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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

HailToMichigan;1252927; said:
Uh, yeah, I had that explained to me just now, thanks. It might surprise you to learn that I don't rabidly follow OSU football for every detail about the machinations of Jim Tressel, nor do I read through 60-70 pages of posts in the Ohio game thread, nor do I even watch OSU when Michigan is on at the same time. So you could say I skipped that part, yeah.
I don't hang out at a scUM board.

Perhaps because I'm a Buckeye... and the only time I actually watch scUM is when I see a tight game going on with the App. States of the world (Utah, Miami (OH), etc.)
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For Big Ten, this game means everything

by Michael Rosenberg

Detroit Free Press columnist Michael Rosenberg's new book, "War As They Knew It: Woody Hayes, Bo Schembechler and America in a Time of Unrest," is being released nationwide this week. He is a frequent contributor to FOXSports.com.

Updated: September 8, 2008, 11:12 AM EST

At one point Saturday, with Ohio State trailing Ohio and Michigan locked in a death struggle against Miami of Ohio, I thought, "Oh no, is Jim Delaney going to send out a press release questioning the MAC's academic standards?"

Ohio State rallied, Michigan held on, and Delaney ? the Big Ten commissioner who took a few shots at the SEC last winter ? does not have to defend his league.
At least, not yet.

Ohio State visits USC Saturday night, and I cannot remember a big September game that seemed so necessary. Let's face it: if the Buckeyes did not play a top-five team from another conference, then showed up for their third straight BCS title game in January, fans around the nation would have called security. I think we all remember the lesson from the Bible: once is a happening, twice is a coincidence and three times means please, for the love of all things holy, STOP CRASHING THE TITLE GAME.
But if Ohio State wins at USC Saturday, that would shut up a whole lot of people. Winning at USC is the gold standard of this era of college football. It is an achievement nobody can dispute. You can't say USC is a fraud, because the Trojans play all comers in all places, and they just destroyed Virginia on the road.

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Scout.com: 5 Thoughts - The Bad Call

At Least They're Not Playing An SEC Team

By Matthew Zemek

4. Very simply, ladies and gentlemen, if you think that Ohio State is in trouble against USC because of the way the Buckeyes played against Ohio, you know nothing about college football and have failed to pay attention to this sport during your lifetime.

Nothing more need be said.

Yeah, But They'll Still Show Up

By Steve Silverman

[FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif]
[/FONT]. How in the name of all that is holy will the Buckeyes find a way to stay in the game next week against USC. If we only looked at this situation through the most basic set of numbers it would be scary enough. USC, which enjoyed a week of rest, absolutely destroyed Virginia on the road in its season opener. The final score was somewhere in the vicinity of half a hundred to a field goal and as they say in the business it could have been worse. Meanwhile, the Buckeyes were trailing into the fourth quarter against MACified Bobcats before escaping in the final quarter. Next week the Buckeye go to the ancient L.A. Coliseum to take on a team they haven?t beaten since 1974. Pete Johnson was playing for the Buckeyes in those days and Woody Hayes was stalking the sidelines. Fear for the Buckeyes in this one. Even if Beanie Wells can get his foot to cooperate and he can play in this one, he can?t possibly be at top-speed or full strength. USC coach Pete Carroll lives for this kind of reputation-cementing games and it could get ugly and embarrassing. Jim Tressel needs to come up with an answer that he believes and can sell to his team or the Buckeyes may have a real-life nightmare on their hands.

:lol: I guess we now know what Matthew Zemeck thinks of Steve Silverman when it comes to college football.
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TheMightyQuinn;1252943; said:
Scout.com: 5 Thoughts - The Bad Call

At Least They're Not Playing An SEC Team

By Matthew Zemek

4. Very simply, ladies and gentlemen, if you think that Ohio State is in trouble against USC because of the way the Buckeyes played against Ohio, you know nothing about college football and have failed to pay attention to this sport during your lifetime.

Nothing more need be said.

Yeah, But They'll Still Show Up

By Steve Silverman

[FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif]
[/FONT]. How in the name of all that is holy will the Buckeyes find a way to stay in the game next week against USC. If we only looked at this situation through the most basic set of numbers it would be scary enough. USC, which enjoyed a week of rest, absolutely destroyed Virginia on the road in its season opener. The final score was somewhere in the vicinity of half a hundred to a field goal and as they say in the business it could have been worse. Meanwhile, the Buckeyes were trailing into the fourth quarter against MACified Bobcats before escaping in the final quarter. Next week the Buckeye go to the ancient L.A. Coliseum to take on a team they haven?t beaten since 1974. Pete Johnson was playing for the Buckeyes in those days and Woody Hayes was stalking the sidelines. Fear for the Buckeyes in this one. Even if Beanie Wells can get his foot to cooperate and he can play in this one, he can?t possibly be at top-speed or full strength. USC coach Pete Carroll lives for this kind of reputation-cementing games and it could get ugly and embarrassing. Jim Tressel needs to come up with an answer that he believes and can sell to his team or the Buckeyes may have a real-life nightmare on their hands.

:lol: I guess we now know what Matthew Zemeck thinks of Steve Silverman when it comes to college football.

I am inclined to agree with Zemeck on this one.

Look, on paper this game is not going to be easy for the Buckeyes and as a USC fan I still give my team the edge. I have to. Based on each teams performances so far this year, their respective rosters, the fact that the game is happening in LA and the ongoing doubt over Beanie's health, I just feel I can't justify looking at this game as either a wash or a giving the Bucks the edge.
That said, though, Zemeck is absolutely right. Those who write off the Bucks, or any team this early in the year for that matter, just do not know college football. The great thing about CFB is that, unlike the pros, results are extremely volatile from one week to the next. ECU, who just beat Virginia Tech and West Virginia on back to back weekends could very well play whatever low DI team they face next week and lose. It's the nature of the game and it's why we all love it so much; one week your team can do no wrong, the next everything falls apart. I just dont understand people who still think CFB works like clockwork and every higher ranked team will necessarily beat a lower ranked team when they face off. It's COLLEGE FOOTBALL for God's sake! We love it for the upsets!
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Kurt Sexington;1252983; said:
Based on each teams respective rosters, I just feel I can't justify looking at this game as either a wash or a giving the Bucks the edge.

As a collective of your points outside of what I kept above, I can understand your point. However, to me, when it comes to roster strength, I definitely see a wash. The quantity and quality of talent is, at least, equivalent.
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muffler dragon;1252992; said:
As a collective of your points outside of what I kept above, I can understand your point. However, to me, when it comes to roster strength, I definitely see a wash. The quantity and quality of talent is, at least, equivalent.

I too see it as a wash. What I meant by that phrase was mainly that on all major points I would have to either give the edge to USC (i.e. play so far, health of team) or declare it a wash (roster caliber, specific strength at key positions such as QB, ect.) As Ive said before, if you just go by looking at both teams rosters, SC and OSU are very evenly matched all over the field.
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Kurt Sexington;1253010; said:
I too see it as a wash. What I meant by that phrase was mainly that on all major points I would have to either give the edge to USC (i.e. play so far, health of team) or declare it a wash (roster caliber, specific strength at key positions such as QB, ect.) As Ive said before, if you just go by looking at both teams rosters, SC and OSU are very evenly matched all over the field.

Got'cha. I believe I misunderstood your post.
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