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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

This is exactly what USC couldn't want to happen. The Buckeyes had to gel together during the Ohio game. The are pissed off. But they had some experience in a close game. They know they are better than that, and I expect them to come out strong and fired up. USC is being spoon fed how good they are...and the Buckeyes keep getting put down. Back a dog into a corner and eventually it will bite. I think we are ready to bite. This game is going to be a good one. I think USC should be worried about our defense. It's going to give Sanchez a ton of problems. Yes, USC is at home, and that will help them. But THE OHIO STATE BUCKEYES WILL RISE ABOVE IT AND OVERCOME!!!!!

Ohio State 31
Southern California 23
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This is going to be a great game and I look forward to seeing how the team reponds to the close win and talk from fans and media. They should be pissed off and ready to go and they will need to be.

I really liked what I saw from the D in the form of pass rush against Ohio. Yes it was Ohio and they didn't keep containment, but they showed that the DL can really get some pressure going and cause havoc in the pocket. Sanchez is mobile, but not nearly as mobile as Boo and I think the DL has a chance to really change this game. Wilson was playing very well and I expect a big game from him, Gibson, and Heyward.

The OL will have to play much better along with the WRs and I think that they will respond to critism and be fired up to prove themselves. Boeckman just needs to play smart and hopefully Beanie is fired up. I have a feeling that he is.:biggrin:

This is going to be a 7 point game in my mind. Can't wait till kickoff.

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SCLendak;1252644; said:
Your OC won't even trust Pryor in a close situation against OHIO University; do you seriously think your offensive coordinatoor will trust Pryor in a close situation against USC???

Come back and post when you know what the fuck you're talkng about...
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I hope!

JonathanXC;1252652; said:
This is exactly what USC couldn't want to happen. The Buckeyes had to gel together during the Ohio game. The are [censored]ed off. But they had some experience in a close game. They know they are better than that, and I expect them to come out strong and fired up. USC is being spoon fed how good they are...and the Buckeyes keep getting put down. Back a dog into a corner and eventually it will bite. I think we are ready to bite. This game is going to be a good one. I think USC should be worried about our defense. It's going to give Sanchez a ton of problems. Yes, USC is at home, and that will help them. But THE OHIO STATE BUCKEYES WILL RISE ABOVE IT AND OVERCOME!!!!!

Ohio State 31
Southern California 23

I can only hope this is true. In retrospect, the Ohio University game illlustrated one of three things.

1.) Ohio State is Overrated.

2.) Ohio State was unprepared and OU was psyched for the chance in the Shoe.

3.) Ohio State was looking ahead.

None are great, but football and college aged kids(some of which are still teenagers) is a week by week experience for they, the players, and we, the fans.

I love the USC cheerleaders in their sweaters, but I hate USC.

Go Bucks-
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HailToMichigan;1252682; said:
I'm curious then.....if that's such a stupid point, then why did Pryor have one totally ineffective series and one series of mop-up time against Ohio?
Poor execution, poor play calling is the reason for the first. Tressel said Pryor was to play on the series which was canceled owing to Small's punt return (Would have come in to play in a "pressure" spot - with the lead, 19 - 14, but more pressure than the game in hand, for sure). The mop up work was just that after Small's return.

I think Mili's point was more that you can't look at a box score and all of a sudden go toe to toe with people who follow every detail of a team, so you're better off to ask - like you did - than you are to make grand overstatements like Lendak.
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Ohio State knows it has to get better to beat USC
Monday, September 8, 2008
[email protected]


Saturday, 8 p.m.

Memorial Coliseum, Los Angeles

TV Channel 5

COLUMBUS James Laurinaitis was not in a celebratory frame of mind after Ohio State's close call Saturday.

The All-American linebacker had one of the Buckeyes' five takeaways ? a telling stat that ultimately was the difference in a 26-14 victory over Ohio. But Ohio State's defensive players could not honestly pat each other on the back and say, "Great game."

"I think the defense needs to get a lot better," Laurinaitis said. "I think we're going to look at the film and see we had way too many missed tackles."

A backup quarterback on a Mid-American Conference team gave the Buckeyes fits early on and helped the Bobcats take a second-quarter lead.

Boo Jackson came in after starter Theo Scott left with a shoulder injury and was too elusive for Ohio State defenders trying to chase him down. He led an 11-play, 72-yard scoring drive that put Ohio ahead, 7-3.

Jackson also had the Bobcats on a couple drives that were stopped by turnovers. He rushed for 55 yards, second most on the team.

"If you look at the rushing yards, a lot of that was quarterback scrambles," Laurinaitis said. "We have to make tackles when we have the opportunity to make tackles."

Laurinaitis did not feel Ohio having to change quarterbacks should have caught the Buckeyes off guard.

"I think if you watch back on film of the two guys, they're kind of mirror images of each other," he said. "We knew they were both athletic guys, both at the scramble and throwing on the run. The first one got knocked out of the game and the second one comes in, you've got to know on film they both looked exactly the same and they like to do the same things."
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Being tested early is not a bad thing at all. Lat week when we played YSU everything came easy. Blocking, tackling, persuit, etc. When we played Ohio it was obvious some of those things were not at easy and they will be a lot tougher vs a deep and talented USC team.

Having said that I am curious to see how USC will adapt to competition that is better then what they faced vs Virginia. Will they be able to adapt quickly or will it take some time to adjust like it did OSU on Saturday. Time will tell but I think it might take a quarter or two for USC to adjust. I hope OSU can take advatage at that time.

Go Bucks!
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HailToMichigan;1252682; said:
I'm curious then.....if that's such a stupid point, then why did Pryor have one totally ineffective series and one series of mop-up time against Ohio?

I think Pryor was put in at QB and the first thing he did was throw to make the defense respect him as QB not just a direct snap runner? All he has done since is run to the edges so he can get to full speed, get used to the speed of college play, and be ready for whatever role he has key situations? Am I the only one that saw it this way?
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Pals Hazelton, Wells should play Saturday - San Bernardino County Sun

By Scott Wolf, Staff Writer

LOS ANGELES - There are few ties between USC and Ohio State, but Trojans wide receiver Vidal Hazelton was roommates with Buckeyes star tailback Chris "Beanie" Wells at a high school all-star game.

The pair remains friends and Hazelton said Wells recently sent a message to his Facebook page.

But being roommates was not enough to convince Hazelton to join Wells at Ohio State.

"I was looking for the heat. I didn't want to play in the cold," said Hazelton, who attended a prep school in Virginia before selecting USC.


Unlike Hazelton, Gable doesn't have much to say about Wells.

"I never heard of him," he said. "I don't really care about him."
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