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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

BuckeyeCrazy107;1254347; said:
I really think a package with Boeckman, Wells, AND PRYOR would be pretty effective. I am guessing that either Senator Tressel has this up his sleeve or he is just too conservative to try it. Thoughts?

I've got to agree with you. Give Wells as many carries as he can handle! He can win this game on his own. GIVE BEANIE THE BALL!!
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scarletngray;1253669; said:
John Madden has said for years that it is the RB that makes the Line, not vice versa. I tend to agree. There a special players, that when they have the ball in their hands, they make things happen. Beanie is one of those guys. He would make any OL look better than it really is.

I agree! You should have seen the OL he ran behind in HS and he still put up monster yards :biggrin:
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scarletngray;1253669; said:
Disagree and agree. Disagree about Beanie. John Madden has said for years that it is the RB that makes the Line, not vice versa. I tend to agree. There a special players, that when they have the ball in their hands, they make things happen. Beanie is one of those guys. He would make any OL look better than it really is. :osu:

No doubt about that. The O-line was better in every respect in 2002 when Clarett was on the field. They couldn't seem to get out of their own way when Ross or Hall were in instead.
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head over to buckeyecommentary and watch the second video. its trevor matich giving some observations on sanchez. he was not as perfect against UVA as most USC would like us to believe. its a pretty good analysis that basically states that our defense will make him pay for those mistakes that UVA didn't.
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fourteenandoh;1254552; said:
head over to buckeyecommentary and watch the second video. its trevor matich giving some observations on sanchez. he was not as perfect against UVA as most USC would like us to believe. its a pretty good analysis that basically states that our defense will make him pay for those mistakes that UVA didn't.

More ESPN slobbering all over USC :roll2:
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Tresselbeliever;1254549; said:
Me too man. I'm planning to wake up bright and early, get some chow with the rents, and then head home and lock myself in a room with a tv tuned into this game. I don't care that it's my birthday, I'm watching this game alone.

Happy early bday, let's hope you get one heck of a present!!:oh:
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schwab;1253648; said:
If you are actually planning on watching this game as a Buckeyes fan and expecting a loss, then I would recommend playing some corn hole in the back yard. That's what fans of Ntre Ame, scUMigan, and MAC schools do while the big boys are playing in front of the world.

I'm not talking the good ol' USA, I'm talking about our family, friends and neighbors overseas. The world over. If we, as the state of Ohio, sit back on our couches and expect the Buckeyes to lose, then "we" cannot call ourselves Buckeyes. Do you know how many Buckeyes just dodged a bullet or an IED in the last week, still hoping they would be able to see this game?

I am a BUCKEYE. You are too. Let's act like we appreciate how great it is to be a Buckeye. From the United F' States of America.

We are going to pile drive USC to China and back.

Drive, drive on down the field. Men of the Scarlet and Gray.

And the Red, White, and Blue.

We have so many Buckeye fans overseas, pulling so hard for tOSU to win that we at least OWE it to them to have enough faith back here in the Great State of Ohio, that the GD Buckeyes are going to win the game.


I love my country, and I love my Buckeyes.

Special mention to my Marine friend Shane Semer, currently stationed in San Diego, between tours. I know he hates the Buckeyes, but I know he will be watching. Thanks for defending my country Shane.

R.I.P. SanAntonioBuck

What station does Shane work at? Im in the Navy and I am stationed in SD also and I want to get with every buckeye fan I can find out here while this game is going on. All the way this year baby. GO BUCKS!
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bucknutt76;1254569; said:
What station does Shane work at? Im in the Navy and I am stationed in SD also and I want to get with every buckeye fan I can find out here while this game is going on. All the way this year baby. GO BUCKS!

I'm not sure but I can probably find out. I will PM you if I get a chance to talk to him this week.

He's one of my friends that roots for Michigan, shirts and hats and the like... I also heard last week that he is now picking up on the USC vibe, just by being around it. BUT he always knew more about the Buckeyes than Michigan, so part of me thinks he is wanting to see OSU win this one. Whether or not he'd admit it, not sure. I know he won't miss it.
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