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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

schwab;1254579; said:
I'm not sure but I can probably find out. I will PM you if I get a chance to talk to him this week.

He's one of my friends that roots for Michigan, shirts and hats and the like... I also heard last week that he is now picking up on the USC vibe, just by being around it. BUT he always knew more about the Buckeyes than Michigan, so part of me thinks he is wanting to see OSU win this one. Whether or not he'd admit it, not sure. I know he won't miss it.

Yeah there are alot of USC fans here natrually but that could never change me I surprisingly see alot of OSU fans here to and everytime they always are say "Go Bucks". Its great to see that when your 3000 miles away from the O.
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fourteenandoh;1254552; said:
head over to buckeyecommentary and watch the second video. its trevor matich giving some observations on sanchez. he was not as perfect against UVA as most USC would like us to believe. its a pretty good analysis that basically states that our defense will make him pay for those mistakes that UVA didn't.

Sanchez can't throw balls into traffic, period. There were a few times against UVA when he just slung it out there for no other apparent reason than the fact that he wanted to force the issue. I'm sure quarterbacks, when playing in games they are leading by a lot, are more prone to play fast and loose but there is still reason for concern in the sense that Sanchez doesn't seem to like the idea of either throwing the ball away or taking the sack, two things that are absolutely necessary against good teams. One thing I remember about Matt Leinart, who was a great college quarterback in his own right, was his ability to take sacks or throw the ball away on third down. This was one of the main reasons why he had very low TD/Interception ratios and also why, in my opinion, the Trojans often avoided letdowns in big games.
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Well, you learn something new everyday. Today at about 12:50am, I learned that Brad Fanning is a complete and total douchebag. He's the sports director for FOX Toledo, and runs a weekly feature called "My message to irrational Buckeye fans". While he tries to puss out by saying it's only directed toward the completely irrational fans, it's a thinly veiled anti-Buckeye rant, and probably his attempt to get his foot in the door at ESPN. I found the latest episode over at 11W:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7_Yn_uensA]YouTube - Irrational Buckeye Nation address #2[/ame]

Why do I have the feeling Fanning and Mark May have exchanged naked pictures of themselves? Better question: Why do we let a wolverine-loving shit hole like Toledo continue to be part of our fair state? I would like to see one of two things: Ransack the city of anything valuable, and give it over to the state up north; or wall off the city and turn it into a slave labor ghetto where the rest of the state can send its dirtiest and most dangerous industries, with the profits disbursed equally throughout the rest of the state (BP members and their families in Toledo would be spared and relocated).

[email protected]
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generaladm;1254653; said:
Well, you learn something new everyday. Today at about 12:50am, I learned that Brad Fanning is a complete and total douchebag. He's the sports director for FOX Toledo, and runs a weekly feature called "My message to irrational Buckeye fans". While he tries to puss out by saying it's only directed toward the completely irrational fans, it's a thinly veiled anti-Buckeye rant, and probably his attempt to get his foot in the door at ESPN. I found the latest episode over at 11W:

YouTube - Irrational Buckeye Nation address #2

Why do I have the feeling Fanning and Mark May have exchanged naked pictures of themselves? Better question: Why do we let a wolverine-loving shit hole like Toledo continue to be part of our fair state? I would like to see one of two things: Ransack the city of anything valuable, and give it over to the state up north; or wall off the city and turn it into a slave labor ghetto where the rest of the state can send its dirtiest and most dangerous industries, with the profits disbursed equally throughout the rest of the state (BP members and their families in Toledo would be spared and relocated).

[email protected]

I want to crack his fucking skull and eat his brains while his family watches. How's that for irrational, fuckhead?
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maximumblitz;1254607; said:
One way to counter an agressive/attacking USC defense is to go four wide, with TP and Beanie in the backfield.

I'd say go 3 wide with the TE, with TP and Beanie.

The reason for this is because it's much more believable that you're doing a run/pass option (or just an straight-up option) if you keep 3 wideouts. But you're right, if they're attacking, we need to let Pryor out to scare them into thinking he'll run with the ball. But we'd have to pass with him first, else they'll crowd the line and take him out. Putting him in, giving someone like Dane or Robo the slot position, someone who runs great routes, and letting him throw some underneath passes to the vacated LB spots if USC is blitzing heavily, will really do a great job forcing the USC defense to stay honest.

However, one thing I haven't seen talked about a whole lot is how Todd ran a bit of an option look. If USC's over-aggressive, then even Todd can successfully pull off an option. If the DE is rushing too hard then Beanie will make them pay.
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methomps;1254559; said:
More ESPN slobbering all over USC :roll2:

if this is sarcasm, please disregard the rest of the post.

actually, he was pointing out Sanchez' weaknesses that aren't noticeably visible at first glance. he breaks down some film and points out some bad reads, inaccurate throws and poor mechanics. its worth watching
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Memories of Game That Ended Early...


By Associated Press


It's been 18 years and Greg Frey still refuses to accept defeat.

"There were 2? minutes left on the clock, and now we'll never know," the former Ohio State quarterback said Monday.

When No. 1 Southern California hosts No. 5 Ohio State on Saturday in the first big tilt of the college football season, it will be the first time the teams meet since their showdown in 1990, - a game people still talk about because of its bizarre circumstances and twist at the end.

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