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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

bukIpower;1256284; said:

Hey pass what you're smoking.... Seriously? a two touchdown victory? I can see a win but....

Im smoking scarlet and grey m&m's.... why cant we??? ok maybe a little to much confidence but im tired of the doom and gloom. I seriously feel that the big number they put on Virginia is the reason for the hysteria.... we put 77 on Pitt in 96 and it didnt mean we were unbeatable... there is no reason we cant win and win convincingly.... at least none I can see just yet. I may eat my words on sunday but I just dont care. Our program isnt afraid of these games neither should we as fans.:beer:
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I posted in this thread months ago that I was worried about our offense against their defense and I still have that same anxiety... maybe even worse now that Beanie's injured.

Honestly, I just hope we can compete with USC for 4 quarters. If we can stick with them into the 4th quarter, we've got a chance. I pray that I'm wrong on this one, but this is the first game in 6 years that I've had a bad feeling about.

USC 34
tOSU 19
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BuckTwenty;1256474; said:
I posted in this thread months ago that I was worried about our offense against their defense and I still have that same anxiety... maybe even worse now that Beanie's injured.

Honestly, I just hope we can compete with USC for 4 quarters. If we can stick with them into the 4th quarter, we've got a chance. I pray that I'm wrong on this one, but this is the first game in 6 years that I've had a bad feeling about.

USC 34
tOSU 19
Unreal...... the game is 2 days off and you have us losing.
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JonathanXC;1256051; said:
And a NC is not? For real??? I'm sorry, but if you want to talk like the USC game is already over, then go post in the Troy thread. I'm sick and tired of everyone acting like the sky already fell. Championship teams find ways to win when things like this happen. The Ohio State Buckeyess are not ONE player...they never have been. The Buckeyes WILL beat USC.

I never said the Buckeyes were one player; however, losing Beanie is like Georgia without Moreno, Missouri without Chase, Oklahoma without Bradford, Florida without Tebow, Oregon last season without Dixon. Sometimes one player is just so superbly dominant that when they're out of the picture the ability to move the football is changed drastically - for the worse. This is a credit to how special a player Beanie Wells truly is.
Furthermore, everything Ohio State creates offensively originates from first running it down your throat - then play-action passing, etc. from that run game. We simply don't have a high number of burner receivers to create enough separation to get a passing game going without the run first. Nothing in the first 2 games of the season, nor down the stretch last year have shown me that Boeckman will have enough time back there in the pocket to get the ball down field on a consistent basis. The opposition thus far (YSU OU) were in the backfield often on pass plays, too often.

Lastly, living out west I've had to watch USC regularly for 2 full seasons now and while the hype from the UVA game is ridiculous, I still have a good idea of what they're fielding out there on Sat. night. They're just better, why is it so wrong of me to make that statement? Their entire D-line is faster than anything OSU will see all year, they field NFL sized LBs, and a freak at safety. Granted, The Buckeyes D will cause USC problems; however, I just feel like their D will give the OSU offense MORE problems. I'd only change my tune on OSU's offensive assessment if they were running the spread all game with a soph. or jr. Pryor under center and a healthy Beanie in the backfield (ala Dixon Stewart). This just in... they're not.
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I don't know. I just have this deep down feeling that it is going to be a back and forth game, much like the '02 Miami NC game was.:wink2:

I also have this deep down feeling the outcome will be the same:groove::groove::groove:.

Go Bucks!!!!:oh:
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buxfan4life;1256520; said:
I don't know. I just have this deep down feeling that it is going to be a back and forth game, much like the '02 Miami NC game was.:wink2:

I also have this deep down feeling the outcome will be the same:groove::groove::groove:.

Go Bucks!!!!:oh:

I'm feel'n the same. Lots of doubters. Remember tOSU fans making statements like, "just hope to keep it close", etc. Vu ja de all over again.

I'm with you... the world against us and our Bucks!

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I'm not sure why everyone is so ready to chalk up the 30-40 points for USC. They have a mostly new offensive line, a green QB, a group of RBs and WRs that really haven't accomplished all that much, nor have they asserted themselves at the college level. Don't get me wrong, I know it's a very talented bunch. I don't dispute that for a second.

I just think when you take these factors into account and mix it into the fact that the Buckeyes are coming to town with the toughest defense most of these kids have seen in their college careers and the toughest defense Pete Carroll has had to match up against in years and I'm just not expecting to see the USC offense flying high all day. I'm sure they'll have their moments, but I just can't see them moving the ball at will all day.

This game is going to be a grind, not a track meet.
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