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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)


Ohio State Buckeyes, USC Trojans will display talented linebackers Saturday

Ohio State, USC feature extremely talented linebackers
Friday, September 12, 2008 Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter

Los Angeles
- Ohio State receiver Brian Hartline knows he's been preparing for Southern Cal's linebackers his whole career.
When he watches the Trojans on film, whether they're blitzing quarterbacks, cracking running backs or tracking receivers, he's seen it all before, watching his teammates at linebacker in every Ohio State practice.

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OSU, USC have middle beasts

Friday, September 12, 2008
James Laurinaitis
Size: 6-3, 240 pounds.
Career stats: 40 games, 29 starts, 6.5 tackles per game, 8 total interceptions, 9 total sacks. Last year, had 121 tackles, 5 sacks.
Awards: Two-time consensus All-American, won the Butkus Award last year as the nation's best linebacker and the Nagurski Award as the nation's best defender as a sophomore.
NFL comparison: Brian Urlacher.
NFL projection: First round, top-10-15 pick.
What he does best: Laurinaitis is almost always in the right place at the right time. He has great football instincts, both chasing running backs and as maybe the best cover linebacker in the country.
What he can work on: Former Buckeyes linebacker Chris Spielman explained to Sports Illustrated this week that Laurinaitis could stand to be a little more vicious. While steadier than Maualuga and less prone to mistakes, the USC backer's wild side makes him more likely to rock the Coliseum on Saturday. With his team a road underdog, the Buckeyes could use a monster play from their leader on which they can feed.
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No Beanie? No Problem? Some Buckeyes Think So.
By John Porentas

Acid indigestion medication sales took a jump around the Buckeye State when it was announced that Beanie Wells is "doubtful" for OSU's game with Southern Cal this weekend. One Buckeye who isn't spending a whole lot of time worrying about all that is wide receiver Brian Hartline. Hartline says the Buckeyes would love to have Wells, but weren't dwelling on the issue of whether or not he would play as they went through practice drills this week.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Brian Hartline [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Photo by Jim Davidson [/FONT]
"We can't. If you want to do that now you're already giving them the game," said Hartline.
"You cannot worry about individuals. We have to understand full schemes and what we're trying to do as a team," said Hartline.
"We cannot worry about if someone is healthy or not. If we do, then we're already taking ourselves out of the game before it's even started," Hartline said.
Hartline and the Buckeyes have been focused on doing what they can do, with our without Wells. If they have him, great, but if they don't, they just have to go on with the people they have in the best way possible. Some would say it can't possibly be enough, that the loss of a talent like Wells is too much for the Buckeyes to overcome against the Trojans. Defensive coordinator Jim Heacock isn't one of them.
"I think the talent word is overused personally," said Heacock.
"I think the team that's going to win is the one that's a 'team'. When you get a bunch of guys that are playing together and are playing hard, that's what wins football games," Heacock said.
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The-Ozone Note and Quotebook
By John Porentas

Better to Receive than Not: The Buckeyes have plenty to prove this week against Southern Cal on the national level. They also have a little bit to prove to themselves, particularly the Buckeye receiving corps.
OSU receivers had a tough week last week against Ohio, dropping several balls that potentially cost the Buckeyes scores. That kind of performance would be devastating for the OSU offense against Southern Cal. The Trojans like to load up on the run and dare people to pass. It's a great strategy but leaves the Trojan corners manned up on the opposition wide receivers. If the Buckeyes are going to get the front seven to back off to open up the running game, they're going have to complete some passes.
"They have a great front seven, so they like to put a lot of pressure on with the front seven and play man on the outside," said wide receiver coach Darrell Hazell. "We have to be doing things to make sure we're able to handle that front seven pressure."
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OSU, USC roots lie with Ohio brothers

probably one of the more interesting stories i've heard/read in a long time

we can leave it here and merge it into the GDT or OSU/USC thread later....
The Columbus Dispatch : OSU, USC roots lie with Ohio brothers
Granville Frambes sold land to Buckeyes; Oliver created Trojans' school
Friday, September 12, 2008 3:02 AM
By Michael Arace

Granville Frambes was a Union officer before settling here.


So many names have been conjured this week as Ohio State has readied to play football against the University of Southern California. Dick Nardi and Ambrose Schindler, Hopalong Cassady and Frank Gifford, Rex Kern and O.J. Simpson, Charles White, Archie Griffin, Woody Hayes and John McKay ...

But there would be no Ohio State-USC game, not in 1937, not Saturday night, if not for two brothers of whom you likely have never heard.
Granville and Oliver Frambes, from Felicity, Ohio, in Clermont County, were born before the invention of football, not to mention the telegraph, the revolver and the wrench. But they are more important to the Buckeyes and Trojans than pigskin itself.
They liked to build schools. That is the key thing.
"I just stumbled on the USC connection," said Robert Neal, 30, whose family is descended from the Frambes brothers.
"My father has this file on the family history, and he doesn't type much, so he asked me if I wanted to go online, do some research and tie up some loose ends," Neal said. "I happened to click on this USC site, and I just sat back and said, 'Whoa.' It just hit me, with the game coming up."
What hit him? What is the connection?

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Gatorubet;1256775; said:
Well, you said that if anybody against the "we will win" line you would ding them into oblivion. If you step back a bit you will see that you just set up a condition that says "Unless you say we will win no matter what your genuine best football opinion you are not welcome to post in this thread."

Call it what you want to, that is the result of how you set it up. That deal, IMO, is not what BP is about. It is about supporting the Bucks, that above all. But BP is not a site that is about censoring honest opinions as long as the individuals or coaches are not insulted. Saying another team will be better than you at their home field when your star back might now play - after the Ohio game gave some pause - is NOT the same as slamming the team. I mean, I admire your fire and support, but the censorship thing applying to 100% loyal Buckeyes just because they see the outcome differently is not right.

I hope you beat the [censored] out of USC so bad that Musberger strokes out and dies on camera. I'm sure the guy who posted a big Trojan win wants that too. But damn, man, post unicorns and rainbows or you will be attacked is wack.
I hope you beat the [censored] out of USC so bad that Musberger strokes out and dies on camera. LMAO!! I dont care who you are, thats funny! For what its worth, I can only speak for myself, I am not a mushburger fan at all.:biggrin:
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I'm hoping to see a much more varied offense this week with Herron and Saine playing better in expanded roles. We know the defense will play lights out, we need help from the offense and special teams to have any shot. Todd will take some huge shots this week, so the other QBs must be ready to spell Todd.
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JMO but tOSU ,and USC , deserve credit for even staging this game. The Bucks have lined up major teams for years and not much is said for their efforts.
These are the kind of games that make ncaa football what it is and all the talking heads should pay more attention to it.

ESPN says the best game next to this one is ND - Scum. Thats quite a drop off in talent.

:oh: go Bucks
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Time to BE GREAT

Well, the game is almost here. The months and months of anticipation are over. The predictions, game analysis, and days of trying to digest the negativity that the media has thrown at us and determine whether to buy into it are all OVER!

To the men who don the Scarlet & Grey, you are our heroes. Give 100% and we will love you. We are proud of you. You represent us on a level that you may probably never understand. Games of this magnitude are about GREAT players, GREAT performers rising to the occasion and putting their teams on their backs. With that said, BE GREAT TOMORROW.

James Lauranaitis, BE GREAT TOMORROW.

Malcom Jenkins, BE GREAT TOMORROW.


Chris Wells, if physical limitations keep you from being the great Buckeye that we all know you are, then be a leader. Inspire.

Someone else always emerges in games like this and annoints themself as the next great Ohio State star. Brandon Saine? Terrelle Pryor? Kurt Coleman? Devier Posey? Cameron Heyward? Someone will BE GREAT TOMORROW in leading the Buckeyes to victory!

See you at the Collisseum! Drive, drive on down the field!
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mooktarr;1256943; said:
JMO but tOSU ,and USC , deserve credit for even staging this game. The Bucks have lined up major teams for years and not much is said for their efforts.
These are the kind of games that make ncaa football what it is and all the talking heads should pay more attention to it.

ESPN says the best game next to this one is ND - Scum. Thats quite a drop off in talent.

:oh: go Bucks

I remember when we played Texas the first year, how the media talked forever about how awesome it was to see major programs playing a game like that and how neither should really be penalized in the polls for having the guts to schedule that game. (Wow that was a long sentence)

Anyway, it's funny how the times have changed. Now it's do or die apparently.

In other news...I'm so pumped to get this game started. :oh:
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Heisman-to-Heisman call paved way for statuesque encounter

By Ivan Maisel

Updated: September 12, 2008

The year 1999 is a forgettable one at both Ohio State and USC. The Buckeyes and Trojans each went 6-6. Ohio State lost to Michigan, USC to Notre Dame. But there is one event in that transcontinental ode to mediocrity for which every college football fan should be thankful. In 1999, Ohio State and USC agreed to play this Saturday night at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.

You think much has changed? USC is No. 1 for the second consecutive week and the 83rd week in its storied history. That is fourth-most in history. Tied for second, with 86 weeks, are Oklahoma and, yep, Ohio State. In the eight seasons after 1999, USC and Ohio State won all or part of three national championships and lost three others in the BCS National Championship Game. They combined to win four Heisman Trophies.

And they have done all of this without playing each other.

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