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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

kc286496;1255826; said:
Well, we do have a dropped Ben Hartsock pass in the 'Shoe against Texas to thank for his reluctance to use the tight end in big situations. Great player, Hartsock was. But I still wake up sweating sometimes with that image going through my mind.
I believe you meant Ryan Hamby against Texas.
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kc286496;1255826; said:
Well, we do have a dropped Ben Hartsock pass in the 'Shoe against Texas to thank for his reluctance to use the tight end in big situations. Great player, Hartsock was. But I still wake up sweating sometimes with that image going through my mind.

Edit: Beat to the post by fanaticbuckeye
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OC Register

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Ohio State deserves to lose to USC

Miller column: The Buckeyes scheduling is worthy of more than just ridicule.

Jeff Miller
The Orange County Register
[email protected]

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LOS ANGELES ? USC will pound Ohio State on Saturday ? if there?s any justice in the oblong world of college football.
The Buckeyes deserve a good beat down based on their desire to be bullies. The two burning questions today are these: 1) Why did they even decide to play this home-and-home series? 2) Was Towson A&M unavailable?
Ohio State, a power year in and year out for years and years and years, opened this season by playing Youngstown State. OK, fine. Almost every big-time school schedules an uncontested layup, like Michigan picking on overmatched Appalachian State last season.
Then the Buckeyes lined up Ohio. Yes, The Ohio State University against An Ohio university. For the record, the Bobcats were selected to finish sixth in their division in the Mid-American Conference this year. Not the entire MAC, mind you, only their half of it.
The football gods, clearly disturbed by Ohio State?s lack of scheduling gumption, arranged for Ohio to take a lead into the fourth quarter of that game Saturday. Alas, the Big Ten cowards rallied for victory.
And now, after meeting the Trojans, the Buckeyes return home and to the comedic portion of their schedule by playing Troy, which we believe is a college but could be a middle school. Heck, it could be just one person.
Let?s be honest, Ohio State could go undefeated against Youngstown State, Ohio and Troy even if the Buckeyes wore nothing but Jim Tressel sweater vests during the games.
This type of scheduling isn?t worthy of just ridicule; it also should be subject to NCAA sanction.
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Weird Start to Season May Give Buckeyes an Edge in Cali
By John Porentas
Two games and almost one full week of preparation into week three, the one thing you can say about the 2008 OSU football season is that if there ever was a season that got off to a weird start, this is it.
Since the conclusion of 2007 the upcoming matchup with USC was viewed as the early highlight of this season. An injury to Beanie Wells and a less-than stellar performance in game two against Ohio have totally changed the outlook. The week that was supposed to be filled with excited anticipation for a titanic matchup has turned into a week of nervous uncertainty. The burning question is whether all the angst is really warranted or whether the Buckeyes simply had a little hiccup last weekend against Ohio and can be competitive with Southern Cal this weekend.

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jmorbitz;1255799; said:
I was thinking it would be funny to start a thread with a list of things that one could do on Saturday to pass the time.

I'll be playing Cornhole on my tOSU set, drinking heavily.

Haha, that'd be a pretty good thread. I'll probably be pacing the room nervously while watching other college football games and constantly checking message boards.:biggrin:

And also, Troy isn't a laugher game, last year they scored 26, 31, and 34 against Arkansas, Florida, and Georiga. In that Georiga game they only lost 44-34. That clown should look up some other top team's schedules too. There are a good amount of them that aren't as good as OSU's.
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Kurt Sexington;1255505; said:
Thanks! Not to turn this into a slurp fest but Buckeyeplanet is hands down the best opponents board I've been on, period. Best posters and best information by far.

As to the comment about Wells and Mauluga, didn't you guys read about how fat Rey was at the Rose Bowl? There's no way Beanie could take out a 270 pound LB--he'd just run right in there and get caught in his blubber.

Can someone spot our visiting friend a USC logo/ribbon thingy if he wants one? Are those still available?
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IronBuckI;1255883; said:
The "man" is wearing a shirt with palm trees on it in his press photo. I think that I'll just go ahead and not worry about his opinion.

"So it's picture day on Thursday down at the Register. I'm thinking of going with something a little more formal than usual...maybe something with a collar. Yeah, that'll be nice..."
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1926Buckeyes;1255942; said:
Haha, that'd be a pretty good thread. I'll probably be pacing the room nervously while watching other college football games and constantly checking message boards.:biggrin:

And also, Troy isn't a laugher game, last year they scored 26, 31, and 34 against Arkansas, Florida, and Georiga. In that Georiga game they only lost 44-34. That clown should look up some other top team's schedules too. There are a good amount of them that aren't as good as OSU's.
i'll be laughing at the scUM ND game :slappy:
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