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Official Cleveland Browns Draft Thread

BuckeyeMike80;816722; said:
If you watched SportsCenter this afternoon, supposedly the Raiders are indeed considering drafting Calvin Johnson....
Well Calvin likes his weed. :biggrin:

Apr 19, 8:04 PM EDT

Report: Top NFL Prospects Admit Drug Use
Top NFL prospects Calvin Johnson, Gaines Adams and Amobi Okoye reportedly admitted to marijuana use during interviews with teams in February.
Football Weekly, citing anonymous sources, reported the three players, all expected to go early in the April 28 draft, made the admissions at the NFL combine during routine interviews.
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SparkyOSU;816364; said:
I just don't believe in Baby Quinn.

I agree Ap is a reach at 3, but he IS GOOD.

I dont want to use #3 at lineman. Johnson is who I want just to get the best player PERIOD. But I understand he will not be the player he can be while getting wobbly passes from a just flattened QB.


Look, Thomas is the best o-lineman in this draft, but he is not worthy of the money that comes with being the #3 pick. He is not an Orlando Pace!

Drafting AP would be fine with me, but drafting Johnson is what I really want. Johnson put up damn good numbers at GTech playing with a below average (being kind here) QB.

I would also be fine with a trade down as I think most would be as well. But my preference is grabbing CJ if he is there, getting a CB in Round 2, then address the o-line.
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Quinn is not in the cards. They will not draft another QB in the first and that coupled with Romeo being under the gun. Besides Quinn is too much of a stretch for a 3rd pick and considering the Browns have pissed away almost every 1st pick they've had. If Savage insists and he doesn't work out then he has the same problem Romeo has.

It's not going to happen folks and I'll put a dollar to everyones donut.
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Bleed S & G;816413; said:
I guess this is it? I mean.. really though you did.. you made 3 ROFL faces to your own joke.. not to mention how many people opn here didn't attend tOSU and still claim to be Buckeyes.. didn't no memebers of the Browns organazation are the only ones allowed to claim the title a "Brown"

Again incoherent. It's hard to harass someone for laughing at "their own joke" when you are quoting your own posts and abusing the English Language. Seriously, the little red lines under the words, that's there to help you.
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SparkyOSU;816360; said:
By the way, fark this asshole


Looks like Brady already is. :ohwell:
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Browns seek best - for them

Savage looks to fit player to team's needs
Friday, April 20, 2007 Tony Grossi
Plain Dealer Reporter
The internal debate in NFL draft rooms used to be whether you pick the best available athlete when your turn is up or reach to fill team needs.
The Browns under General Manager Phil Savage have merged the two philosophies.
"The phrase we operate under is best available player for the Browns,' " Savage said this week. "That's the theme in the building of our draft board from the first time we met in December to last week.

Each team has its individual order and we try to do what is best for the Browns."
So, while Georgia Tech receiver Calvin Johnson may be the top player on most teams' draft boards, he may not be as high on the Browns' board. Similarly, the Browns may rank a hybrid defensive end/linebacker higher on their board than a team that plays a conventional 4-3 defense.


Decent article but not any big breaking news story. Article contains a quick analysis of positions and team needs. I just hope they take Calvin Johnson or trade down to get more good 1st or multiple 2nd round picks.
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More on the Browns and CJ.
A cut above

Saturday, April 21, 2007 Mary Kay Cabot
Plain Dealer Reporter
Georgia Tech receiver Calvin Johnson has so much superstar potential that even his admis sion that he tried marijuana in college won't affect his draft status.
One NFL personnel man said that Johnson's honesty was refreshing and that it didn't change his lofty perch on their draft board. Most teams - as many as 25, according to nfldraftscout.com's Rob Rang - have Johnson ranked as the No. 1 player in the draft.
"I doubt it will have any effect whatsoever," said Georgia Tech head coach Chan Gailey in a conference call on Thursday.

"I think he's a great young man who probably did it one time to see what it was like and told the truth. I don't think it's an issue with him."
Johnson, who visited the Browns on Wednesday, was one of three potential top 10 picks who made the marijuana admission to teams, according to Pro Football Weekly. The others were Clemson defensive end Gaines Adams and Louisville defensive tackle Amobi Okoye.
One NFL source said he was disappointed that the news was leaked because players are assured their answers are confidential. But lying isn't in Johnson's near-flawless makeup. Besides, none of the three players tested positive for marijuana at the NFL Combine in February, according to ESPN.
"I never saw anything that would indicate that [he tested positive in college]," Gailey said.
Gailey and Georgia Tech receiver coach Buddy Geis had nothing but praise for Johnson during phone interviews last week.
"I've coached for 33 years and I've never had one like him," said Gailey, who coached the Dallas Cowboys while Michael Irvin played there. "He's the best I've ever seen and has the potential to be the best receiver that's ever played the game."


Say what you want but I would love to see CJ in a Browns uniform. The kid is flat out special.
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Picking winner isn't easy

Nothing is guaranteed for Browns in NFL Draft

By Patrick McManamon, Beacon Journal sportswriter

Think of the top five picks of recent NFL Drafts and the names Peyton Manning, Carson Palmer and LaDainian Tomlinson come to mind.
It's just as easy to think of Robert Gallery, Ryan Leaf and Akili Smith -- all top-five busts.
To some, picking in the top five is cherry-picking.
``I'd like to be first to go, know what I mean?'' Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach Jon Gruden said. ``You want Vince Young or Mario Williams or Reggie Bush?''
Gruden mentioned the three consensus top picks from last year's draft. This year, there are five standout players -- and Gruden's Buccaneers will pick one.
But few in the league think that picking high is easy. Many, in fact, consider it more difficult than picking later.

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Browns draft: Northcutt's departure leaves small void to fill
Monday, April 23, 2007
By Steve Doerschuk
repository sports writer

BEREA Pardon Browns fans for thinking of Dennis Northcutt when they see a Butterfinger bar on the candy rack.

Northcutt slipped off the wide receiver map during a drop-laden 2006 season. He took a page from The Drive and The Fumble when he made the drop that cost the Browns a win at Pittsburgh in the 2002 playoffs.

Losing him to Jacksonville hardly forces the Browns to make a dramatic draft move. It does force them to tweak their draft thinking.

They need a punt returner. In theory, with an improved defense forcing more punts, they need one more than ever.

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I think the Browns should go for a general manager in the first round and a couple of coaches in the second and third, oh and be sure and draft a couple of self-centered assholes along the way.

I didn't think anyone could draft worse than the Bengals, but then the Browns came back into exsistence.

Whose in charge up there, Dennis Kucinich?
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