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Official NCAA 2007 Info Thread (Merged)

That would suck if you couldn't edit equipment and would make no sense. I can't wait till Tuesday regardless but I really hope there is some way to edit the equipment.
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I know Ryan Pretorius personally and I can tell you that he NEVER went to school in Colorado. He has only attend school in South Africa where he grew up. OSU is the only school in the U.S. that he has ever attended. He moved to Ohio from Denver, CO where he was residing at the time he was accepted to OSU. That is the only reason why they have Denver on the web site. Westville Boy's is a school in Durban, South Africa.

why did he come to the US in the first place though?
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Gameplay Movie

The Ohio State Buckeyes welcome the Purdue Boilermakers in this Big Ten showdown.

Watch It »

A few early losses in 2005 couldn't stop Ohio State from returning to prominence late in the year. Commanding wins over both Michigan State and Notre Dame proved that Jim Tressel's Buckeyes were back in winning form--and beating archrival Michigan didn't hurt either. This season, led by quarterback Troy Smith and wide receiver Ted Ginn Jr., the Buckeyes are a serious contender for a national championship, as evidenced by their number-one overall ranking in NCAA Football 07.

Anchoring a tough Ohio State defensive line will be senior Quinn Pitcock at defensive tackle.

Buckeyes Impact Players


Troy Smith
Quinn Pitcock
Ted Ginn Jr. QB
WR 95
93 2282 yds, 16 TD, 4 INT
14 tackles, 14 assists, 1 sack
803 yds, 4 TD
Stadium: Ohio Stadium (Toughest Place to Play Ranking: #2)
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I haven't tried that. I usually just play these games with the default controller settings.

Usually you can go and set the controls back to the previous years controls. To be honest I have no clue why they would switch on you, other than when they started using the hit stick instead of white button. Have you seen for sure whether you can edit equipment yet?
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...Have you seen for sure whether you can edit equipment yet?
I haven't found a way and from other sites that I've been to, noone else can either. It seems to be a general consensus (at least for now).

I did notice in the "online" menu that there was an area for "uniforms." This basically confirms a rumor that alternative uniforms were going to have to be purchased as an extra download from EA. I think it's ridiculous, so I am glad that Ohio State doesn't have alternative uniforms, since I won't spend money for a feature that used to be standard.
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I haven't found a way and from other sites that I've been to, noone else can either. It seems to be a general consensus (at least for now).

I did notice in the "online" menu that there was an area for "uniforms." This basically confirms a rumor that alternative uniforms were going to have to be purchased as an extra download from EA. I think it's ridiculous, so I am glad that Ohio State doesn't have alternative uniforms, since I won't spend money for a feature that used to be standard.

That is so stupid. You could always edit equipment and now for apparently no reason, you can't? Plus having to get a download for alternative jereys is a rip off as well. They still might have an alternative for OSU though just because of the new jerseys you might be able to download the old ones, which I wouldn't do but just a thought. I'm hoping they added some room for more players but it doesn't sound like it.
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I did notice in the "online" menu that there was an area for "uniforms." This basically confirms a rumor that alternative uniforms were going to have to be purchased as an extra download from EA. I think it's ridiculous, so I am glad that Ohio State doesn't have alternative uniforms, since I won't spend money for a feature that used to be standard.

Lol, they're going to milk Oregon fans for all they're worth. :biggrin:
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HOOOOLY SHIT, Here's my money play from hell:

Ohio State: 5 WR Shotgun Formation: QB Option with Slot Reciver

Put Ted Ginn Jr as the Slot Reciver (99 SPD!!) and two TEs as the WRs to block. Run that option with Troy Smith (89 SPD) and that's money just about everytime.

Good stuff.
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