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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

What exactly is an up year for the PAC-10? USC goes undefeated and another team makes a BCS bowl? Has that ever happened?
Maybe they have more than 3 teams that actually have a college level defense? Nobody has to travel to South Bend?
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ASU was a complete fake! They beat no one. Oregon was very similiar to WVU. A team living off one stellar athlete. He goes down they are nothing.
Who else was there? UCLA...please. Cal? A train wreck.
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Oregon was very similiar to WVU. A team living off one stellar athlete.
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Where did Stewart go after Dixon got hurt?
In the first round as a junior.
But, yes. I overstated on Oregon.
Many offenses fall apart without their qb. Oregon's depth was exposed, not their regulars.
Appy State was arguably, Oregon's equal!
Exploiting UM's decade long ineptitude vs the spread does not come close to beating USC. RB is a huge difference, and Armanti gave the game away vs UM, only to have the favor returned.

Appy St is capable of rising up occasionally. Oregon would win a 7 game series against almost anyone, imo.
And the Big Ten didn't look very good in those numbers, either.

Clearly, the SEC was the best conference.
Undoubtedly. Wish UGA had played SC.
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Taosman;1180216; said:
ASU was a complete fake! They beat no one. Oregon was very similiar to WVU. A team living off one stellar athlete. He goes down they are nothing.
Who else was there? UCLA...please. Cal? A train wreck.

This is it, exactly! But yet, all regular season long last year, we heard the punk-dits say how tough the Pac10 is overall, maybe better even than the SEC, what a joke...and how weak the Big10 is...throughout. :crazy:

I agree, the best conference overall was the SEC. Painfully, I have the Big10 third, ever, ever so slightly behind Big12.
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I would put the PAC-10 just ahead of the ACC. Apart from USC and Oregon St., there are no defenses worth spit. Prime example, Reggie Bush looked like a golden god in the P10. Why? Because everyone who could tackle or understood the concept of containing a running back was on his team. When he faced defenses from other conferences, he was not nearly as effective. I would have loved to see him play against the 2005 Silver Bullets. Hawk would have eaten him. And now his jerseys sell more than any other non-factor player in the league. I would rank 'em 1. SEC 2. Big Ten/Big 12 (tie) 4. Big East 5. PAC 10 6. ACC.
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generaladm;1180678; said:
Thank God! For a second, I thought it was Neil Diamond. :biggrin:

OUCH. Them's fightin words. You ought to know I bench 450 online. :biggrin:

Good call on Feynman, though :wink2:

alpo;1180266; said:
say how tough the Pac10 is overall, maybe better even than the SEC, what a joke...and how weak the Big10 is...throughout.

It's interesting the in BCS era how much more concern goes into conference strength since SOS is half the argument. I really don't remember having such an argument around conferences as a whole, it was more or less individual teams discussed in superiority to one another.

Does history wipe it, and I'm too young to remember? Or is this something that the BCS era has really sparked?
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generaladm;1180286; said:
I would put the PAC-10 just ahead of the ACC. Apart from USC and Oregon St., there are no defenses worth spit. Prime example, Reggie Bush looked like a golden god in the P10. Why? Because everyone who could tackle or understood the concept of containing a running back was on his team. When he faced defenses from other conferences, he was not nearly as effective. I would have loved to see him play against the 2005 Silver Bullets. Hawk would have eaten him. And now his jerseys sell more than any other non-factor player in the league. I would rank 'em 1. SEC 2. Big Ten/Big 12 (tie) 4. Big East 5. PAC 10 6. ACC.

Switch those two and I agree.

Taosman;1180229; said:
Depth is a key component of team strength. Oregon didn't have it and was over rated. :tongue2: The Pac and Big Ten look about equal.

Do you even know how many season-ending injuries Oregon suffered? I don't think any team would've done better had they been under similar circumstances. Dixon going down just broke the camel's back. The Pac-10 may have been overrated but you can't deny all the signature victories it had; probably more than any other conference.
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