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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

Now, I think the Buckeyes were better than they played in all three of those game but this was more than just a loss. They've become the laughing stock of CFB, whether deserved or not.
Laughing stock of college football??? Really? Last time I checked we have won 3 Big 10 championships in a row. Look...if college football fans want to poke fun at Ohio State, then go ahead. 12-1...11-2. Would you rather be Notre Dame? Would you rather be 1-2 right now like Michigan? Would you rather be West Virgina and get blown out by ECU!!!! ECU!?!?!? We got blown out by USC!! USC is the best team in the country. So...yeah, we aren't the best team in the country. So what? If that makes us the laughing stock of college football...then so be it. My question to fans laughing at us...is who is their team? There aren't many teams in the country that can say they are as good as Ohio State, or have had as good of a decade as we have. Since 2001 when Tressel got here...you can't name 5 teams that have done more than we have. What more can you ask for? Sure i'd love to be #1 every year...but I think OSU fans are getting greedy and short sighted if they really think that our program is in trouble.
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bukIpower;1259913; said:
I'd say the biggest upgrade bar none has to be across the defensive front, and namely the defensive tackle position. We don't have those run stuffing tackles anymore. Hell know one is even at good as Marcus Green, let alone Pitcock. The tackle play in 02' and 05' allowed our style of defense to THRIVE because we could play the whole non aggressive zone defense. That pressure from the front four just hasn't been there the past copule years now.

The Bucks need a D Line that can get to the quarterback and they need more aggressive play calling. There really was no reason for the Bucks to be rushing three guys on third and 12 TD pass from Sanchez to Williams.
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im no expert.....im just a fan who LOVES the BUCKS. would it be possible
to run a draw every now and again. maybe, just maybe, throw the ball on
first down. while we're at it, is a blitz too much to ask? its the same game the last three "big" games the team has played. what i cannot figure out is; what happened? i can take a hard fought loss when the team is prepared and plays inspired, assignment sound football. the two Texas games and the NC with Miami are testament to what good coaching
can do with slightly above average talent. usc is a great team with a great coach, whether we like or not, our Buckeyes are not in the same class with teams like that, and in fact, are moving backward.
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I kind of think our program IS in trouble. Every big game we play the past 3 years we get slaughtered.... How would that not be a cause for concern

Also we need to get off herbie's balls. His sons were at this game and wearing OSU shit. What the hell do we expect him to do? Stick up for OSU after every big loss?? Is he suppose to be non objective just to make it known he's an OSU fan. EVERYONE knows he's an OSU guy, but IMO herbie is the best analyst of College football there is. He knows the teams talents and he calls it for what it is regaurdless where his heart is. He's a smart guy and loves the buckeyes so I just can't understand how some of us are like "FUCK" herbie he talks trash about OSU. This is his job and if OSU plays like dirt then he has every right to tell it how it is. Besides when other teams get blown out he does the exact same things to them as well. If anything he's more critical of OSU for the fact that he wants to see us succeed.
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BamaBuckeye;1259847; said:
Same here in unrelenting SEC country. Gonna wear it with pride.

Yep, Buckeye tie one Monday or Tuesday.

I like the way we opened the game... Just like against UF and LSU. I do not like how we finished it though.. Just like against UF and LSU. Special teams has killed us, delivering the dagger against LSU and USC. Seemingly after we missed that Field Goal all hope was lost. The interception sealed it, and I had much more expected Pryor to be the one to do so, especially on that play. But I'm still proud of our boys. The worst game I've ever watched, but this program still has more history than half of college football.

Improvements include more motivation, although that one is inobtainable.. because if they aren't motivated by now.. jeez.

Defensively I was very disappointed. I was more afraid we would be unable to score and get shutout 13-0 then I was we would be blown out. How 10 or whatever starters return for that defense and they look completely different than last year I don't know, but we have to fix it to win a BCS bowl.

Biggest disappointment in the entire game in my opinion was the lines. USC ran all over the field, and the offensive line got TB killed. No single player lost this game, as it was a team ordeal, coaching included.

Will we go 11-1 though? Abso fucking lutely. Turn around what needs to happen, and we go get Tressels first Rose Bowl. Quarterback debate is getting annoying, although TB played not quit the best possible game, a pocket QB cannot win with no blocks. Neither can TP for that matter, only delay the inevitable.

Herby and Musberger? STFU.
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Dryden;1259787; said:
With all due respect to LSU, the Tigers didn't get the annual media blow-job through all those games like Ohio State has gotten since 2005. Nobody outside of the opposing fan bases wanted LSU to lose.

I can handle the losses. Losing when everyone from your co-worker to Mark May is ready and eager to remind you how bad you are is the bitter pill I'm sick of swallowing.

What really makes this one-sided affair so terrible to acknowledge is knowing how well OSU opened the game, only to be undone by stupid personal fouls, botched special teams play, and a generous helping of false starts and holding penalties in the 2nd quarter, which was a carbon copy of the national championship game last year.

See, I think a few of you guys are a little too insecure, and thinK that people view you guys a lost worse than they really do. Trust me, nobody roots against OSU. Come on, that would just be wrong. Sure, back when you guys were on top of the world, with that #1 streak all season long, yes, I loved watching Florida beat y'all down. But that was just because you guys had the media love fest all over you, got the Heisman, etc. We at LSU haven't had attention like that since 1959. Of course we, as well as everyone else in the world hated you back then. But after Florida humiliated y'all, that vented everybody's hated at Ohio State for all the media love y'all got... and got rid of it (so you can thank Florida for that, at least). Since then, Ohio State had been a team that everybody I know roots for... think America's team. Heck, even on the LSU site I'm a regular at, back when the AP and Coaches poll came out, I started a poll on who we, as LSU fans, thought should be #1, and Ohio State won the poll big-time (because LSU, Georgia, and Florida split the ones that wanted to vote for an SEC team for #1). But nobody, not a single person, voted USC for #1 (which I thought was pretty stupid). Point is, I see a lot of Buckeye people on here that think Ohio St is hated nationally, and I just don't see that. I mean you guys got humbled by Florida and LSU (and now USC). Why would anyone hate on someone who has been humbled? I just don't get how y'all think people hate you... including the media. Honestly, I think you guys look great in the media, its pretty delusional that any of y'all would think otherwise.
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Someone brought up recruiting being a key factor and I just don't buy that. This team has loads of great NFL prospects. I think the main difference is USC, UF, and LSU have more faith in their defenses and are more creative on offense. I've given the benefit of the doubt to Bollman and Heacock the past 2 years but there are no more excuses. No blaming youth, conditioning, or a lack of preparation. They simply aren't getting the job done. I wouldn't mind seeing them stay with the program in some capacity but I am all for a change at both coordinator positions.
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KillerNut, if I think your post wasn't prepared, didn't execute, despite the obvious talent to write coherent sentences, should we demand your resignation?
Killer said:
Those of you who remember me, will remember that my biggest gripe with the team when I used to post was the lack of an aggressive downhill attacking defense, and a offensive line that controls the line. If you break down tonight's game, that is what caused us to lose.
They blitzed often in the first half, and got stuffed cold nearly every time. Not until the 3rd qtr did they generate any consistent pressure on Mark pre-release.
mobilbuck said:
im no expert.....im just a fan who LOVES the BUCKS. would it be possible
to run a draw every now and again.
They did, and were stuffed.
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Agreed. The luster has worn off of Jim Heacock. In big time games against strong teams, his defense has been worked 3 straight times. The line just gets manhandled and there have been huge holes in coverage. The talent is there, so clearly something else is lacking. Same thing on the OL, they just get beat by good teams and waaaaaaaaaaay to many mental errors. Very frustrating.
This is the thing I'm curious about as well.

Heacock has quite a long list of questions to answer to. The Ohio State defense used to be a feared commodity...not so much anymore, as a matter of fact, not at all really. There's no attacking, no big plays, and an overall lack of intensity, it's just not a good representation of the silver bullets D that fans have seen in years past.

How long before things change? Whether that change comes from within the program or an outside source, I'm ready to see a new system.

Also, maybe it is best for OSU to take a step out of the spotlight for a season, and I mean that in the best way possible. No, we aren't fading away into oblivion...but, I don't know, maybe the program as a whole needed to be off center stage for a year. The young guys might get a little more fire in them for the future...a sort of "we're ready to return to the game" feel a couple years from now.
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