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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

This was a very tough loss to watch, no doubt about it. But just like after the early loss to Texas in 2005, there are still some huge prizes out there to play for. 3 straight outright B10 titles, Tress's first trip to the Rose Bowl, and beating the hell out of TSUN when they come to the Shoe. All of that is still on the line.

Another big game letdown may be depressing but who else are you gonna cheer for? At times like this real Buckeye fans need to support the team if they have the chance. I was born and raised a Buckeye and I will be cheering my ass off in the Shoe next week when we play Troy. I know we flat out got our asses kicked tonight and every talking head will be piling on, but I say fuck 'em. Lets regroup and go win the Big Ten to get that trip to Pasadena.
Go Bucks!:osu:
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I did not expect tOSU to win this game first of. I did expect a better showing though. It seems like the last three big games we played in this being UF, LSU and SC we have been plagued by penalties and stupid play calling i am not sure what has happened since the ND Bowl game but obviously something and its just depressing but I am still a Die Hard Buck and it is only one game i still believe Pryor will bring home a NC in his college career.
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I watched this game in the backyard of the stadium in a nearby suburb, not that IT makes a difference. I am disappointed and (heck don't even have the words tonight). My brother in law has to stay here and deal with these USC fans. I, like many Buckeye fans, will endure the comments and defend this team to the end. We'll have our day, just not day.

Time to collect our thoughts, go out tomorrow with our S & G colors on and hold our heads high. This is a great football team with the best fan base anywhere. WE'LL BE BACK.

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SEREbuckeye;1259694; said:
Okay guys, we got our butts handed to us tonight by SoCal, but keep your heads up. Lets not get carried away and start pointing fingers at certain coaches or players or even players. Only fingers we can point to is USC and say "Good game, you brought everything you had."

In Tressel we trust folks and that is here to stay. I remember in 2005 when Texas took us down. That was OUR year! That was the year Smith was to break out and do something amazing - well he did, and so did the team. That year OSU went on to become Big Ten champs, beat Notre Dame in a BCS Bowl game and most importantly - beat Michigan! When the final seconds ticked off the scoreboard in 05, we thought life was over, we were embarrassed as fans and were unaware that the Bucks would go on to beat Michigan 3 times in a row, go to 2 straight NC games (3 straight BCS games) and win the conference 3 straight years. Lets remember those same thoughts tonight and also think god we arent:

Michigan 1-2
UCLA - got pounded by BYU 0-59
Notre Dame - No explanations needed here
or even Northwestern

We are THE Ohio State University. We have much to be grateful for. You think guys like Horvath, Cassidy, Tatum, or Woody let one game define them for an entire season? Hell no! We are the baddest mothers in the midwest! Lets show em who we are for the rest of the season.

As fans lets be classy, lets take for what it is and lets support the team in any future decisions.

Also, let me put this into a real-world perspective. We are a country at war. We have Soldiers, Airmen and Marines fighting as we speak. They are fighting so that we can have the choice to win or lose a football game. There are many families that have lost more than a game tonight, they lost their houses and lives with the recent hurricanes. Also, no players or coaches were injured tonight. We played safe and that is very critical. We played as best as we could with what we could. Keep your heads up fellas.

Go Bucks! Bring on the Big Ten....

In Tressel We Trust! :oh:

Another great post!!!
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daytonbuck81;1259803; said:
Someone please tell me why we even bothered with this game? We will never have the right recruits to play against ANY team that has much better weather than the ENTIRE midwest. What recruit would want to play in the cold? There is NO loyalty anymore. This has been going on for years. It has now reached the highest point. If I was a recruit coming out of high school - why would I play in the freezing ass cold with fat ugly women? Ban me please - I waste too much time on this board every day. And if you ban me, think about this. At least I WENT to OSU. Over half the people on this board are just fans. This is the MOST embarrassed I have ever been. And guess what - this is NOT whining. THIS IS FACT!!

P.S. I am going to the TROY game beacuse many of my friends are going and I put on an awesome tailgate. Reminds me of SDSU after Texas 2005.

:tibor: You might want to start rooting for Notre Dame or something. They need some fans.
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Yes, the Buckeyes got taken to the woodshed. No denying that.

What [censored]es me off is that when Ohio State gets punched in the mouth in recent history they do not respond. They don't get [censored]ed and raise their level of play.

This was an observation of LSU fans from last January. LSU responded to the body punches thrown in the first quarter by Ohio State and raised their level of play. Ohio State was not able to do this in return. Tonight I feel we saw the same situation. When USC realized early that Ohio State had come to play they raised their level of play. Again, there was no appropriate response.

We need fire and intensity. I'm not seeing it right now

Well I said it before and hopefully ya'll don't take this the wrong way. I thought this (along with their offensive line) was what could make this game ugly. They will FINISH YOU OFF if you screw up. They are confident, they fly around, they play fast (no thinking out there just act), and they're aggressive. I think our teams the past 3 years have progressively lost that swagger and quiet confidence and I think it's shown.
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Different approach

People are upset/frustrated/hurt/questioning and often it is easy to lash out in anger and point out what went wrong, but IMO its not the time to do that. It is too raw and fresh, emotions are running hot and heavy right now, and a loss like this hurts. I have no doubt that those kids are gnashing teeth worse than any of us right now. Pointing fingers and being destructive is not going to help anyone, especially now.

Instead of asking why/what went wrong/wtf post up what you saw that looked good or promising. There will be plenty of angry, upset, and frustrated posts. There is not much of a reason to add on, the point has been made. Try to find something that you enjoyed and let us (and them) know about it.

-I thought Terrell Pryor did a really good job. Playing on a national stage vs. the number one team @ their place, especially being the 3rd college game of his career, I was very impressed. He showed on and off the field leadership, and I am excited that I will be able to watch him over the course of his college (and pro) career.

-Boom Herron ran with heart and kept driving forward after contact. He is another I am looking forward to watching.

-Kind of an odd thing, but towards the end of the game TP was sacked and USC piled on the young QB. J.B. Shugarts ran back and started ripping Trojans off of his QB. You could tell that he felt that TP was his responsibility, and that is a great thing to see. It is promising. Kudos

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I have been watching this coming for a while now. Losing to a great team is nothing to be embarrassed about. I am proud that our players did not fold and continued to play hard thoughout. USC is scary good. They play with so much passion it will be tough for them to maintain that passion for a whole schedule... so I guess I agree that the only team I see beating this USC team is themselves.

All that said I have to wonder why we look so slow? We have all the athletes to match up with the best teams in the country but we seem to lack the killer instinct I see in so many of these other teams. Why do we seem to hold our athletes back and make them react to everything around them instead of letting them create? Maybe I am just seeing it but look at this game for example... USCs entire defense was making plays by attacking and moving forward while it seemed like every play we made was 4 or 5 yards downfield. I just seems so frustrating to see a team with so much talent seem to wait for everything to come to them instead of attacking.

Does anyone else feel what I am talking about here?

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bukIpower;1259820; said:
Well I said it before and hopefully ya'll don't take this the wrong way. I thought this (along with their offensive line) was what could make this game ugly. They will FINISH YOU OFF if you screw up. They are confident, they fly around, they play fast (no thinking out there just act), and they're aggressive. I think our teams the past 3 years have progressively lost that swagger and quiet confidence and I think it's shown.

Need a little Woody action to put some swagger back into this team.....
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daytonbuck81;1259803; said:
P.S. I am going to the TROY game beacuse many of my friends are going and I put on an awesome tailgate...

Where are you gonna set up at?

I'd love to drop by... I'll bring Buckyle with me. We'll have our own little BP reunion.

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ScarletNGry;1259827; said:
I have been watching this coming for a while now. Losing to a great team is nothing to be embarrassed about. I am proud that our players did not fold and continued to play hard thoughout. USC is scary good. They play with so much passion it will be tough for them to maintain that passion for a whole schedule... so I guess I agree that the only team I see beating this USC team is themselves.

All that said I have to wonder why we look so slow? We have all the athletes to match up with the best teams in the country but we seem to lack the killer instinct I see in so many of these other teams. Why do we seem to hold our athletes back and make them react to everything around them instead of letting them create? Maybe I am just seeing it but look at this game for example... USCs entire defense was making plays by attacking and moving forward while it seemed like every play we made was 4 or 5 yards downfield. I just seems so frustrating to see a team with so much talent seem to wait for everything to come to them instead of attacking.

Does anyone else feel what I am talking about here?


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