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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

[email protected] ... the douche bag that wrote the article

To a man, Trojans should be motivated for this one - Los Angeles Times

In an interview with ESPN.com last weekend, Small said he believed USC lacked class, discipline and integrity.

"I took my visit to USC, I'm like, 'How are they successful? They're not even serious about the game,' " Small said. "Before the game, they're all going crazy. Me and [defensive end] Rob Rose was on the visit and I'm looking like, 'Wow.'

"And then the coach said, 'You better get out of here. It's 'bout to get hectic.' "

He compared that to his recruiting visit to Ohio State.

"And then I come on the [Columbus] visit and before the game, it's all quiet, everybody getting taped, coaches talking, it's the total opposite," he said.

Then he gave his evaluation:

It's "a class thing. Here at Ohio State, they teach you to be a better man. There, it's just all about football."

A better man, perhaps, unless you are Ohio inmate Maurice Clarett.

Don't get me started.

I'm still furious at the Buckeyes for ruining the last two national championship games by failing to show up in either.

I'm sick of annually watching them awkwardly slog their way to the top of the polls by winning a conference that has become college football's version of the International League.

And, yeah, at the end of that 2002 national championship game against Miami? Bad call. That was not pass interference. Period.
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Not sure if this was posted before, but looks like Buckeye's have some bulletin board material here:

from THIS SI article
USC defensive lineman Kyle Moore isn't so sure.
"I don't want to say they're slow. I just think it's the speed of the game between the Big Ten and the Pac-10," he said.

Go Bucks!
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Keep that head on a swivel Ray Ray!

ESPN - Bruce Feldman Blog

Five compelling story lines
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Posted by Bruce Feldman

Lots of banter-worthy stuff this week. Here are the five story lines I think will be the most compelling:

1. Showdown at the Coliseum: Ohio State's visit to USC has already gotten a ton of hype, and really, it's nothing compared to what you'll hear over the next 96 hours. I went out to USC's practice on Monday, and most of the Trojan players I spoke with dismissed the "class" comment by Ray Small. "We don't have much to say about that ? We respect their program," Mark Sanchez said.

Taylor Mays, the 225-pound safety, though, appeared a bit more animated. "I'll see him Saturday," Mays said after being asked if he was excited to see the Buckeyes receiver.

Then Mays broke into a grin, before adding, "He's also a punt returner, and I am on the punt team."

Cont'd ...
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USC defensive lineman Kyle Moore isn't so sure.
"I don't want to say they're slow. I just think it's the speed of the game between the Big Ten and the Pac-10," he said.


Here we go again........ This game is really starting to remind me of that Miami game in 2002 for some reason. I am so sick of the speed debate. I guess the NFL likes to draft slow guys, only if they are from OSU.
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ESPN: Overheard at USC... notes and quotes

Overheard at USC... notes and quotes
September 9, 2008 10:58 PM
Posted by ESPN.com's Ted Miller

LOS ANGELES -- A full day's worth of notes and quotes as coaches Pete Carroll and Jim Tressel talked to reporters on both ends of the USC-Ohio State showdown.

Carroll and Tressel don't know each other personally but that doesn't mean they don't know each other.

"We know them through recruiting," Carroll said.

They don't steal prospects from each other's states very often -- Ohio State has three players from California, USC one from Ohio -- but both programs recruit nationally.

Tressel noticed some familiar names when he looked over the USC roster.

"Gosh -- all of those guys were on our wish list," he said.

He then ticked off some of those names: center Kristofer O'Dowd, tight end Blake Ayles, receiver Ronald Johnson, quarterback Mark Sanchez and offensive guard Jeff Byers.

USC hasn't always won recruiting the recruiting battles either -- see Chris Wells and Ted Ginn, Jr.

The best anecdote of the day was Carroll talking about his year as an Ohio State assistant coach under Earle Bruce.

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Not sure if it's been posted, but, CFN's preview of the game.

The Buckeyes will win the turnover and special teams battles, and while Beanie and the running game will get stuffed, the Trojan ground attack will do next to nothing. Sanchez will be terrific. He'll have some big moments, make some key throws, and will show that he could really be the next great USC quarterback, but he'll also throw two key interceptions. Pryor will run for a touchdown, OSU QB Todd Boeckman won't make any mistakes, and Ohio State will shock the football world with a win that shouldn't really come as that great a surprise.

CFN Prediction: Ohio State 27 ... USC 23 ... Line: USC -11
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OC Register: Sanches on wideouts: 'I trust those guys'

September 9th, 2008, 8:57 pm
posted by MICHAEL LEV

Mark Sanchez knows what?s coming Saturday. He also knows his older, wiser receiving corps is ready for it.

USC?s quarterback expects Ohio State to play a wider variety of pass defenses than Virginia, which mostly used a conservative zone that Sanchez picked apart in the top-ranked Trojans? 52-7 season-opening victory Aug. 30.

The No. 5 Buckeyes mix zones with man-to-man coverage, the latter their defense of choice when blitzing. And they blitz a lot.

?They?ll bring some stuff we haven?t prepared for,? Sanchez said after Tuesday?s practice. ?They have an intricate defense. We just have to be ready to think on the move.?

Notice Sanchez said ?we.? He isn?t the only who must recognize when the rush is coming. It?s incumbent on the receivers to see it too and break off their routes accordingly.

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Ah yes, Bill Plaschke gargles on the USC schlong, no surprise. Of course, he'd use Ray Small's quote and totally omit the quote from Gable saying that he doesn't care about Beanie, etc. etc.

I shouldn't expect anything less from a hack journalist from LA.
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zincfinger;1255002; said:
Not sure if it's been posted, but, CFN's preview of the game.


This prediction seems completely fair and possible to me, but I will say that Pete Fiutak calls for USC to lose around half its games yearly. Every time I see Pete's name at the top of an article dealing with USC, I take it with a grain of salt. Also, he says that OSU will win the game if they play like Oregon last year. Looks like you guys will have to learn the spread!
He also states that USC will win of they go up early and OSU is forced to play catchup like in last year's BCS title game, a game in which OSU was actually AHEAD for a large part of the first half and only starte dplaying from significantly behind in the second half.

What I'm trying to say, basically, is that a four point OSU win is entirely possible and a prediction I feel is not at all dangerous to make but that Pete Fiutak is a major hack. Glad I got that off my chest.
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