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Official Cleveland Browns Draft Thread

Tony Rizzo reported on his sports talk show today that he heard from his sources that Phil is in love with Russel. He said that he might even be willing to trade up to get him. Plus he said if they can't work that out that the browns are going to want to try to move down and still grab Quinn. Hopefully this is nothing more than a smokescreen but we'll just have to see.
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I thought Oakland would make a terrible decision taking Russell, given his raw skills & their extensive needs across the board. But Cleveland trading away talent and/or picks to take Russell would be even more disastrous short-term, imo.
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Bucks21;805254; said:
Tony Rizzo reported on his sports talk show today that he heard from his sources that Phil is in love with Russel. He said that he might even be willing to trade up to get him. Plus he said if they can't work that out that the browns are going to want to try to move down and still grab Quinn. Hopefully this is nothing more than a smokescreen but we'll just have to see.

rizzo is a dumbass when it comes to the draft. it's all just speculation, mostly created by rizzo himself.
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Top prospect gets A++

Calvin Johnson could be next big NFL receiver

By Marla Ridenour

Beacon Journal sportswriter

ATLANTA - Georgia Tech coach Chan Gailey has worked with some elite players in his 33 years in football, 16 in the pros.
But when asked whose class he would put Yellow Jackets junior receiver Calvin Johnson in, Gailey whispered like someone would think it was heresy.
``Elway,'' he said.
Analysts rate Johnson, 6-foot-5 and 239 pounds, as the top player in the April 28 NFL Draft. He might not go first overall, with the Oakland Raiders considering LSU quarterback JaMarcus Russell. But Johnson is so good that the Detroit Lions, who hold the No. 2 pick, might be toying with the idea of taking him even though they have selected receivers in the first round in three of the past four drafts.
If Johnson lands in the Browns' laps at No. 3, they might be besieged with trade offers. Or General Manager Phil Savage might decide to grab Johnson himself and make him his No. 1 receiver alongside Braylon Edwards and tight end Kellen Winslow. Offseason microfracture surgery on Winslow's knee, which could jeopardize his 2007 season, might make that scenario more likely.

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osugrad21;806850; said:

Top prospect gets A++

Calvin Johnson could be next big NFL receiver

By Marla Ridenour

Beacon Journal sportswriter

ATLANTA - Georgia Tech coach Chan Gailey has worked with some elite players in his 33 years in football, 16 in the pros.
But when asked whose class he would put Yellow Jackets junior receiver Calvin Johnson in, Gailey whispered like someone would think it was heresy.
``Elway,'' he said.
Analysts rate Johnson, 6-foot-5 and 239 pounds, as the top player in the April 28 NFL Draft. He might not go first overall, with the Oakland Raiders considering LSU quarterback JaMarcus Russell. But Johnson is so good that the Detroit Lions, who hold the No. 2 pick, might be toying with the idea of taking him even though they have selected receivers in the first round in three of the past four drafts.
If Johnson lands in the Browns' laps at No. 3, they might be besieged with trade offers. Or General Manager Phil Savage might decide to grab Johnson himself and make him his No. 1 receiver alongside Braylon Edwards and tight end Kellen Winslow. Offseason microfracture surgery on Winslow's knee, which could jeopardize his 2007 season, might make that scenario more likely.


Can't argue with picking Johnson if they are going with the best player available strategy... he is head and sholuders above everyone else the best player in this draft
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If they traded down and got Quinn, that might not be a bad move, but if we remain in our current spot, we have to take Johnson(assuming he isn't taken already), Peterson, or maybe Thomas.

I'll be incredibly disappointed if we use our current pick on either Quinn or Russell.
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Familiar name is in the running

Sunday, April 08, 2007Tony Grossi
Plain Dealer Reporter
Greg Pruitt was a multiple offensive threat for the Browns from 1973 to 1981. He ranks fourth on the Browns' all-time list in rushing, third in receiving and third in combined yards. He is the franchise leader in career punt and kickoff return average.
So looking for the next Greg Pruitt would be a good thing.
Well, the next Greg Pruitt will work out for the Browns on Saturday. His name is Greg Pruitt Jr.

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Drafting Georgia Tech receiver Johnson presents a complex issue for Savage
Monday, April 9, 2007
By Steve Doerschuk

BEREA Might Phil Savage spend the Browns' No. 3 overall pick on Georgia Tech wide receiver Calvin Johnson?

He wants you to think so.

Drafting a quarterback is possible, but if the team goes "another direction," Savage said in a radio interview, options include "offensive line (Joe Thomas), running back (Adrian Peterson), receiver (Johnson) and what have you (whatever that means)."

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I listened to Merrill Hoge the other day talk about both Russell and Quinn and he stated that it is "laughable" that Quinn and Russell are even being compared (as in there is no comparison: Russell is special, there will be another Brady Quinn available next year).

He went on to say that with all the tape he has seen of Brady Quinn, he would have a hard time even drafting him in the second round. Questioned his intangibles and his accuracy.

Now this could have been Hoge trying to stir the pot, but I'm not sure what he has to gain by that. I just found it interesting that this guy (who knows the game) is seeing this when nobody else seems willing to put that out there.

By the way, I completely agree with him. If the Browns use the number 3 on Quinn it tells me that they aren't interested in winning any time in the near future.
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Merrill Hodge is a concussed madman, but in this instance I agreed with him...in a interview I heard, he believes Peterson is the best player in the draft and should go #1......he also stated Quinn was WAYYYY overhyped
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