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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

I kind of think our program IS in trouble. Every big game we play the past 3 years we get slaughtered.... How would that not be a cause for concern

Also we need to get off herbie's balls. His sons were at this game and wearing OSU shit. What the hell do we expect him to do? Stick up for OSU after every big loss?? Is he suppose to be non objective just to make it known he's an OSU fan. EVERYONE knows he's an OSU guy, but IMO herbie is the best analyst of College football there is. He knows the teams talents and he calls it for what it is regaurdless where his heart is. He's a smart guy and loves the buckeyes so I just can't understand how some of us are like "FUCK" herbie he talks trash about OSU. This is his job and if OSU plays like dirt then he has every right to tell it how it is. Besides when other teams get blown out he does the exact same things to them as well. If anything he's more critical of OSU for the fact that he wants to see us succeed.
Hmm...was 2006 Ohio State vs Michigan a big game. Uh...that was tabbed the biggest game of the century. Who won? I forget. We lost to Florida in the NC...well you know what. We went 1-1 that year in those HUGE games. And we should have been better prepared to beat Flordia, but we lost. Fine. Last year, we lost to LSU. We weren't the best team in the country. We didn't belong in the NC game. We went there because a lot of other teams choked. We got a chance to win a NC that we didn't really expect to have...and we didn't win it. Probably because we weren't the best team in the country last year. So what. This is the first big regular season game we have lost since 2005 Texas...and that was a hell of a game. The sky is not falling.
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OregonBuckeye;1259937; said:
Someone brought up recruiting being a key factor and I just don't buy that. This team has loads of great NFL prospects. I think the main difference is USC, UF, and LSU have more faith in their defenses and are more creative on offense. I've given the benefit of the doubt to Bollman and Heacock the past 2 years but there are no more excuses. No blaming youth, conditioning, or a lack of preparation. They simply aren't getting the job done. I wouldn't mind seeing them stay with the program in some capacity but I am all for a change at both coordinator positions.

OSU just wasn't bringing the pressure and it wasn't a question of their D Line not getting a push. They were often coming with 2-3 guys on third down which you just can't do against a QB who can actually find the open man. Freeman and Laurainitis were also underused, in my opinion. Those guys are AA--you need to utilize their speed at the LB spot to cause some havoc.
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I don't know where to start...so I won't.

I hate seeing the Bucks look so bad on the national stage. We all know they have much more talent than they showed tonight. I feel sorry for the seniors. Here's hoping they get it together and have a chance to redeem themselves in a BCS bowl game. But these guys need to find a way to gel more...especially the offense. I know the pressure was intense, but it doesn't seem like these guys have a great connection for each other.

Anyway, I'm not going to read this game thread...I'm sure it's too depressing and I'm tired.

But I'll be back tomorrow...and so will our Buckeyes!

Hey, at least no one got hurt right? Something tells me Beanie will be back next week and he'll light a fire under some people's butts.

Good night...peace out!
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Michgan/OSU both got slaughtered after that game of the century. If ya just go back and check it out our wins all the sudden just aren't the same anymore. We lost to Texas (while they were mighty good though) when they were Elite, and we beat them when they didn't have VY. Last time we beat an ELITE and nationally respectable team was in the 02' championship game in my opinion. K-state upset Oklahoma to meet us in the fiesta bowl so thats not an option really. ND? they didn't have a defense, and then we lost two straight NCG's... Nc State? No.

I'd say we can hang out hat on Michigan, and the other games are good wins but not the kind of wins we need if we want to continue to be viewed as a National Champion contender. We won't be considered if we don't play some of the better teams closer.

Our defenses lack of turnovers, fire, push, and nastiness concerns me for sure. And like it was said a page or two back this team is VETERAN we shouldn't have to roll up our sleaves and get to work like Tressel said tonight after our loss. Next week will be ugly to start I think and it will get better as the game goes.

OSU-31 Troy-10
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DaddyBigBucks;1259848; said:
Is there a logical reason to assume that Ohio State is a lot better than PSU or Wisconsin this year?

If your saying that PSU or Wisky has a good shot at beating OSU, sure, they do, they always do. PSU and Wisky are very good programs... but nowhere near as great as Ohio State. Look at USC, they lost to Stanford, Oregon St, etc in recent years. We at LSU lost to Arkansas and Kentucky last year. Ole Miss almost beat us several times in recent years. Sure, LSU is a lot better than Arkansas, Kentucky or Ole Miss, but upsets happen. And if PSU or Wisky pulls off the upset against OSU -- it will be just that -- an upset. They happen. Doesn't mean they are better than OSU. Just like Arkansas or Kentucky weren't better than us last year, or just like Stanford wasn't better than USC last year or Colorado better that Oklahoma last year.
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What a long offseason this was for the Buckeyes as well...so much to look forward to and it's hard to believe this game just came and went like that.

I mean, the team and the fans staked a lot on this game and it's kind of like "that was it?"

Just so hard to believe this happened, or at least happened like it did. It's just too bad for the kids on the team. I imagine it'll be hard to rebound, but they can do it, they're Buckeyes and we're behind them, thick and thin.

Also, Chris "Beanie" Wells...:(. That had to be gut wrenching. Lot of thoughts probably going through his head.
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Michgan/OSU both got slaughtered after that game of the century. If ya just go back and check it out our wins all the sudden just aren't the same anymore. We lost to Texas (while they were mighty good though) when they were Elite, and we beat them when they didn't have VY. Last time we beat an ELITE and nationally respectable team was in the 02' championship game in my opinion. K-state upset Oklahoma to meet us in the fiesta bowl so thats not an option really. ND? they didn't have a defense, and then we lost two straight NCG's... Nc State? No.

I'd say we can hang out hat on Michigan, and the other games are good wins but not the kind of wins we need if we want to continue to be viewed as a National Champion contender. We won't be considered if we don't play some of the better teams closer.

Our defenses lack of turnovers, fire, push, and nastiness concerns me for sure. And like it was said a page or two back this team is VETERAN we shouldn't have to roll up our sleaves and get to work like Tressel said tonight after our loss. Next week will be ugly to start I think and it will get better as the game goes.

OSU-31 Troy-10
I'm sorry that the 2006 Michigan win doesn't mean as much to you as it does to me. I'm glad I don't share the same view that you do. I love winning the Big 10, and honestly, winning the Big 10 and beating Michigan are what I care about most. The national media attention...not so much. And I love our recruiting class this year, so i'm not worried about that. Good kids will always want to come and play at Ohio State. So...I mean, if all that matters is national perception, and winning national championships...then I can see why you are frustrated. But to me, all that matters is Michigan and the Big 10...and that is why I LOVE Jim Tressel. He is the EXACT COACH I want...and i'm so glad we have him.
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Everyone forgets we beat Texas in the 06 year too.

12 game win streak vs. ranked teams in the regular season snapped. :(

No worries, we still win our annual national championship in mid November, and run the table for the rest of the year. Year of Roses, go Bucks!

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The way we struggle with spread teams we should be worried about Penn State. Wisconsin is a night game in their house so again we should be worried. Just because we've owned the big ten doesn't mean we're going to walk right through. If this team doesn't improve their attitude we will lose not only 1 but 2 more games this year in the big ten. We'll have to play our A game in those games if we want to come back and put it to the big ten.

Right now Penn State is a dangerous team and they'll stroll into the shoe' undefeated. But, since its a night game I can't see us losing that one.
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OHSportsFan9;1259943; said:
Also, maybe it is best for OSU to take a step out of the spotlight for a season, and I mean that in the best way possible. No, we aren't fading away into oblivion...but, I don't know, maybe the program as a whole needed to be off center stage for a year. The young guys might get a little more fire in them for the future...a sort of "we're ready to return to the game" feel a couple years from now.

I somewhat agree. I think, although certainly don't know, that the problem is when OSU gets down, all of a sudden the players start to think about the past coulpe big games taht have been blow outs, and slowly they fall apart.

I was really hoping OSU would come back out with a fire in the second half, but it was more or less a lethargy, almost like the players were thinking, "here we go again". When OSU got poor field position and then punted to give USC the ball on the 40yd line, I had the feeling of "oh no". You can't give that good of an O that kind of field position. After that it was done.

The remedy, IMO, is to win out and win the bowl game. If that happens, a lot of this goes away. Most of the seniors are gone and a new group of players take hold of the program without this cloud of "big game problems" lurking over their heads.

The good thing is that Pryor did not look like a true frosh against USC, and that, in my mind, is terrific, and perhaps the singular positive to take away. Against perhaps the top D in the nation, Pryor put up decent stats and gashed them several times for 10yd runs. I have to think that the future is bright with him at QB. He already looks farther along than VY did in his RS frosh year.
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JonathanXC;1259918; said:
Laughing stock of college football??? Really? Last time I checked we have won 3 Big 10 championships in a row. Look...if college football fans want to poke fun at Ohio State, then go ahead. 12-1...11-2. Would you rather be Notre Dame? Would you rather be 1-2 right now like Michigan? Would you rather be West Virgina and get blown out by ECU!!!! ECU!?!?!? We got blown out by USC!! USC is the best team in the country. So...yeah, we aren't the best team in the country. So what? If that makes us the laughing stock of college football...then so be it. My question to fans laughing at us...is who is their team? There aren't many teams in the country that can say they are as good as Ohio State, or have had as good of a decade as we have. Since 2001 when Tressel got here...you can't name 5 teams that have done more than we have. What more can you ask for? Sure i'd love to be #1 every year...but I think OSU fans are getting greedy and short sighted if they really think that our program is in trouble.

Great Post. When I saw that post by Gandalf saying OSU is a laughing stock, I thought Gandalf was a freaking idiot. And yes, you made some good points to some of the babies on here... OSU is a top 10 program in everybody's minds... everybody's minds... even the media, even the SEC fans... even the USC fans. If you guys don't think you are a top 10 program, you have issues (like this Gandalf guy think OSU is a laughing stock). If you aren't proud of being a top 10 program, you have issues. Yes, it would be better to be #1, but if you stay in the top 10 as long as you guys do (and really you guys are more like top 4-8), you will get those times at #1, just like y'all did when y'all upset a much more talent Miami team earlier this decade (I was rooting for you guys that whole game, and so was the rest of the USA).
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