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Official Cleveland Browns Draft Thread

On the Herd yesterday, during spanning the globe they said that there were many Browns fans pleading to not get Quinn and the office was leaning towards Thomas, AP or Johnson. Plus a possible trade down for some 'mature' o-lineman.

Also noted was the disgruntled fans in the thought that drafting Quinn is throwing away another 3 years and admitting the team can't win with the current lineup.

I agree, I think we need just one more playmaker and decent line play to put us over the top. I want AP, but fear for his health behind the current line. I want Johnson, but he wont be a star with ANY qb behind the same o-line play from last year....
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SparkyOSU;816348; said:
'mature' o-lineman.
Uggh. Lilfhunter.com so hot right now.
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I hardly ever post in this thread even though I do have some thoughts but I would like to say for those of you who are saying if we draft x player you will no longer be a Cleveland Browns fan. I went to my first Browns game in the mid-50s and I was fortunate enough to see in person guys like Otto Graham, Len Ford, Dub Jones, etc. I care who the Browns draft but if they don't draft a player who I would like to see them draft I will never say that I will not be a Cleveland Browns fan. That is just absolutely insane for me even to think that.

Also, after much consideration I would like to see the Browns draft Quinn even though I hate Notre Dame. I think at pick #3 you have to go with the player who is going to give you the most value for that spot and the guy who might take the team to a Super Bowl is the next decade.
Frye is certainly not that guy. I do not think Peterson is that good of an RB to take at the #3 slot but if they do take him or even Thomas I will not say that I will never be a Browns fan after the selection is made.
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LitlBuck;816359; said:
I hardly ever post in this thread even though I do have some thoughts but I would like to say for those of you who are saying if we draft x player you will no longer be a Cleveland Browns fan. I went to my first Browns game in the mid-50s and I was fortunate enough to see in person guys like Otto Graham, Len Ford, Dub Jones, etc. I care who the Browns draft but if they don't draft a player who I would like to see them draft I will never say that I will not be a Cleveland Browns fan. That is just absolutely insane for me even to think that.

Also, after much consideration I would like to see the Browns draft Quinn even though I hate Notre Dame. I think at pick #3 you have to go with the player who is going to give you the most value for that spot and the guy who might take the team to a Super Bowl is the next decade.
Frye is certainly not that guy. I do not think Peterson is that good of an RB to take at the #3 slot but if they do take him or even Thomas I will not say that I will never be a Browns fan after the selection is made.

I just don't believe in Baby Quinn.

I agree Ap is a reach at 3, but he IS GOOD.

I dont want to use #3 at lineman. Johnson is who I want just to get the best player PERIOD. But I understand he will not be the player he can be while getting wobbly passes from a just flattened QB.
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SparkyOSU;816364; said:
I just don't believe in Baby Quinn.

I agree Ap is a reach at 3, but he IS GOOD.

I dont want to use #3 at lineman. Johnson is who I want just to get the best player PERIOD. But I understand he will not be the player he can be while getting wobbly passes from a just flattened QB.
I agree, unless we were getting Orlando Pace at #3.

Johnson is the best player in the entire draft, him at 3 would be great. Juervicious is getting elderly too.

Calvin, Jamarcus, Adrian are my top 3 for the browns. which i play on.
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Bleed S & G;816371; said:
I agree, unless we were getting Orlando Pace at #3.

Johnson is the best player in the entire draft, him at 3 would be great. Juervicious is getting elderly too.

Calvin, Jamarcus, Adrian are my top 3 for the browns. which i play on.

MODS!!!! We need a split off, Bleed S&G is becoming incoherent again!!! :)
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Bleed S & G;816333; said:
Your kidding right? Let me ask you this, what do you mean by calling me donny.. im being serious. You don't even no what "Is that you Donny" is supposed to mean..

You're right, because no one around here knows (notice not using nos) what people are referring to with Donny. What you said before sounded like something that would come from a djtidebuck response. And I was being serious too. Thanks for all the comedy this afternoon. :lol:
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ysubuck;816337; said:
I've got a horrible feeling that Quinn is going to be a Brown come next Saturday as well.

So we'll really never know what kind of pro Brady will be because his career will be over in 2-3 years.

Relax, it's probably just indigestion. I don't see the Browns taking him.
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AP is still my top choice. I think Cleveland needs to be a dominant running team and I'd take the gamble that he is the next LT2.

As for Quinn, I'm no fan of drafting him. I'm just not impressed with the kid. Maybe he's the next Manning, but I'm betting it is more Eli than Peyton. I still contend that if they are hell bent on taking him, then they need to trade down. I can't see anyone before Miami taking him. If the Browns do take Quinn, I'm not in the group that is going to go diving off a cliff. At least he is an Ohio kid and wants to play for the Browns. Last time they drafted a kid like that, his name was Kosar... that worked out pretty well and he played for another team I hate. As long as he doesn't wear #19, I guess I'll be OK with him.
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