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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

Miller forgot the Stanford game last year. Anything is possible, homer.

LOS ANGELES ? USC will pound Ohio State on Saturday ? if there?s any justice in the oblong world of college football.
The Buckeyes deserve a good beat down based on their desire to be bullies. The two burning questions today are these: 1) Why did they even decide to play this home-and-home series? 2) Was Towson A&M unavailable?
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USC-Ohio State: LB matchup is scary-good
September 11, 2008 12:00 PM

Posted by ESPN.com's Ted Miller
Lisa Blumenfeld/Getty Images
Rey Maualuga had 10.5 tackles for a loss last year.

LOS ANGELES -- The term comes up more than a few times during this highly charged week: "scary."
Such as, "Coach Tressel, is Rey Maualuga scary?"
Jim Tressel, Ohio State's coach, doesn't want to bite on the loaded word, not completely anyway. "I don't look at it as scary because I don't have the ball."
USC defensive end Kyle Moore almost seems bothered that folks refer to his good friend, his soft-spoken friend, his newly svelte friend (down 26 pounds from his Rose Bowl MVP weight to 247), Rey Maualuga, as "scary."
"Rey's not scary," Moore said. "It's just the way he plays on the field that gets him perceived as scary."
Well, yeah.
Now, Moore adds, Brian Cushing. He's scary. That's a notion seconded by defensive tackle Fili Moala.

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A tale of two coaches

In an essay from his pop culture opus, Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs, author Chuck Klosterman argues that nearly any aspect of a man's life -- the kind of car he drives, his choice of spouse, his musical tastes -- can be traced back to whether he was a Lakers guy or a Celtics guy in the 1980s.
"For ten years," he writes, " ... you had two teams that were a) clearly the class of their profession and b) completely and diametrically opposed in every possible respect."
It's too bad USC and Ohio State had to wait until 2008 for their first matchup this decade -- because a rivalry between the two titans would unquestionably produce a modern-day cultural dichotomy to rival that of those Lakers-Celtics clashes.
The Trojans and Buckeyes aren't "clearly" the class of this decade -- LSU (two BCS titles) and Oklahoma (highest winning percentage) would certainly voice their objections -- but they're not far off. Each has played for a national championship three times in the past six seasons. Unfortunately, it's never been against one another.

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Ray and Brian are exceptional LB's. It will be interesting to see if Ray's broken finger and Brian's hurt wrist and hip pointer slow them down at all throughout the course of the game. One thing is for sure, both guys are warriors and have to be accounted for on each and every play.

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BUCKYLE;1255672; said:
It's the nut of the state tree of Ohio. The buckeye is poisonous. The trojan and his horse eat it, they're dead...or at least rather sick. Any animal mascot would fall victim to this as well. In your confernce alone, there is the Stanford Cardinal. That would be a religious leader....wait....huh?...oh, the bird?...It's a fucking tree. :biggrin:

Can someone photoshop a buckeye tree (not a palm tree) with Pete below it and many buckeyes falling on his head. Oh, put Jim in the tree shaking the branches. That image would be priceless or just wait until Saturday night for the real thing!
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If Beanie doesn't play, and it looks like he's not going to, I think we're going to have serious problems controlling the ball unless Herron steps up and looks like a superstar. I think it is going to be very difficult for us to beat the Trojans through the air. Beanie is the heart and soul of the team and this is a HUGE blow if he doesn't get carries.
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FWBuckeye;1256019; said:
If Beanie doesn't play, and it looks like he's not going to, I think we're going to have serious problems controlling the ball unless Herron steps up and looks like a superstar. I think it is going to be very difficult for us to beat the Trojans through the air. Beanie is the heart and soul of the team and this is a HUGE blow if he doesn't get carries.

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