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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

Hypothetical question:

Beanie doesn't play. We play USC on the road, and lose a nailbiter 24-21 in a great game. USC wins out and makes the MNC. Beanie comes back for the Wisconsin game. We steamroll the Big 10. Are we first in line of all the 1-loss teams in front of a potential 1-loss SEC or Big 12 champion?
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mross34;1256253; said:
Hypothetical question:

Beanie doesn't play. We play USC on the road, and lose a nailbiter 24-21 in a great game. USC wins out and makes the MNC. Beanie comes back for the Wisconsin game. We steamroll the Big 10. Are we first in line of all the 1-loss teams in front of a potential 1-loss SEC or Big 12 champion?
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mross34;1256253; said:
Hypothetical question:

Beanie doesn't play. We play USC on the road, and lose a nailbiter 24-21 in a great game. USC wins out and makes the MNC. Beanie comes back for the Wisconsin game. We steamroll the Big 10. Are we first in line of all the 1-loss teams in front of a potential 1-loss SEC or Big 12 champion?

Not a chance. They will put a 2 loss SEC team in before they put Ohio State in with 1 loss. Unfortunate, but that's what I think.
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bassbuckeye07;1256239; said:
This game was over before it started no f-ing way USC scores more than 10 points.... 4 new linemen and a standard package forget about it... they might have to use more than one qb in this game... im not kidding. Everyone is freaking out based on their performance against Virgina give me a break.... tOSU 24 USC 10.... anyone notice the two deep on our d-fense

I'm glad to see a confident Buckeye (maybe a little too confident... :biggrin:), and did anyone see UVA play against Richmond, an FCS team. They beat them 16-0, but scored their last 13 points in the final three minutes of the game. That's not a good team, right there.
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Lots of prematurely long faces it seems, but i believe in my heart of hearts that we can win,with or without Beanie. It'll take aggressive defense,aggressive play calling and finally, the belief of all of us in Buckeye Nation.But they're not unbeatable, and if we can get to Sanchez early and often, we can do great things.

We're THE Ohio State University and we don't back down from anyone.

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Beanie doesn't play. We play USC on the road, and lose a nailbiter 24-21 in a great game. USC wins out and makes the MNC. Beanie comes back for the Wisconsin game. We steamroll the Big 10. Are we first in line of all the 1-loss teams in front of a potential 1-loss SEC or Big 12 champion?


This game was over before it started no f-ing way USC scores more than 10 points.... 4 new linemen and a standard package forget about it... they might have to use more than one qb in this game... im not kidding. Everyone is freaking out based on their performance against Virgina give me a break.... tOSU 24 USC 10.... anyone notice the two deep on our d-fense

Hey pass what you're smoking.... Seriously? a two touchdown victory? I can see a win but....
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ESPN - College Football Nation
USC 28, Ohio State 17: I'd been thinking upset on this one for a while, so I expected to pick Ohio State. Felt the Buckeyes were due for a vindicating, national victory. But I can't get over this: USC is just freaking loaded with talent. The Trojans have no match in college football in terms of talent throughout their depth chart.

USC 31, Ohio State 24 -- The Buckeyes perform better than many expect, but there are just too many factors going against them. USC never loses in L.A. -- at least not to formidable opponents -- and the bye week should benefit the Trojans. Ohio State's defense generates an early turnover, but the offense won't be able to keep up for four quarters without a fully healthy Chris "Beanie" Wells. Terrelle Pryor makes a big play and a bone-headed one, and the Buckeyes' national title hopes fade -- at least for now.
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Mr. Clutch;1256267; said:
I'm glad to see a confident Buckeye (maybe a little too confident... :biggrin:), and did anyone see UVA play against Richmond, an FCS team. They beat them 16-0, but scored their last 13 points in the final three minutes of the game. That's not a good team, right there.

that is why rankings stink. USC gets a huge bump for beating Virginia....now we find out they stink but that doesn't get taken into account the next week.
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meh, all I remember is that we just have to take care of our program and we will get what we have earned. And we can't worry about how or what the Trojans do , we can't do aything about that anyway.

I look forward to seeing us kick some Trojan butt on sat . night. That will set the rankings straight.
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