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2025 OH LB/DE Justin Hill (Alabama Verbal)

Did not see that one coming. Dang. The unexpected commit by Grady (if it sticks) offsets the sting of this one a little though.

Not thinking that has anything to do with it, but the DE class is already stellar and I see Hill as an edge guy. To the extent he wouldn't play Jack, we've got what should be an amazing LB class. Don't like missing here, but we're far from being in bad shape at either position he might have ended up
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And next to none of those kids panned out either...

Yeah, I understand, I was just messing with you. And outside of 2010 like @buckeyemania11 said, I can't think of any other. But I think OSU going south and stealing guys is an even bigger accomplishment, imo. Especially since in the past AL players left, but for other SEC school
I agree with you and buckeyemania. I’m sure bama fans are all a-Twitter right now over beating out OSU for Hill (I don’t have an X account). But what OSU has done in their state this year is far more impressive and impactful. Especially being positions of need for OSU right now. I’ll take that trade everyday and twice on Sunday.
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Hill said he trusts in Bama's development plan for him. What? It is basically a new staff.

With that said, it isn't like Knowles and company can show the kid receipts on how he would fit in.

Not for nothing, Kane Wommack I think will be a helluva DC. Young (only 37), co-DC experience at Indiana, head coach at South Alabama and a pretty good one at that. Freddie Roach is also a great DL coach and has been there. I think Hill really is a great fit, Bama has a great staff, and they've obviously been the most successful program while going through the SEC.
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I agree with you and buckeyemania. I’m sure bama fans are all a-Twitter right now over beating out OSU for Hill (I don’t have an X account). But what OSU has done in their state this year is far more impressive and impactful. Especially being positions of need for OSU right now. I’ll take that trade everyday and twice on Sunday.
That would be a trade I'd take every day IF we hold onto both. Offord I feel good on, Grady I'm a little cautious on getting too excited. But if we get Grady and Bama gets Hill that is a direct trade I would take. Wanted Hill in this class but Bama has to be furious on the commits we've got from their state.
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The Ohio State football team won't give up trying to flip this recruit​

Despite losing out on his commitment initially, the Ohio State football team is going to keep trying to flip Justin Hill.

The Ohio State football team has done a great job on the recruiting trail. They have the best class in the country for the 2025 cycle. It should keep getting better too because there are some five-star recruits that they have their eyes on as well. They should get at least one of them.

Still, the Buckeyes were disappointed to lose out on Justin Hill. Hill is a four-star defensive lineman from Cincinnati. He decided on Wednesday to go to Alabama instead of Ohio State. Even though the Ohio State football team has five defensive linemen already in this recruiting class, they still really want Hill.
Ultimately, that's why Hill decided to go with Alabama. They have a clear plan for him while the Buckeyes do not. Knowles would like to go back to the "Jack" position being clear in his defense once Larry Johnson retires, but it's unclear when that will actually be.

Ohio State is not giving up on Hill. They are going to try to flip him until Signing Day. They very much like his potential. Whether or not they will be able to actually do it is another story. They have a few months to accomplish this feat.
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