Ran into a problem with the version of mysql the new machine had installed (3). Unfortunately, upgrading that required also upgrading the operating system, and other bits of software.
Someone local to the machine is taking it down Tuesday night, by Wednesday morning it will be ready for me to move everything back over, and import the database.
If all that goes well, I will immediately bring it live, shut this side down, and post a redirect. If it doesn't, then we should still be very close.
Per the norm, this was all more difficult and drawn out than it had to be. :P But at least we will be on the new box before the season starts. I could have moved us over weeks ago, but the OS upgrade was an absolute need, and doing that on a live box would be much more disruptive than the way we've gone. I guess the point here being that I felt waiting and getting it all right, was better than being on the new box sooner, but not having it the way it needed to be for us really to enjoy the new power and speed.
This *should* be the last update here in terms of "the move is coming". If you log in Wednesday (or shortly thereafter) and see a numeric IP instead of our domain name, we've moved. Don't update your bookmarks[sup]1[/sup] with the numeric IP. After we've moved, I'll update the DNS, that will propagate around the net, and you'll see the happy simplicity of 'buckeyeplanet.com' again.
[sup]1[/sup] - IF your bookmarks point to ANYTHING BUT
www.buckeyeplanet.com/*, then you will probably have to change them. Meaning, if your links are to 'forum.buckeyeplanet.com', 'cinnmon.bryants.net', 'cinnamon.bryants.net', etc., then it might be a good idea to change them to the base 'www' address. We'll see when we get there, all those addresses will go somewhere, forum.buckeyeplanet.com will revert to
www.*, but *.bryants.net will not. Maybe I'll put a redirect there as well, instead of the current picture of my dogs singing Christmas carols.