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Official Cleveland Browns Draft Thread


Thomas in lineup might boost line up

Sunday, April 22, 2007 Mary Kay Cabot
Plain Dealer Reporter
Wisconsin premier left tackle Joe Thomas said last week that he'd be "ecstatic" if the Browns selected him with the No. 3 overall pick in the draft.
"It's a great organization and great city, and I think I'd be a good fit in Cleveland," Thomas said by phone from Wisconsin. "My dad's side of the family is from Toledo and we'd go out to Findlay for family reunions. I also got a chance to play in [Cleveland] Browns Stadium last year against Bowling Green and I loved it."

What he hasn't experienced firsthand about Cleveland, he's heard about from Wisconsin offensive line coach Bob Palcic - the Browns' offensive line coach in 1999.
"Coach Palcic has told me great things about the city, the organization and about how similar it is to Wisconsin," said Thomas, who visited Berea on Monday. "He's told me about how great the fans are and how they live and die Cleveland Browns football, just like [Green Bay] Packers fans do."

When Browns General Manager Phil Savage rattled off the top five players the Browns are considering drafting during a Browns Backers event last week, Thomas received the loudest cheers. That night, Savage said, "Joe Thomas might not be the sexiest pick, but he might be the wisest choice for the Browns at this time."

At Savage's pre-draft news conference Tuesday, he said he was impressed with Thomas during the lineman's visit to the Browns' facility. Savage also hinted that he thinks Thomas will be available when he polled beat writers about who they'd select if LSU quarterback JaMarcus Russell and Georgia Tech receiver Calvin Johnson were off the board.

"The thing that you like about Joe is that he was a very matter-of-fact player when he was here for his visit," Savage said. "I'm not so sure that it matters to him where he goes, but he feels like he'll play 10 years wherever he goes. That's the mentality you want for these players."
Savage said Thomas is probably not as athletic as Baltimore Ravens Pro Bowl left tackle Jonathan Ogden, "but I think Joe is going to be a very good player. He has the size [6-6, 311), and the further he's gotten away from the ACL [knee injury in 2005], the stronger he's been."

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osugrad21;818849; said:

Browns draft: Northcutt's departure leaves small void to fill
Monday, April 23, 2007
By Steve Doerschuk
repository sports writer

BEREA Pardon Browns fans for thinking of Dennis Northcutt when they see a Butterfinger bar on the candy rack.

Northcutt slipped off the wide receiver map during a drop-laden 2006 season. He took a page from The Drive and The Fumble when he made the drop that cost the Browns a win at Pittsburgh in the 2002 playoffs.

Losing him to Jacksonville hardly forces the Browns to make a dramatic draft move. It does force them to tweak their draft thinking.

They need a punt returner. In theory, with an improved defense forcing more punts, they need one more than ever.


The worst thing about the article may be the update they have about winslow.

Crennel seems enthused by tight end Kellen Winslow Jr.'s recovery from microfracture knee surgery.

"We expect he will be back and ready to go,'' Crennel said. "It might not be until training camp until he's at full speed. But he's around, and he's doing pretty good.''

Crennel said Winslow isn't running yet, but ...

"He's lifting. He's rehabbing his knee. He's in a good frame of mind.''

I sure hope he gets healthy soon.
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Browns keep an eye on alternative players for offensive lineman

By Marla Ridenour

Beacon Journal sportswriter

If Browns General Manager Phil Savage wants an offensive lineman with the 36th overall pick, Central Michigan tackle Joe Staley and Auburn guard Ben Grubbs might top his wish list.
Both could be gone before the Browns choose fourth in the second round, however, so NFL Network draft analyst Mike Mayock has offered two alternatives: Arron Sears of Tennessee or Justin Blalock of Texas, former college tackles who ``are expected to kick inside and start immediately at guard.''

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Morning Journal

Johnson would be hot commodity for Savage Jeff Schudel, Morning Journal Writer


BEREA -- If Oakland takes JaMarcus Russell with the first pick in the draft Saturday and the Lions take Joe Thomas instead of trading the second pick, feel free to jog around the block a couple times, because it is a safe bet the Browns will use their allotted 15 minutes before drafting third.

In the above scenario Georgia Tech wide receiver Calvin Johnson will still be available when the Browns are on the clock, and that could make things very interesting. Browns general manager Phil Savage would suddenly become the best friend of every G.M. in the league looking to move up for Johnson, regarded by many as the best player in the draft.

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Browns: Still looking for a franchise QB
The draft could offer the Browns an opportunity to fill a hole that has plagued the team since its return to the NFL. But will they take the risk?
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 3:34 AM
By James Walker


BEREA, Ohio -- When it comes to quarterbacks, the Cleveland Browns have rotated more doors than Clark Kent.
Tim Couch? Nope.
Kelly Holcomb? Next.
Jeff Garcia? One and done.
Trent Dilfer? You get the picture.
Most recently Charlie Frye was the guy. This year, it's wait and see.

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If Calvin Johnson is available I wouldn't take anyone other than him with the 3rd pick. There are so many teams that want CJ that they should be able to get a pretty good trade down deal for him if they want to do that. If not they are stuck with the best player in the draft. If they do trade down I would be happy with Thomas or AD.
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The best move the Browns could make is trade down. They need a lot of help, but I doubt that they will. I could live with CJ or Thomas. The Browns need to build the O-line thru the draft, not FA pickups. The secondary is also thin. I just don't think you can evaluate a QB like Frye with such a bad supporting cast. Give him another year and build the O-line. They have to fix the O-line anyway. In any case, the Browns will be bad for another 2 years regardless of who they draft so why rush to get Quinn. Guys like Quinn are available in any draft.
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Cornerback6;819763; said:
My how Peterson's name has slipped out of this thread fast.

If CJ and Russell are taken it would be a tossup between Thomas and Peterson for me. I might lean toward Thomas just because I think you can get a decent RB in the 2nd or 3rd. If the draft goes Russell, Thomas, and TB trades up to 3 and takes CJ. I would take Peterson to the Browns.
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The browns have taken the last decade to completely waste their draft picks. If they pick Quinn or a WR, then they continue to fail. If they choose Peterson (or trade down) then maybe they've started to turn it around. Although a blind squirrel does find a nut every once in awhile.
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cincibuck;819101; said:
I think the Browns should go for a general manager in the first round and a couple of coaches in the second and third, oh and be sure and draft a couple of self-centered assholes along the way.

:lol: . In all seriousness (and I'm not even a Browns fan), I'd like to see them have a decent draft this year. IMO, they Thomas or Peterson and not Quinn.
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Unfortunatly I have a double-header for baseball Saturday so I will not get to see who the Browns choose live... but the pick has to be Peterson. This guy has stud written all over him. Forget the injury problems, IMO those were freak things. We cannot pass on a great back again (LT before). Please Phil, be smart and pick Peterson and not Quinn
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The OK corral?

The Browns have a chance to snag their first elite runner since their return in 1999, and Oklahoma's Adrian Peterson says he is fine with that
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 Mary Kay Cabot
Plain Dealer Reporter
Adrian Peterson's only regret about his visit to Cleveland last week was that Hall of Fame running back Jim Brown, a team consultant, wasn't in town.
"He's been my idol since junior high," Peterson said in a phone interview. "It would be amazing if I got to go to Cleveland and do some of the things Jim Brown did."
Peterson, the running back from Oklahoma, also shared a secret that would make him a natural here.

"Up until fifth grade, my name was Adrian Brown," he said. "After that, I took my dad's last name. Jim Brown and Adrian Brown? If the Browns draft me, maybe I'll change it to Adrian Brown Peterson."
Of the teams in the top six spots in the NFL draft, Peterson prefers the Browns, who are considering selecting him at No. 3.
"I think it'd be a great fit," he said. "During my visit, I got the feeling that they're very interested. I know they could also pick [Notre Dame quarterback] Brady Quinn or someone, but I'd love to play in the Dawg Pound and help turn the team around."
Peterson, 6-1?, 217, said he met with the Browns' top brass, including coach Romeo Crennel, General Manager Phil Savage and owner Randy Lerner.

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