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Official Cleveland Browns Draft Thread

Quinn: 'I'm the most prepared player for the NFL in the draft'

Posted by [URL="http://blog.cleveland.com/earlyedition/about.html"][EMAIL="[email protected]"]Mary Kay Cabot[/EMAIL][/URL]April 24, 2007 20:00PM

Categories: Sports
Mary Kay Cabot
Plain Dealer Reporter

Notre Dame quarterback Brady Quinn felt right at home when he visited the Browns in Berea two weeks ago.
Getty ImagesQuarterback Brady Quinn leads Notre Dame out of the tunnel before a game last season.
"It was almost surreal, walking through the halls and seeing pictures of players you grew up watching," he said. "Anytime you're trying to live your childhood dream, it's unbelievable to be right there with a chance it could happen."

Quinn, one of about five players the Browns might take Saturday with the No. 3 pick in the draft, grew up a Browns fan in Dublin, Ohio, just outside Columbus.
"In Columbus, you're either a Browns fan or a Bengals fan, and everyone in my family grew up watching the Browns," he said. "It's in my blood. I've been a fan since I was little."

Quinn emphasized that although he'd love to play for the Browns, he's not counting on it. He's also expressed a desire to be the No. 1 overall pick.
"You've got to be ready for anything," he said. "You don't want to gear up for something and then be disappointed."
Quinn, 6-3 , 230 pounds, said he met with all the important people during his visit, including general manager Phil Savage, coach Romeo Crennel, new offensive coordinator Rob Chudzinski and quarterbacks coach Rip Scherer.
"I just wish I would've had more time to spend there talking to everyone and seeing everything," he said. "The facilities are awesome and the people were great. I really liked coach Crennel."
He said he also liked what he heard from Chudzinski.
"I don't know exactly the type of offense he'll run, but he said he'll utilize the strengths of his players," said Quinn


My first impression was honestly what is he going to say...no I'm not ready for the NFL. Still all in all it is a pretty decent article but I stand by my opinion....DON'T DRAFT THE QUINNSTER!
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Quinn to Browns, cornerback to Bengals?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The experts have spoken: Defense for the Cincinnati Bengals and offense for the Cleveland Browns in the first round of the NFL draft on Saturday.
Of 10 Web sites surveyed by the Dayton Daily News, five have the Browns selecting Notre Dame quarterback Brady Quinn No. 3 overall. Two sites pick Oklahoma tailback Adrian Peterson. Two others like Wisconsin left tackle Joe Thomas. And one dissenter favors LSU quarterback JaMarcus Russell.

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Bowe sees NFL Draft stock rise

Laser eye surgery helps LSU receiver gain focus

By Marla Ridenour

Beacon Journal sportswriter

Not long after LSU receiver Dwayne Bowe finds his NFL home, his agent might be scanning the Yellow Pages for laser eye surgery centers.
Not because Bowe needs the procedure, but because it helped elevate him into a possible first-round pick, and he would seem to be the perfect pitchman.
Until last July, Bowe struggled to play football wearing contacts. He was known for being fearless going across the middle, but the hard hits that he absorbed often jarred the lenses loose. Until he could get to the sideline, he couldn't see the ball.

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Don't throw dice for another QB

Wednesday, April 25, 2007Bud Shaw
Plain Dealer Columnist
Acceptance for drafting Brady Quinn is a matter of how you weigh it.
Quinn or Adrian Peterson? Pe terson in a landslide.
Quinn or Joe Thomas? Thomas by a nose.

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Savage selections have been on par with AFC North
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
By Steve Doerschuk

BEREA Saturday's draft promises fireworks. Phil Savage doesn't quite promise the grand finale will be Super Bowl XLII.

In time, Savage's Browns will be tougher than a tag team of The Terminator, Rambo, Chuck Norris and Vin Diesel.

Someday. Maybe.

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jlb1705;821574; said:
Buckeyedynasty;820776; said:
Quinn: 'I'm the most prepared player for the NFL in the draft'
Most prepared? I guess Charlie taught him how to hold a clipboard.

Exactly! The most prepared, if you are talking about the most likely to have already peaked, therefore prepared to underachieve!

I dealt with not having the Browns during the 4 years I was in HS. Such an age that you form many habits that will never go away. I stayed with a team that didn't even exist, and cried like a little girl when the Browns came back. Blood, sweat, tears, no team,...any fan of any other team, you have no idea....and I don't recommend trying it. Moving on....

If the Cleveland Browns select Brady Quinn with the 3rd pick in the NFL Draft this Saturday, then I guess I just don't know...
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If the Browns draft Quinn, I'll at least have a reason to turn off the draft and get some studying done.

Please, just pick one of Johnson, Thomas, Peterson. I'll be happy with anyone from that group. Just one of them pleeeeeeeease.
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Napoleonbuck;821613; said:
If the Browns draft Quinn, I'll at least have a reason to turn off the draft and get some studying done.

Please, just pick one of Johnson, Thomas, Peterson. I'll be happy with anyone from that group. Just one of them pleeeeeeeease.

Two schools of thought:

1) If the Browns draft Quinn, we will need to fill every other spot we could have filled with the Quinn pick, and therefore, the draft becomes worth watching...although depressing...

2) If the Browns don't draft Quinn, it appears we have adjusted to making smart decisions, and therefore, the draft becomes worth watching...C's get degrees, I'm just sayin...
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I feel like such a bandwagoner even saying this, but if they draft Brady Quinn.....I quit.......I just can't support a local that has selected Kellen Winslow after his diatribe after the fiesta bowl, Braylon Edwards (a cocky UM grad who has skills, except he cant catch), and bring in a drug investor (Jamal Lewis). I understand the NFL is all about trying to put a winning franchise out on the field, but for the love of God, can we ever get a big-name that would be fun to get behind? If we're going to take Quinn at 3, the thing that disappoints me most is that people were saying Troy was a way better quarterback than Brady before the NC game. I really think can Troy is as good as Brady if not better, and we can get Troy in the 3rd-4th round.....theres ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO PICK A QB AT #3......again, I'm quitting if they take Brady, and I really hope the stands are half full if we suck mid-way through the year next season
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