not underestimate one of the teams that reloads just as much as we do..

I know you're not saying we're going to blow them out, but it definitely sounds like you think we're going to win for sure. The last two times we underestimated a team, we lost (Illinois, Florida).

Sorry if I'm just reading too much into that. I just don't like seeing stuff like that, especially with an opponent like USC.
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powerlifter;1180721; said:
Reggie Bush isn't one of the top college players of all time just because the pac 10 generally does suck..Sorry
We'll have to agree to disagree.. while he may not be one of the best all time - he's easily one of the best I've seen in my lifetime.

buckeyemania11;1181248; said:
Sanchez has never seen a defense like Ohio State's in a live game but everyone is asking themselves if Boeckman is going to screw up. Wouldint a better question be how will Sanchez react to the best defense he has ever played against in a real game?
Understood, but Boeckman didn't fair well against the 3 best teams we faced last year - Illi, scUM, & LSU - should be a great game.. the two best teams of the last 10 years finally play.. I'm pumped.
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