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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

sandgk;1258567; said:
OK - so now we know that Wells isn't on the field.

And This. Really. Sucks.

But the game is to be played - what are keys to victory?

Offensive line keeps TB vertical in the face of certain blitzes.
WRs get open against man coverage.
Boom/Zoom keep U$C's backers honest
Defensive front 4 gets pressure on Sancheze like he's never seen.
tOSU LBs clean up the screens/draws that are sure to respond.
DBs tackle in space and play solid man coverage.

That should just about do it.

Or, in other words- We need to score more points than they will. :biggrin:
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bkochmc;1258573; said:
Good luck to the Badgers tonight too... the Big10 is looking at a potentially huge day and the Bucks and Badgers need to finish it off.

I had tickets to go to the Wisconsin V. Fresno State game but declined since its at the same time as the Ohio State game. Would've been a good game to go to, only 40 minutes from me. Lets hope the Big Ten can represent to California.

Oh and by the way Notre Dame just scored another TD against TSUN.........ND 28 Mich 10


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I'm off to watch the game.

My keys (again):
1) Stop the run. Can't give them 2nd and 3rd and short.
2) Pressure on Sanchez from everywhere. He should have his head on a swivel wondering where the next hit is coming from.
3) Solid, mistake free play from TB. Move the chains. Stay out of 3rd and long.
4) Give a back the ball and let them go. Boom is my choice, but pick one and stick with him. Get the RB into the flow of the game.
5) Sound in the kicking game. Special teams could win this game for either team so it needs to be solid. I love Ohio State's chances should it come down to this.
6) Play your game, Buckeyes. The talent is there so let's play some football!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go Bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


See you guys at around 12:30 tonight!!
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Jake;1258465; said:
Hell yeah, let him play.
My beef is with Petey's "no biggie" decision to let him play. Class. All the wins in the world can't buy it.


That's just patently unfair. Do you know Carroll? Do you know anything damning about the SC program other than the fact that Bush and his family took a bunch of cash? I don't either so I wait until official bodies like the NCAA come out and say something is amiss before I judge Carroll and the SC football program.
You guys have to realize that calling SC "classless" because of a decision you or I have no direct or useful information about beyond a few press clippings is not only unfair but also really unfortunate.
Let's let this thing play out before jumping to conclusions.
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I keep having visions of Sanchez taken down by a speed rush on his first play, ala Smith on Dorsey in the Fiesta Bowl. OSU has a good track record of turning media-darling QBs into scared little girls. Let Wilson, Heyward, Gibson, Freeman, and company introduce themselves to Mr. Sanchez, and see how he performs.

I'm not too worried about USC's WRs. I expect they will try to matchup on Coleman as much as possible. If Sanchez wants to test Malcolm Jenkins, he has my blessing. I think the real danger in USC's passing game is the TEs and Havili out of the back field. Our D needs to respect them as receivers on every play, especially on 3rd downs. OSU's D is NFL caliber, and this game is their chance to make a huge statement.

I'm still not convinced that there's zero chance of seeing Beanie play, but we can still score points without him. Look at the PSU 07 game, Beanie had no TDs and wasn't that effective until later in the game. Boeckman was very efficient, and points were put up at a consistent pace. As long as the running game can keep us out of 3rd and longs, and we protect the ball, the O should be effective.

Bottom line is the Buckeyes need to go out on the field and play to the best of their abilities. As long as we don't go down by two scores early, we'll be fine. Don't get discouraged if USC has some early success moving the ball, particularly on the ground. That happens nearly every time we play a solid team. We play basic sets until the players see how they're going to come at us, and then we tighten the clamps. We have a lot of big time players on defense, and big players make big plays in big games. USC's offense looked great against a bottom feeder, now they have to prove it against the big boys.

Everyone enjoy themselves tonight, and cheer like crazy!

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Kurt Sexington;1258667; said:
That's just patently unfair. Do you know Carroll? Do you know anything damning about the SC program other than the fact that Bush and his family took a bunch of cash? I don't either so I wait until official bodies like the NCAA come out and say something is amiss before I judge Carroll and the SC football program.
You guys have to realize that calling SC "classless" because of a decision you or I have no direct or useful information about beyond a few press clippings is not only unfair but also really unfortunate.
Let's let this thing play out before jumping to conclusions.

I love when fans of opposing teams show up and seem genuinely shocked when their team isn't adored and respected as much by opposing fans, as it is by them.

I'm not "jumping to conclusions" about Pete Carroll. He's been around for years, and he has a track record. I don't like the way he does business. Such is life.
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Kurt Sexington;1258667; said:
That's just patently unfair. Do you know Carroll? Do you know anything damning about the SC program other than the fact that Bush and his family took a bunch of cash? I don't either so I wait until official bodies like the NCAA come out and say something is amiss before I judge Carroll and the SC football program.
You guys have to realize that calling SC "classless" because of a decision you or I have no direct or useful information about beyond a few press clippings is not only unfair but also really unfortunate.
Let's let this thing play out before jumping to conclusions.
Why don't you ask the maroons at ESPiN that question? Every time someone on the Ohio State team takes a shit or sneezes wrong it seems to make the headlines on Sports Center before anything has been proven. I don't see anything there about your player at the moment and doubt if anyone will. Double standard? Sure does seem like it. What's good for one is good for all. But for some reason people don't want to see it that way. Don't come over here preaching to the choir. Now you're getting a little taste of the unflattering coverage the Buckeyes get. It's not nice is it?
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