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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)


USC has little to worry about vs. ?O-S-Who?

September 7th, 2008, 8:00 am ? 3 Comments ? posted by MICHAEL LEV, OCREGISTER.COM

If the Ohio without the ?State? can come within a quarter of beating The Ohio State University, then we ought to turn down the hype several notches.

About the only danger for USC at this point is overconfidence.
No matter the excuse, er, cause ? Beanie Wells? absence, a classic letdown situation, hurt feelings from the Bobcats wearing ?O-S-Who?? T-shirts during their Friday walk-through ? you couldn?t be impressed by Ohio State?s 26-14 victory over Ohio U. on Saturday.
Ohio State receiver Brian Hartline wasn?t, calling out his team by calling its performance ?pathetic.? So at least the Buckeyes will have a rallying cry when they come calling next Saturday.
They won?t have the No. 3 ranking, or at least they shouldn?t.
If voters penalized Georgia for playing a soft opener (and rewarded USC for the opposite), then Ohio State is bound to fall a spot or two (or three or four) in the polls. And that could negatively impact USC ? come BCS time.
The computers have little appetite for out-of-conference cupcakes.
Coming Monday: An in-depth scouting report on Ohio State.

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Buckeyes can finally focus on a pocket passer
September 8, 2008 11:14 AM

Posted by ESPN.com's Adam Rittenberg

Relief isn't usually the sentiment that surfaces when a team studies the USC offense.
USC's Mark Sanchez isn't likely to beat the Buckeyes with his feet.

But when Ohio State begins learning the names and numbers of the Trojans' seemingly endless list of rushing threats, defenders can take some comfort in knowing quarterback Mark Sanchez isn't among them.
Loaded with talent around him and a bionic right arm, Sanchez can pick apart opposing defenses in many ways, but running the ball is rarely his method of choice. He has only 23 career rushing yards on 19 carries, an average of 1.2 yards per rush.
Sanchez still moves around decently in the pocket, but he doesn't fall under the label of mobile quarterback, and that could be a good thing for No. 5 Ohio State heading into this week's matchup at the L.A. Coliseum (ABC, 8 p.m. ET). Several mobile quarterbacks have caused problems for the Buckeyes' otherwise sound defense, which led the nation in fewest points and fewest yards allowed last season.

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I am sure we will see a different team on Saturday vs. USC. Yes we had poor execution in the Ohio game but we still won so who cares. If you looked at most of the plays (in my opinion) they were all pretty plain. You didn't see alot of receiver slants and long routes. Yes they did rotate out the backs alot but I think to be honest they didn't want to tip their hand as to what they were really going to do against USC.

Granted USC has tons of game tapes to view but helps to konw what the team is currently running. Thats my take on it. Yes we dropped in the polls but the media and sportswrtiers just arent pro-Ohio State.

One of the keys to winning the game against USC is to make USC adjust to how we are playing. Not the other way around.

Either way it shoulde be a good game and I've got the day off......

GO BUCKS....:osu:
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I am still holding to the thought we played vanilla ball against Ohio. USC was off so there is no tape to study... in return we didnt run anything other than cover two man and zone, few spy plays on defense and nothing but dives, counters and alittle pistol option on offense so USC has nothing to study other than week one.

I take nothing but a little sloppy execution and too many guys looking ahead away from the Ohio game...

I will pass judgement at 11pm on Saturday the 13th...
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SparkyOSU;1252867; said:
I am still holding to the thought we played vanilla ball against Ohio. USC was off so there is no tape to study... in return we didnt run anything other than cover two man and zone, few spy plays on defense and nothing but dives, counters and alittle pistol option on offense so USC has nothing to study other than week one.

I take nothing but a little sloppy execution and too many guys looking ahead away from the Ohio game...

I will pass judgement at 11pm on Saturday the 13th...

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IMO, Gable's comments about Beanie are ten times worse than what Small had to say about USC. Of course, Small's comments are front page headlines on espn.com, yet you only hear about Gable's comments if you read some obscure article in its entirety. Not that this needs to be said, but C.J. Gable will never be the RB that Beanie already is.
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HailToMichigan;1252682; said:
I'm curious then.....if that's such a stupid point, then why did Pryor have one totally ineffective series and one series of mop-up time against Ohio?

Uh, did you decide to skip the part where Tressel was going to put in Pryor for the series after we had scored to go up 19-14, but Small returned to punt for a TD? I'd say putting in a true freshman QB in the fourth quarter only up by five in a dogfight with an inspired in-state opponent has a pretty good amount of pressure.
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HailToMichigan;1252682; said:
I'm curious then.....if that's such a stupid point, then why did Pryor have one totally ineffective series and one series of mop-up time against Ohio?

pryor not playing had little to do with a lack of confidence in pryor playing in pressure situations. it had everything to do with the first string offense not playing sound fundamental football. an oline with the experience and talent as ours should never have that many white jersey's in the backfield. let alone every play and certainly not that quickly. tressel playing pryor is as much important as it is a reward. its not just a rewards for pryor, its also a reward for every single person on offense. the same as tressel opening up the playbook. if you do the little things right you are rewarded. we open up the playbook, make things a little more complicated and do some fun stuff. if we can't handle the basics? we close the book and everything stops being fun right fast.

you may not have seen the 06 tOSU illi game. we went up big in the 1st half. but we were making stupid mistakes on offense. guys were missing blocks and flat out playing like ass. it really wasn't stopping the offense from moving the ball. but it was clear we weren't outplaying illi. we were simply out talenting them. how did tresssel respond in the 2nd half? instead of continueing to outtalent the opponent and reward the soft play by the line. he went power I and ran the exact same 3 running plays on every single down regardless of the distance. 1st and 10 with 8 in the box? power I run play. 3rd and 9 with 10 in the box? power I run play. and thats what we did for damn near an entire half. i very clearly remember there being 10 defenders in the box and we literally ran the exact same run play from the power I each time 3 straight times to go 3 and out. it wasn't pretty, and im almost 100% sure it wasn't fun in the least for the players. but i think they got the point.

i don't think thats exactly what happened last saturday. i don't think you do that when your not winning. but i think it was pretty similar. there was a lot of on the field punishing going on in that game.
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MililaniBuckeye;1252898; said:
Uh, did you decide to skip the part where Tressel was going to put in Pryor for the series after we had scored to go up 19-14, but Small returned to punt for a TD? I'd say putting in a true freshman QB in the fourth quarter only up by five in a dogfight with an inspired in-state opponent has a pretty good amount of pressure.
Uh, yeah, I had that explained to me just now, thanks. It might surprise you to learn that I don't rabidly follow OSU football for every detail about the machinations of Jim Tressel, nor do I read through 60-70 pages of posts in the Ohio game thread, nor do I even watch OSU when Michigan is on at the same time. So you could say I skipped that part, yeah.
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