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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

I heard Cowherd show on his ESPN Radio show, interview with JT etc. USC had Joe McKnight lined up as QB in practice to simulate the Speed of Pryor in the backfield. They don't run the spread and it's difficult to match that in practice. Maybe Pryor will surprise a few people in this game. Cowherd is backing the Buckeyes.

Go Bucks.
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utgrad73;1255064; said:
I heard Cowherd show on his ESPN Radio show, interview with JT etc. USC had Joe McKnight lined up as QB in practice to simulate the Speed of Pryor in the backfield. They don't run the spread and it's difficult to match that in practice. Maybe Pryor will surprise a few people in this game. Cowherd is backing the Buckeyes.

Go Bucks.

It's funny... Cowherd's schtick is to go against popular opinion... he would bash the Buckeyes all season last year, when ESPN pundits weren't really as much (more less saying if they get in, they get in), but he always backed it up... a la, Bucks were a great team, but just not challenged week in/week out like LSU. Now it seems that ESPN nat'l media is against the Bucks (more than ever) and saying it will be a blowout, w/ no chance... so he has shifted to saying it will be close, and the Buckeyes are a good team, and have a chance. Helps his ratings... he seems to know college football, and doesn't read the scripts that ESPN gives everyone else.
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buckeyesin07;1255085; said:
Funny that Plaschke brings up Clarett. I wonder if he's ever heard of one Orenthal James Simpson (or glass houses, for that matter).

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to razz on USC any chance I get this week, but OJ did what he did as an alum. Very different situation from Clarrett.

You can't link your school to everything you do for the rest of your life.
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generaladm;1254653; said:
Why do I have the feeling Fanning and Mark May have exchanged naked pictures of themselves? Better question: Why do we let a wolverine-loving [censored] hole like Toledo continue to be part of our fair state? I would like to see one of two things: Ransack the city of anything valuable, and give it over to the state up north; or wall off the city and turn it into a slave labor ghetto where the rest of the state can send its dirtiest and most dangerous industries, with the profits disbursed equally throughout the rest of the state (BP members and their families in Toledo would be spared and relocated).

[email protected]

Just for you!

Kindest of regards,


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buckeyesin07;1255085; said:
Funny that Plaschke brings up Clarett. I wonder if he's ever heard of one Orenthal James Simpson (or glass houses, for that matter).

I think it's hilarious that he's acting as though USC is the one who's been slighted by the media and national perception. His claim that the buckeyes are so condescending and snotty, etc., blah, blah, blah. Someone's mom not hold him enough as a child? WTF? We have taken more guff as a fanbase and a team than any team in this decade, EASILY. We have taken the shots and kept coming. We don't give up because ESPN tells us we should. That makes us condescending? The comment about the 02 game, and the douchebag palmer comment further reinforce that bill is a bitter man, who has totally lost his sense of perspective in the media driven buckeye hating froth that will be silenced this weekend.

GO BUCKS! Show the world why we are proud to be buckeyes, as it really is us against everyone else (apparently except CFN).

Win or lose, play hard, with pride, and we'll still be here, pulling for you, cheering for you, and proud of you, regardless.

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