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Official Cleveland Browns Draft Thread


Raiders and Lions play coy

Browns aren't sure who will be selected at top of NFL Draft

By Patrick McManamon

Beacon Journal sportswriter

PHOENIX - The Detroit Lions have been busy the past couple of weeks.
``We're getting a lot of calls,'' coach Rod Marinelli said Wednesday at the NFL's annual meetings.
The calls are coming from other NFL teams interested in seeing what it might take for the Lions to give up the second pick in the NFL Draft.
``Everybody's fishing,'' Marinelli said.

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Russell a possible passing fancy

Browns would have to make deal to land LSU star
Thursday, March 29, 2007 Tony Grossi
Plain Dealer Reporter
Phoenix- Could LSU quarterback JaMarcus Russell fall within the grasp of the Browns, after all?
By the end of the NFL owners meetings here this week, there was enough hearsay, innuendo and cocktail party conversation to suggest the possibility has at least improved from remote to slight.
Some national mock drafts are identifying the Browns as the most likely team other than Oakland to end up with Russell on April 28.

Savage might actually have a shot at the guy he wants in Russell. The article says that the only way Russell falls to us is if Oakland takes CJ. Overall though the article is nothing that is totally ground breaking news.
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JCOSU86;799281; said:
Russell and Adams are the two guys I DON'T want the most. Russell has bust written all over him and Adams is another lazy scUMmer who takes plays off.



honestly, having had some time to back off both this thread and the debate over it altogether, the best option for the Browns is to trade down within the first round for a player or picks.

Short of that, I'd go with picking to strengthen the lines.
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JCOSU86;799281; said:
Russell and Adams are the two guys I DON'T want the most. Russell has bust written all over him and Adams is another lazy scUMmer who takes plays off.


You don't think BQ has the bust possibility as well? I actually think there is less of a chance of Russell being a bust. He has so much raw talent and strength. He looks like Vince with a stronger arm. To tell you the truth I am not completely sold on either, but would much rather have JR than BQ. I would like to see them either trade down or take Joe Thomas. I am just a huge advocate of putting a dominant line together here in C-Town. I would even advocate them taking Staley in the 2nd Round if he is still there even after taking Thomas at 3. Even if they both play LT, I would think Staley could move over to the right. Just think how sick of an OL we would have? Staley on the Right, Thomas on the Left and Steinbach playing Guard?? And think if LeChuck gets healthy at C?? Holy shit......that is a beautiful dream.
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I dont think svage will take joe thomas.. he's said before draft skill build line with free agency.. and up to this point he's built the line with the free agency so i see him taking skill with the #3 pick. Im not big on Joe Thomas.. but he's not like a BQ pick, much more appealing
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Big Papa;799295; said:
You don't think BQ has the bust possibility as well?

To be honest with you, no I don't. I detest the domers as much if not more than the next Buckeye, but I think he has the tools and the experience to do it. That being said, everything argument brought up against Quinn is legit. But who the hell knows? I lost faith in the "can't miss" prospects with Courtney Brown.
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JCOSU86;799324; said:
I lost faith in the "can't miss" prospects with Courtney Brown.
There's no such thing as a "can't miss" once their name is uttered in the same breath as the Browns. Brown was just another example of the Cleveland curse. He had a pretty decent rookie year, and I can remember the first couple games after he came back from injury in 2001, he was borderline dominant...particularly in the heartbreaker against the Bears. Injuries just derailed him. Sound familiar?

As far as the draft, I'm going to be trumpeting Peterson until we make the pick. He's a special back, the type that only comes along once every 5-10 years, the type you build an offense around. As for the rest, I don't think Thomas is worth #3 overall, especially when you may have skill position players like AP and CJ still on the board. I think Russell is more likely to be a bust than Quinn, but has a higher ceiling, and no offense, but the Vince Young comparison is way off. To me, if there is anybody currently in the NFL that he compares to, it would be Daunte Culpepper. I really think Quinn could be a solid pro given the right situation, I just don't see him being a consistent pro bowler, or a "franchise QB".

In short, draft Peterson or trade down and stockpile additional picks. I'm growing soooooo tired of rebuilding.
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NFBuck;799524; said:
There's no such thing as a "can't miss" once their name is uttered in the same breath as the Browns. Brown was just another example of the Cleveland curse. He had a pretty decent rookie year, and I can remember the first couple games after he came back from injury in 2001, he was borderline dominant...particularly in the heartbreaker against the Bears. Injuries just derailed him. Sound familiar?

As far as the draft, I'm going to be trumpeting Peterson until we make the pick. He's a special back, the type that only comes along once every 5-10 years, the type you build an offense around. As for the rest, I don't think Thomas is worth #3 overall, especially when you may have skill position players like AP and CJ still on the board. I think Russell is more likely to be a bust than Quinn, but has a higher ceiling, and no offense, but the Vince Young comparison is way off. To me, if there is anybody currently in the NFL that he compares to, it would be Daunte Culpepper. I really think Quinn could be a solid pro given the right situation, I just don't see him being a consistent pro bowler, or a "franchise QB".

In short, draft Peterson or trade down and stockpile additional picks. I'm growing soooooo tired of rebuilding.

True. Peterson comes "pre-injured" so that when his career ends on the first day of training camp we won't be TOO surprised.
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`Best available' could be Calvin Johnson

Talented wide receiver might challenge Browns with third pick in draft

By Patrick McManamon

Beacon Journal sportswriter

PHOENIX - Coach Romeo Crennel summed up his attitude toward the Browns' draft -- to any Browns draft -- very simply:
``You should always take the best player available,'' he said last week at the NFL's annual meetings.
``The only question becomes if there's a couple (of players) you might be interested in, if they're equal or their value is equal, then you choose the one that is best for your team,'' Crennel said.
And if they're not equal?

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