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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

HailToMichigan;1253049; said:
Yeah, Lloyd Carr was quite the wacky innovator. He liked to run off left tackle, but you always had to be prepared for something crazy like running off right tackle instead.
Right, because Henne wasn't slinging it all over the field ever during the last two matchups :roll1:
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That may be, but the last thing I'd ever call a Lloyd Carr offense is gimmicky. Even the trick plays were old-school.
Is Llllllloyd Carr still your coach? No? Then maybe the poster who said your gimmicky offense should move to the MAC was referring to that.

Or maybe I'm just siding with him because I hate the pussy gimmick offense that Dick Rod runs.
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BuckeyeNation27;1253072; said:
Is Llllllloyd Carr still your coach? No? Then maybe the poster who said your gimmicky offense should move to the MAC was referring to that.

Or maybe I'm just siding with him because I hate the pussy gimmick offense that Dick Rod runs.

Yes, this poster was not referring to LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLoyd Carr's offense. I respect Carr, not so much DickShit Rod.
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Because they have been for the past 3-4 years playing atleast one game extremely soft. We have one of the most talented line groups for the past couple years now and we do tend to have between 1-3 games a year were they are getting pushed around for no apperent reason. A guy 315 pounds should get nasty with a guy 260 pounds on the dline. I hope they play with a mean streak this week because we'll need it against that aggressive front 7
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I sure and the hell hope we don't return the opening kick off for 7 or have Beanie sprint for a TD of 60 yards... haha Seriously I want to see a methodical approach against their defense. Keep their offense off the field and wear down that defense of theirs. Beanie and the Oline gata come to work on Saturday.
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