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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

BuckTwenty;1256474; said:
I posted in this thread months ago that I was worried about our offense against their defense and I still have that same anxiety... maybe even worse now that Beanie's injured.

Honestly, I just hope we can compete with USC for 4 quarters. If we can stick with them into the 4th quarter, we've got a chance. I pray that I'm wrong on this one, but this is the first game in 6 years that I've had a bad feeling about.

USC 34
tOSU 19

Ok, you know what, I am sick of this crap. Seriously, I expect better from you. If you're going to come in all doom and gloom then don't fucking post, it's as simple as that. I am here to support my team, I had my doubts about Tressel until Miami and then I realized, this guy can make it happen.

From here on out, anyone that wants to say we're doomed, or that we are going to lose, I am going to ding you, then I am going to spread some rep around and ding you again, and tomorrow, when I log on, odds are I will still be pissed and ding you a couple more times, are you getting the trend?

I don't expect people to be blind homers, but a 34-19 score is basically saying "all hope is lost." Last I checked, the game is played in 2 days, not yesterday, so cut the crap, hope for the best, and support the kids.
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OCBucksFan;1256747; said:
Ok, you know what, I am sick of this crap. Seriously, I expect better from you. If you're going to come in all doom and gloom then don't [censored]ing post, it's as simple as that. I am here to support my team, I had my doubts about Tressel until Miami and then I realized, this guy can make it happen.

From here on out, anyone that wants to say we're doomed, or that we are going to lose, I am going to ding you, then I am going to spread some rep around and ding you again, and tomorrow, when I log on, odds are I will still be [censored]ed and ding you a couple more times, are you getting the trend?

I don't expect people to be blind homers, but a 34-19 score is basically saying "all hope is lost." Last I checked, the game is played in 2 days, not yesterday, so cut the crap, hope for the best, and support the kids.

I agree, I thought we were supposed to be the craziest fans in all NCAA and never doubt that the bucks will pull it off, remember when we played SC in 69 and they had O.J.? Well we won with "super sophomores" and we are going to win saturday one way or another.
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OCBucksFan;1256747; said:
Ok, you know what, I am sick of this crap. Seriously, I expect better from you. If you're going to come in all doom and gloom then don't [censored]ing post, it's as simple as that. I am here to support my team, I had my doubts about Tressel until Miami and then I realized, this guy can make it happen.

From here on out, anyone that wants to say we're doomed, or that we are going to lose, I am going to ding you, then I am going to spread some rep around and ding you again, and tomorrow, when I log on, odds are I will still be [censored]ed and ding you a couple more times, are you getting the trend?

I don't expect people to be blind homers, but a 34-19 score is basically saying "all hope is lost." Last I checked, the game is played in 2 days, not yesterday, so cut the crap, hope for the best, and support the kids.

WTF??? He does not have a right to an opinon even if it is not your opinion? Why have a game prediction thread if it has to be a rah rah we will win all of them every time deal? I'll be adding rep to whoever you chose to ding every day to offset your silly blackmail scheme - "say we'll win or I'll ding you a lot"

That has to be a new low for you OC. YOU are better than that.

Your perfect right to do it of course...OC I think the server move has got you off track my brother. Backing the good guys is fine, but a pick the winner thread has to be honest or it is a piece of shit waste of time.
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Gatorubet;1256755; said:
WTF??? He does not have a right to an opinon even if it is not your opinion? Why have a game prediction thread if it has to be a rah rah we will win all of them every time deal? I'll be adding rep to whoever you chose to ding every day to offset your silly blackmail scheme - "say we'll win or I'll ding you a lot"

That has to be a new low for you OC. YOU are better than that.

Your perfect right to do it of course...OC I think the server move has got you off track my brother. Backing the good guys is fine, but a pick the winner thread has to be honest or it is a piece of shit waste of time.

Let me get a point here, it's one thing to say "I have a bad feeling, I hope I am wrong" I have said that, in fact, I said that during the LSU game. However, it feels like everyone has just turned into "Oh, we're fucked!!!" and considering I get to read these forums for like three hours a week right now, it's just fucking disapointing.

I don't expect to say "WE WINZORZ BIE LIKE ATEY ATE THOUSAND!!!" but I also don't expect "look, it's going to be at least a two touchdown blowout." That's what people have been posting and it's fucking pissing me off, show some support.

Here's what I am looking forward to, I am going to the game, I hope to meet some good BPers, I hope to have some fun and I hope to see a great game. But at the end of the day, I support these kids regardless of what happens.

These horrible score predictions just seem to be a spreading disease, so I am tired of it. I am not better than that, I am sick of it. It's not the first time I have read one, but it will hopefully be the last. The post I quoted would have been fine without the score prediction, does that make sense?

This isn't the game prediction thread btw, we have one of those, this is the game discussion thread.
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Well, you said that if anybody against the "we will win" line you would ding them into oblivion. If you step back a bit you will see that you just set up a condition that says "Unless you say we will win no matter what your genuine best football opinion you are not welcome to post in this thread."

Call it what you want to, that is the result of how you set it up. That deal, IMO, is not what BP is about. It is about supporting the Bucks, that above all. But BP is not a site that is about censoring honest opinions as long as the individuals or coaches are not insulted. Saying another team will be better than you at their home field when your star back might now play - after the Ohio game gave some pause - is NOT the same as slamming the team. I mean, I admire your fire and support, but the censorship thing applying to 100% loyal Buckeyes just because they see the outcome differently is not right.

I hope you beat the shit out of USC so bad that Musberger strokes out and dies on camera. I'm sure the guy who posted a big Trojan win wants that too. But damn, man, post unicorns and rainbows or you will be attacked is wack.
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Alright, I retract the "if you say we are going to lose" part. I just want this thread to be more positive, it's not like anything I have ever read on this forum pre-game. I hate the blind homer, I don't mind the guy who says "I don't like our chances in this one" but I hate the "all hope is lost guy." Picking on B20 wasn't fair, he's a great poster, but after reading like 30 pages, I was just like "wow, our own fans don't even give us a chance, what the hell?" and it got to me. I just hate reading "two touchdown blowout, we're fucked" by our fans, it's one thing to say "I hope we win" it's another to say "I expect us to lose." And that's becoming a trend in this thread that is really fucking annoying me.
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I think D. Washington's return will make a pretty big impact on this defense. I dont really see USC putting up over 24 points unless Boeckman puts them in position to do so. I will be shocked if Beanie doesnt play, but I dont expect him to play every snap. With that being said, I just hope this coaching staff plays to each player's strength. I would like to see Boom get most of the carries up the middle when Beanie is out and Mo Wells and Saine running off tackle more. It would also be nice to see Boeckman looking for Saine in the flats early on to settle him down and build some confidence.

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Alright, I retract the "if you say we are going to lose" part. I just want this thread to be more positive, it's not like anything I have ever read on this forum pre-game. I hate the blind homer, I don't mind the guy who says "I don't like our chances in this one" but I hate the "all hope is lost guy." Picking on B20 wasn't fair, he's a great poster, but after reading like 30 pages, I was just like "wow, our own fans don't even give us a chance, what the hell?" and it got to me. I just hate reading "two touchdown blowout, we're fucked" by our fans, it's one thing to say "I hope we win" it's another to say "I expect us to lose." And that's becoming a trend in this thread that is really fucking annoying me.
No...don't retract it. You were right the first time. This doom and gloom crap has got to stop. Ummm...last time I checked we are Buckeye fans. And, we have an amazing team. GO BUCKS!!!!!!!! As i've said all along. Ohio State 31 USC 22.
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Yeah I'm with Gator on this one for Obvious reasons as well. Any OSU fan should be able to predict the other way if he choses to ya know? You can tell the guy is pulling for the buckeyes to win hardcore here. Same with me, I'm going to be screaming and pumped as ever when this game starts but I've seen enough of USC to realize we can/could lose this game very easily (as well as win).

I won't shy away I too picked USC to beat our buckeyes but neither Talent or Beanie have to do with it. I think its a mind set, set from the coaches that trickles down through the players. Don't get me wrong I think Jim Tressel is the finest coach in the whole nation at representing a university and preparing his team for a game. The play calling, and the attitudes of the USC players scares me more than anything. With USC and every power in college football you have to be the aggressor. We have to come out and blitz and go man to man and get after Sanchez. We have to be the ones to over power people with our offensive line and keep the chains moving, and we have to be the ones to hit them for a knockout punch to put them away. To me I just think that sounds more like USC than OSU. We don't like to play man for whatever reason, and we don't particularly do well with defenses that get after us for whatever reason. So for those reasons, and those reasons only I thought USC is better positioned for this game.

BOY DO I HOPE I'M WRONG THOUGH. By no means would you consider me turning my back on this team. I've never picked against them before and thought for sure we'd kill LSU because of the revenge factor. Like the poster above said "I just don't have a good feeling" and I can't deny that just because in my heart I want my team to win this game.

as for the score of...


You know very easily his prediction could've been of USC scoring late to make it look worse than it is? (I think its a close game)

To win this game we've got to do the unexpected and go all out I think. What we've done in the past big games we need to just throw away completely because that doesn't work. Dammit we have the players to seriously get after them on all phases of the game and I just wish we would trust our talent to prevail here. Too much chess by our side! Take the thinking equation out here and just come out and put it to them.
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Yeah I'm with Gator on this one for Obvious reasons as well. Any OSU fan should be able to predict the other way if he choses to ya know? You can tell the guy is pulling for the buckeyes to win hardcore here. Same with me, I'm going to be screaming and pumped as ever when this game starts but I've seen enough of USC to realize we can/could lose this game very easily (as well as win).

I won't shy away I too picked USC to beat our buckeyes but neither Talent or Beanie have to do with it. I think its a mind set, set from the coaches that trickles down through the players. Don't get me wrong I think Jim Tressel is the finest coach in the whole nation at representing a university and preparing his team for a game. The play calling, and the attitudes of the USC players scares me more than anything. With USC and every power in college football you have to be the aggressor. We have to come out and blitz and go man to man and get after Sanchez. We have to be the ones to over power people with our offensive line and keep the chains moving, and we have to be the ones to hit them for a knockout punch to put them away. To me I just think that sounds more like USC than OSU. We don't like to play man for whatever reason, and we don't particularly do well with defenses that get after us for whatever reason. So for those reasons, and those reasons only I thought USC is better positioned for this game.

BOY DO I HOPE I'M WRONG THOUGH. By no means would you consider me turning my back on this team. I've never picked against them before and thought for sure we'd kill LSU because of the revenge factor. Like the poster above said "I just don't have a good feeling" and I can't deny that just because in my heart I want my team to win this game.

That's all. You are a great poster...but I'm telling you...you are wrong.
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I HOPE I AM Jax... What do you see that is wrong about my post? care to share?

How do any of you see beanie being used if he does play?
Jax??? I'm not Jax. But...you are wrong in thinking that USC has the advantage. They are at home...that is their only advantage. Other than that, Ohio State has more talent, experience, and is the better team. This will show tomorrow.
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haha Sorry "JAX" [censored]ing moron I am.... I saw a J and an X in your name and figured it was JAX.

Ok, JohnathanXc.... I think we have just as good if not better talent too, but the problem i'm having is HOW these talents are used. To me it seems USC knows they have tremendous atheletes everywhere and trust them enough to let them play downhill with no worries. All our teams in the past have IMO been beat by teams that come after us. LSU, Florida, Penn State, Texas, Wisconsin, and Illinois all seem to have a common ground. They've affected the offensive play of our team. They don't sit back and wait, they came after us and took the fight to us and won those games which they earned. They didn't wait for things to happen, they made things happen and with USC being in the lines of a team who makes things happen I think we need to deviate a bit from tendancies to pull this off. I think we'd have to play that same game and take chances, get after them, and throw some curveballs.

Can we win playing conservatively? Yes. We've done it before, but we need to trust in our talent and go out and TAKE the victory in this one I think.
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I don't think anyone should be getting upset with anyone else about choosing Ohio State to lose. Unfortunately, this criticism from the media isn't completely unfair. We have to win the big games. This team, so far, has not done this. I hate to say it, but it's true. The team is going to get criticism from everywhere until they show that they are one of the elite teams. And the record isn't what I'm talking about. This is one of those tests that the team must pass in order to prove to everyone that we're an elite team.

I'm obviously pulling for us. But I have a slight disagreement with people getting pissed that people don't think OSU can leave SoCal with a win. I don't really see the point in saying "Yeah, I think we're going to win." if you actually think we're going to lose.

This is not intended to be offensive to anyone, and it's not aimed at anyone in particular. The game is going to be played regardless, and all this bickering about who everyone thinks is going to win is going to be completely irrelevant in two days. The only thing that can come of this is "I told you so!" and that pisses everyone off.

It's going to be an awesome game. If we win, fucking sweet, if we lose, then so be it. I'll still be supporting the team regardless, and I'm fairly confident that the season won't be a complete loss. Win or lose, scUM is still coming to the 'Shoe this year. And there will be a bowl game after that. The season isn't over after this game, win or lose. We still have business to take care of after it.

What I'm trying to say here is that we're all Buckeyes, and what is getting to me the most isn't the predictions. It's how the mods have to keep reminding everyone that player bashing isn't permitted, and how some are getting mad at others. We're all rooting for the same guys. :)
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Big stakes with big game OSU players insist they ignore hype from media, focus on now
By George M. Thomas
Beacon Journal sports writer

Published on Friday, Sep 12, 2008
COLUMBUS: Ohio State has played in more big games in the past two years than any BCS team in the country.
Fans could make a case for LSU and Florida, but only one team, the Buckeyes, played in the past two national championship games.
No. 5 OSU (2-0) will play No. 1 Southern Cal (1-0) on Saturday night at the Los Angeles Coliseum in an uber-hyped game with a lot at stake.
The perception exists and persists that unless Ohio State plays to the level of its talent, the Buckeyes will become the Buffalo Bills of college football ? a team that never really figures out how to win the big one.
The players are aware of what's before them, OSU defensive end Lawrence Wilson said.
He also knows if the team wants to make it to three consecutive BCS National Championship Games, the road runs through USC.
''That's how it is,'' said Wilson, a St. Vincent-St. Mary graduate. ''We cannot change the past, but we have to focus on the present.''
He denies that the players have a chip on their shoulders. He also said they have not paid much attention to what the media said about the team since its mediocre showing against Ohio University last Saturday.
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