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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

I'm not sure why everyone is so ready to chalk up the 30-40 points for USC. They have a mostly new offensive line, a green QB, a group of RBs and WRs that really haven't accomplished all that much, nor have they asserted themselves at the college level. Don't get me wrong, I know it's a very talented bunch. I don't dispute that for a second

I would say that the recievers haven't shown much but I think their running backs have showed plenty. Mcknight is scary good with the ball and Stephon Johnson can tote the rock. I agree their line could potentially be a work in progress, but this is a very talented group all around.

What makes USC so dangerous IMO is not the players but that attitude of the coach. They won't hesitate to embarress a team if they sense a team is on their heals and have given up. They will go for it all rather than try and chip away like an OSU team. Much more aggressive style versus a conservative style by coach Tressel. I think player for player heck yeah we are jsut as good, but sometimes USC will straight up embarress teams (won't happen this week though) because they will crush your will if you let them.
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schwab;1256540; said:
OSU 19
USC 14

USC leads late, 14-13, OSU hits paydirt, goes for 2, no good. USC moves ball, late INT by (game MVP) seals it for the 'dogs.


BUCKYLE;1256586; said:

I'll try again...

OSU takes the field.. 28 in sneakers.. huge deal, overblown.. osu defers, takes a 17-7 lead into half.. and hangs on to win 38-10

Buckyle, how we doin now? :tongue2:
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The Pope;1256499; said:
please hurricane Ike don't cut my cable

i see the bucks as huge underdogs everywhere i turn. i just cant shake the felling of the 2 bcs games. for the outcome of the game i think it all relies on the o-line to give tb time.

As I've said before, in 2006 OSU was unprepared. In 2007 they were overmatched. As long as they learned their lessons there is nothing that leads me to believe that 2008 will be a repeat of their two past performances in big games. Tres can coach and he's got good players. I'm hoping for a SC win but I'm not foolish enough to think that a team as talented as the Buckeyes who ahve designs on the NC this year wil travel thousands of miles to get blown out and have "Conquest" blared in their ears.
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schwab;1256620; said:
I'll try again...

OSU takes the field.. 28 in sneakers.. huge deal, overblown.. osu defers, takes a 17-7 lead into half.. and hangs on to win 38-10

Buckyle, how we doin now? :tongue2:

1:07 :wink:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BytKSy8M4bk&feature=related]YouTube - Back to the Future - Best Scene and Quote Ever[/ame]
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LA Times: Ohio State Buckeyes' loyalty runs deep

Ohio State Buckeyes' loyalty runs deep

By David Wharton, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
7:05 PM PDT, September 11, 2008

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Not that Malcolm Jenkins is given to second-guessing -- cornerbacks aren't supposed to dwell on the past -- but there are moments.

Like when the Ohio State senior walks into a restaurant, checks the prices on the menu and wonders about his decision to stick around rather than leave school early for the NFL.

Man, he thinks, this is going to hurt my wallet.

Ohio State's roster includes no fewer than a dozen players who resisted the prospect of pro money last winter. The Buckeyes might be decided underdogs against top-ranked USC on Saturday, but they enter the Coliseum with 20 players who started last season.

Twenty veterans from a program that reached the last two national championship games.

"Think of all the transitions they don't have to make with new starters," USC Coach Pete Carroll said. "It gives them great continuity."

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MililaniBuckeye;1255999; said:
Great retort. Funny how even Trojan fans are ripping him for his "article"...

It's interesting to see the real fans vs the bandwagon fans. I have a few guys at work, some of which are on me, but the real fans are just happy to have this game. As with all fan bases, you run into idiots, and you run into fans. I won't take anything away from USC, they have a great program, they should be proud, but that doesn't give any fucking idiot a right to assault my favorite program.
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I heard Ohio State already lost 63 - 0.......
That is what you would think if you listened to any of the "unbiased experts" :roll2: on TV or radio. My favorite comment was the schmuck on Jime Rome's show stating that Well's injury is a built in excuse. So not only has USC already won the game but he is basically stating that Beanie would have no effect on the game and would not be a legitimate gripe if tOSU can't run the ball. Apparently Beanie's only purpose is to provide tOSU fans an excuse for losing.

I think the defense needs to play a nearly flawless game and our receivers need to get more seperation than they have in the previous two games so that TB has a place to throw the ball. I won't claim to be unbiased, but I think the defense comes up big and tOSU sneaks out of L.A. with a 23 - 21 victory.
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I was over on the south-west side on Hall Rd. and stopped to pick up some smokes..

As soon as I walk in, the cashiers were bitching about Beanie playing.. one saying we we're doooooommmeedd and the other that "it's a team game"

As I was leaving the lady there said she hated Jim Tressel (I'm thinking she was a scUM fan), I flashed a smile and said "I love Jim Tressel" and went about my buisness.
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Bleed S & G;1256705; said:
I was over on the south-west side on Hall Rd. and stopped to pick up some smokes..

As soon as I walk in, the cashiers were bitching about Beanie playing.. one saying we we're doooooommmeedd and the other that "it's a team game"

As I was leaving the lady there said she hated Jim Tressel (I'm thinking she was a scUM fan), I flashed a smile and said "I love Jim Tressel" and went about my buisness.

You should have said "Jim Tressel hates you too" and grabbed everything you could off the shelves while dashing out the door.
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