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2025 OH LB/DE Justin Hill (Alabama Verbal)

To show you how crazy recruiting is, I pose this question to you: When was the last time OSU got 2 top 10 kids from AL

To show you how crazy recruiting is, I pose this question to you: When was the last time OSU got 2 top 10 kids from AL?
I’d feel confident in saying never lol But it also feels like Bama has lost multiple top 10 kids out of state in one cycle more often than OSU. Without googling any of this of course. I’m probably completely wrong. My original point was focusing on how often it happens to OSU.
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Assuming McNutt does in fact go to Oregon, when was the last time two top 10 Ohio kids spurned OSU? Asking for a friend.

2010 was brutal for us when it came to top in state players

Jordan Hicks, Latwan Anderson, Spencer Ware, Braylon Heard and Matt James were all top 100 players (using rivals, pre 247) they all went elsewhere. We got 1 of 6 top 100 players in state (Andrew Norwell)
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2010 was brutal for us when it came to top in state players

Jordan Hicks, Latwan Anderson, Spencer Ware, Braylon Heard and Matt James were all top 100 players (using rivals, pre 247) they all went elsewhere. We got 1 of 6 top 100 players in state (Andrew Norwell)
And next to none of those kids panned out either...

I’d feel confident in saying never lol But it also feels like Bama has lost multiple top 10 kids out of state in one cycle more often than OSU. Without googling any of this of course. I’m probably completely wrong. My original point was focusing on how often it happens to OSU.
Yeah, I understand, I was just messing with you. And outside of 2010 like @buckeyemania11 said, I can't think of any other. But I think OSU going south and stealing guys is an even bigger accomplishment, imo. Especially since in the past AL players left, but for other SEC schools
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And next to none of those kids panned out either...

Yeah, I understand, I was just messing with you. And outside of 2010 like @buckeyemania11 said, I can't think of any other. But I think OSU going south and stealing guys is an even bigger accomplishment, imo. Especially since in the past AL players left, but for other SEC schools

I'm sure we were all having quite the meltdown back in 2010 but yea looking back now none of the guys we lost on really did a whole lot, you just never know with recruiting. The more national recruiting success we have now makes the in state losses sting less, you take the trade of the 2 Bama players we have for Hill any day.
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