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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

Jake;1259865; said:
We'll find out soon enough. Despite tonight I'm conceding NOTHING to the rest of the Big Ten, including Penn State and Wisconsin. Fuck 'em!

That said, I'm rooting like hell for the Badgers tonight. If they lose to fucking Fresno, beating them won't mean much. Come on, Wiscy! :pissed:
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fourteenandoh;1259860; said:
Donna Summers there Chief! IMO there are definitely coaching decisions to be made, but to queston JT is absurd. IMO, JT needs to make some CEO type decisions with the men around him. we cant do the same things over and over and expect a different result.
Ubsurd? Hardly. This is the third time in a row that we didn't just lose, but were humiliated in front of a national audience. I agree with you about doing the same things over and over and expecting a diferent result. That is exactly the problem. Tressel didn't adapt AT ALL in any of these games.
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Gandolf;1259878; said:
Ubsurd? Hardly. This is the third time in a row that we didn't just lose, but were humiliated in front of a national audience. I agree with you about doing the same things over and over and expecting a diferent result. That is exactly the problem. Tressel didn't adapt AT ALL in any of these games.

Its my opinion that the coordinators have some work to do. If JT doesn't see that then he fails as a CEO. that's all i'm saying.
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Gandolf;1259841; said:
I'm sorry to say this, but I just don't think we're going anywhere fast with Tressel anymore. I think he was great for OSU in winning the Championship 6 years ago, winning the Big 10, and beating Michigan, but this is the 3rd straight time we've pulled up lame against a top team and much of it can be attributed to the coaching.

We have the best RB (possibly the best overall player) in CFB and Tressel chooses to sit him out of the biggest game of the season. Sure, he's not 100% but it's certainly not like he's incapacitated either. He looked good 3 days ago and begged Tressel to put him in there tonight.

We get Pryor in the game in the first possession and move the ball down the field with ease. We then take a winning act and go back to relying on Boeckmann more and the less effective he is, the more he stays in and the less we see of Pryor. We saw the same thing in both title games. Pittman was successful and Tressel stopped using him.

I hope BP doesn't view this as coach-bashing. I like Tressel and think he's a class act (unlike Carroll and his shameful playcalling on 4th and 3 with a 32 point lead, I was thrilled that the Bucks came up big on that play), but I think we have to seriously consider the possibility to Tressel just might not be able to get things done anymore.

I hope I don't get banned. I still love the buckeyes and this forum but I just have to call it as I see it.

Tress is the CEO, and so ultimately responsible for any loss, but you cannot have a man with his skill, class, organizational skills and recruiting accumen and say launch him. Does he need to go another direction with some of his staff after the season? That will be his call. But "getting rid" of Tress would be an incredibly poor decision just because you lost to what may turn out to be the nation's number one team three years in a row.
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right now we will be fucking NO one up...

Honestly like its been stated we just aren't as good as we'd though. I know its hard right now but the bottom line is not only do we have to step up, but so does the big ten. We cannot continue to blow through the big ten unimpeded to a BCS game. We've got to get challenged more than once a year because this team has no clue what to do with a bully just as big as them.

We're so use to rolling over teams that when the other big boys hit us back we dont' know what to do.
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Yea but...

sepia5;1259871; said:
Last line is exactly how I feel. We aren't that good. Period. Don't underestimate recruiting. We should be in the hunt for a National Championship soon, but right now we're not close. I know I'm going to get crushed by a mod after I type this, but I'm curious to find out how it feels.
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fourteenandoh;1259885; said:
Its my opinion that the coordinators have some work to do. If JT doesn't see that then he fails as a CEO. that's all i'm saying.
Agreed. The luster has worn off of Jim Heacock. In big time games against strong teams, his defense has been worked 3 straight times. The line just gets manhandled and there have been huge holes in coverage. The talent is there, so clearly something else is lacking. Same thing on the OL, they just get beat by good teams and waaaaaaaaaaay to many mental errors. Very frustrating.
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BrianO;1259783; said:
If Sanchez can stay healthy they are going to Miami.

I can't complain about the game plan for this game. USC was just the better team.

To me, both USC and Ohio State would have finished undefeated this year, except for the loss in the game they played against each other today. Note that in the Buckeye Planet poll on what OSU's record would be, 66% thought OSU would go undefeated this year (don't get how you 66% didn't realize that beating USC was at best a 50/50 chance). To me, the USC/OSU game we saw tonight would have been the NC game this year, had y'all niot played each other during the regular seasons like y'all did tonight. Good thing for the Buckeyes is that you lost to them early in the season instead of losing to them in the NC game. To me, their is no doubt USC will be playing either a Big 12 or SEC team in the NC game at the end of this season. Had OSU beat USC, I'd be saying the same thing about OSU. As it is now, I think OSU will finish the season ranked in the top 5. Not too shabby.
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I think the game could have been alittle different. If we could have gone into the half at 14-3 or even 14-6 or even 14-10. Penlties killed us. For some of u How think tressel needs go. U are crazy. I do think that maybe we need a change at defensive coordinator though. I think a new scheme and coach would do them good. someone more agressive and they look confused alot on defense tonight. Still love my Buckeyes though. :osu:
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Gatorubet;1259891; said:
Tress is the CEO, and so ultimately responsible for any loss, but you cannot have a man with his skill, class, organizational skills and recruiting accumen and say launch him. Does he need to go another direction with some of his staff after the season? That will be his call. But "getting rid" of Tress would be an incredibly poor decision just because you lost to what may turn out to be the nation's number one team three years in a row.
Now, I think the Buckeyes were better than they played in all three of those game but this was more than just a loss. They've become the laughing stock of CFB, whether deserved or not.
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"Nothing cleanses the soul like getting the hell kicked out of you" - Woody Hayes.

I love woody (even though I'm too young to know what he was about) plus I love that quote, and excuse me for saying this (seriously don't take offense). But does it seem like i've been seeing that quote far too many times lately the past 2 years.
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bukIpower;1259905; said:
I love woody (even though I'm too young to know what he was about) plus I love that quote, and excuse me for saying this (seriously don't take offense). But does it seem like i've been seeing that quote far too many times lately the past 2 years.

Sometimes we need to be grounded. Tonight, we got taken behind the wood shed by a really good USC team.

We will regroup. We will recover. We will win out.

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I'd say the biggest upgrade bar none has to be across the defensive front, and namely the defensive tackle position. We don't have those run stuffing tackles anymore. Hell know one is even at good as Marcus Green, let alone Pitcock. The tackle play in 02' and 05' allowed our style of defense to THRIVE because we could play the whole non aggressive zone defense. That pressure from the front four just hasn't been there the past copule years now.
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